John B. is joined by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Show highlights include: (1) Dr. Roberts goes into a thorough discussion about neocons, their history, just who they they are loyal to - and their disastrous effects upon world politics and international relations. (2) PCR calls Susan Rice a 'stupid bitch' and Samantha Powers a 'dangerous maniac' - lol and lol
officials in the US and Europe often accuse Russia of targeting moderate
opposition in its counterterrorism operation in Syria but no one has
clearly explained who the Free Syrian Army is, where it is located or
what it wants.
The FSA is as elusive as a proverbial black cat in a dark room… not only
for outsiders and experts but for its own members as well. And here is
why. ***Read full article and hear audio here***
Many people have their own theory about the way the world should work,
but few combine it with action. Today on The Corbett Report we explore
the writings of Samuel Konkin, and how his central idea, agorism,
combines the theory and practice of freedom through counter-economic
action. Agora! Anarchy! Action!