The youtube video has been posted before but includes must be understood by all.
Canada, for greater certainty, includes the internal waters of Canada and the territorial sea of Canada; (Canada)
Canadian waters includes the territorial sea of Canada and the internal waters of Canada; (eaux canadiennes)
internal waters, (a) in relation to Canada, means the internal waters of Canada as determined under the Oceans Act and includes the airspace above and the bed and subsoil below those waters, and (b) in relation to any other state, means the waters on the landward side of the baselines of the territorial sea of the other state; (eaux intérieures)
person, or any word or expression descriptive of a person, includes a corporation; (personne)
province means a province of Canada, and includes Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut; (province)
territorial sea, (a) in relation to Canada, means the territorial sea of Canada as determined under the Oceans Act and includes the airspace above and the seabed and subsoil below that sea
Most people do not realize there are capital P provinces and lower case p provinces in CANADA