Broadcasting (The Kyle and Cackle Show) dedicates an entire show to
trashing EVERYONE who is posted at Grizzom’s (Mami’s). Kyle’s co-host
(Cackle) casually insinuates that Fetch is a pedophile. Kyle exhibits
clueless understanding of Saudi Arabia, then completely misses the
border security/immigration debate.
But hey. Have a salad.
after Renegade Broadcasting’s round table on January 12, I began
receiving emails from listeners. “WTF is wrong with Kyle? He is
trashing everyone, including Inside the Eye – Live!”? I thought to
myself, “Hell, WTF?”
I have always thought highly of Kyle and was
one of his earliest supporters. I was one of, and perhaps the main
lobbyist behind the scenes for Kyle to get his slot at Oracle
Broadcasting. He has guest hosted Inside the Eye – Live!. We have
reciprocated as guests on each other’s shows, and Inside the Eye – Live!
has even run specials on Renegade Broadcasting.
Kyle’s efforts on
the “White Man March” was a publicity boon that was followed-on by an
exceptional, game changing effort on the “Hellstorm” video. Hell, even I
was excited to see his Hellstorm video go viral, and his interview on
Inside the Eye – Live! with Hellstorm author Michael “Tom” Goodrich
remains the most listened to “guest” segment on Inside the Eye – Live!
Kyle is a talent, and to say otherwise would be unfair.
time’s change, and Kyle’s propensity to pillory those who have
associated with him is revolting and anyone foolish enough to
collaborate with Kyle at this stage of his development do so at their
own peril.
The promise of Renegade Broadcasting has been reduced
to the Kyle and Cackle Show, providing a steady parade of pedophilia and
militant veganism. It would not surprise if the next hit out of
Renegade Broadcasting will be a show on gardening.
I can hear it now.
up all you Vegan Vikings! It’s the gardening show with Bob
Tuscaloosa! Today we are going to show you how to grow tomatoes in the
shape of a Swastika! Sieg heil!” Music fades.