December 10, 2015

Iraq Seeks To Cancel Security Agreement With US, Will Invite Russia To Fight ISIS

Most Iraqis, be they civilians, military personnel, or government officials, do not trust Americans.
At a base level, that makes all kinds of sense. After all, the US did launch what amounted to a unilateral invasion of the country just a little over a decade ago, and when it was all said and done, a dictator was deposed but it’s not entirely clear that Iraqis are better off for it.
ISIS controls key cities including the Mosul, the country’s second largest, and security is a daily concern for the populace. The Americans are still seen - rightly - as occupiers, and Washington’s unwillingness inability to effectively counter ISIS has created a culture of suspicion in which most Iraqis believe the US is in cahoots with the militants for what WaPo described as “a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.”
***Read full article here***

NATO is No Better Than Turkey

The obvious role of Turkey in the smuggling and selling of Syrian and Iraqi stolen oil is no longer questioned by anyone. The Russian Ministry of Defense has already presented the international community with satellite and drone imagery of hundreds and hundreds of oil trucks heading to Turkey across ISIL-controlled territory to reach their destination at Turkish refineries and ports controlled by Erdogan’s family.
This information is confirmed by a study by two professors of the University of Greenwich, George Kiourktsoglou and Alec Coutroubis, tittled “ISIS Gateway To Global Crude Oil Markets”. Those two gentlemen established the route of stolen oil across Turkey to foreign markets. There’s not a glimpse of a chance that the ruling elites of Great Britain, Turkey, the United States and other NATO countries were not informed about such facts. Especially because, according to the conclusion of the above mentioned British professors, the caravans with stolen oil were reaching their destination at the Turkish port of Ceyhan, located an hour’s drive from the US military base at Incirlik. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the oil stolen by the Islamic State was supplied to numerous NATO allies, argues OpEd News.

December 09, 2015

Sabbath mode

Sabbath mode, also known as Shabbos mode (Ashkenazi pronunciation) or Shabbat mode, is a feature in many modern home appliances, including ovens and refrigerators, which is intended to allow the appliances to be used (subject to various constraints) by Shabbat-observant Jews on the Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The mode usually overrides the usual, everyday operation of the electrical appliance and makes the operation of the appliance comply with the rules of Halakha (Jewish law).

Read more here

Donald Trump Wants Bill Gates to "Close That Internet Up" Exposed (Redsilverj)

Radio Wehrwolf News Hour 12/8/2015

San Bernardino shooting, Muslims, Huma Abedin, Trump, and more


The Debate - Iraq-Turkey Tensions (Dec 9th)
*‘US, NATO testing Russia's patience’
*Tracking ISIS to DC’s Doorsteps

America’s Creeping War in Syria

By 2011, with Libya already decimated by NATO-backed extremists, the US State Department was busy transferring weapons and terrorists from Benghazi and Eastern Europe to Turkey where they would be staged, armed, trained, and sent in to invade Syria.
As the Syrian government confounded the US’ proxy war, at various stages attempts were made for a more direct intervention – again, just like in Libya. However, attempts to create a “safe zone” in northern Syria or otherwise carry out strikes on the Syrian military itself were blocked by both the realities on the ground and the support of Syria’s allies – Russia, China, and Iran.
When Russia entered the conflict, the calculus changed dramatically. The prospects of direct intervention by the West against the Syrian government all but dimmed entirely, and what was exposed as a feigned US “fight” with the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS) gave way to a very real Russian-led war on the terrorist group and its affiliates across the country, in coordination with Syrian troops on the ground.
Quickly the true source of ISIS’ fighting capacity – supply lines stretching out of NATO-member Turkey’s territory, long protected by NATO itself since the conflict began – came under threat. Russian warplanes are now flying sorties directly along the border, decimating ISIS-bound convoys long before delivering their supplies, weapons, and fresh fighters. Syrian troops have likewise made significant gains near borders they once were deterred from approaching because of NATO treachery.
The endgame is soon approaching, and to prevent this, the US and its regional allies have begun a series of provocations meant to tip toe the West into deeper war in the region, and in particular, against Russia and Syria.

Climate Change is Unfalsifiable Woo-Woo Pseudoscience

Radio Wehrwolf - 12/8/2015

Dion speaks with author and activist Chris Fogarty. Author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust.They discuss the potato famine lie, the cover-up, the complacency of the Irish Government and Catholic Church, and more...

Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post


December 08, 2015

Radio Wehrwolf News Hour 12/7/2015

The truth about Pearl Harbor, ISIS, black crime, Monsanto, more...


Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - 12/7/2015

Brandon discusses the San Bernardino shootings, the WHO report on processed meats, McDonald's marketing campaigns, the Syrian crisis, and Turkish support for terror.



The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 12/6/2015

Kyle speaks with David Gahary about Dr. John Virapen’s work exposing big pharma and his recent death. Dr. Virapen spent nearly four decades gaining approval for infamous drugs that have deadly side effects.
Dr. Virapen's book:  HERE  and  HERE


The Realist Report with John Friend 12/7/2015

The international Jew, the promoter and benefactor of both international Communism and capitalism, is a biological parasite. National Socialist Germany clearly understood this fact, and made moves to address the situation. Now it’s America’s turn.
John is joined by Tanstaafl of Age of Treason. Tanstaafl is one of the most knowledgeable and insightful commentators in the alternative, independent media today. They discuss the Jewish problem and Jewish parasitism, the root cause of so-called “pathological altruism” prevalent in the White race today, the 2016 president campaign, and related matters.

Below are relevant links for this program:
Subscribe to The Realist Report today, and support pro-White independent media! 


Dean Henderson comments -Global oil prices plunge to seven-year low

Trump Takes The Kosher Seal

What Is The Average Global Temperature?

The Debate - End of Chavismo? Jew controlled America Wins in Venezuela

December 07, 2015

Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt 12/6/2015

Robert interviewed Kyle Hunt of Renegade Broadcasting to discuss many important topics.

Incendiary Radio Archive            RBN


The Pearl Harbor Scam - December Seventh 1941

1. Deanna Spingola - Pearl Harbor lecture
2. Deanna Spingola - James Perloff, Pearl Harbor discussion
3. George Morgenstern - Pearl Harbor: Story of the Secret War          PDF
4. Harry Elmer Barnes - Pearl Harbor After A Quarter Of A Century          PDF
5. November 30, 1941 Honolulu Headline: JAPANESE MAY STRIKE OVER WEEKEND!
6. Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum's 8 step plan to provoke Japan
7. Breaker of Japanese Codes
8. U.S. Navy listening post - Station H
9. Pearl Harbor: A Successful War Lie
10. Rivero's Pearl Harbor page
11. BBC: Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor - Best Definition - Full Length
12. 1945 Life Magazine: Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Foreknowledge
13. FDR DECLARES WAR (12/8/41) - Franklin Delano Roosevelt , WWII , Infamy Speech
14. Deanna Spingola - Franklin D. Roosevelt: Manuevers and Machinations
15. James Perloff - Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11
16. James Perloff talks about the scam of Pearl Harbor
17. Thanks, Jews! - 1941/2001

Ralph Rene : The Moon Hoax - Raw Interview

Bart Sibrel's unedited interview with moon landing hoax proponent, Mensa member, and author of "NASA Mooned America" 

Rene discusses numerous scientific reasons why he is convinced that the alleged manned moon landings of the Nixon administration were a Cold War bluff and distractor from the unpopular Vietnam War. 

 Note: This is the second part of the interview I posted a few days ago. Rene wrote one of the early books on the moon hoax and provides different but collaborative evidence from Bill Kaysing's.

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