Internet Archive just finished their annual fund raising operation. The American tax payer will be on the hook for some US$6 million to subsidize a group of dishonest and unethical enemies of the American people, who, operating under the guise of “preserving the knowledge of the Internet”, are, as most Jewish run mega-corporations, engaged in aggregating content and then skewing reality to fit their anti-Western, anti-American agenda.
Like FAGoTs (Facebook, Apple, Google, and Twitter), companies that include such market dominant properties as Youtube, has been seen to be diminishing facts in order to assuage what we can only presume is’s hatred for the American way of life and the value of honest and ethical reporting and history.
What we are faced with is a series of brutal unethical and amoral business practices by these mega-Internet organizations such that we should begin to consider these companies, and their employees, as being enemy combatants in the ongoing war on information.