February 08, 2023

Your Bank Can Legally Seize Your Money, 'Too Late' to Stop Hyperinflation & The Great Reset - Zang

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline



The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure that has the look of a vocational high school on the west side of Chicago. A coin-operated laundromat and a dance school are across what is now a four-lane road.

The center has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades who, once assigned to American military units worldwide, are capable of technical diving to do the good—using C4 explosives to clear harbors and beaches of debris and unexploded ordinance—as well as the bad, like blowing up foreign oil rigs, fouling intake valves for undersea power plants, destroying locks on crucial shipping canals. The Panama City center, which boasts the second largest indoor pool in America, was the perfect place to recruit the best, and most taciturn, graduates of the diving school who successfully did last summer what they had been authorized to do 260 feet under the surface of the Baltic Sea.

Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2023.02.07

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Dr David Duke  - The View From Louisiana

Download Hour 2 - George Filer  - Filer's Files And The China Spy Balloon

Download Hour 3 - David Oates  - More New Speech Reversals!

64k CF
Rense's site

February 07, 2023

 Just Found This

SumatraPDF is a free PDF, EPUB, MOBI, CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ and CBR reader for Windows


It's lightweight and simple.

Home Page

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2023.02.06

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Donald Jeffries  - Circling The Drain!

Download Hour 2 - Erica Khan  - Poormina Says There Is No Shedding! Dr. Ryan Cole In Stockholm And Dr. Daniel Nagase Explains How The Spike Can Stop The Human Heart

Download Hour 3 - Mitchell Henderson  - On The Brink Of World War 3

64k CF

February 06, 2023

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2023.02.06

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Solo show.

80k CF Download

A devastated woman has revealed a “hidden problem” in Australia that has caused a shocking change in her once “normal” husband.

A shattered Queensland woman whose husband was rapidly radicalised during the pandemic is sharing her family’s story about the dangers of online conspiracy theories.

The woman, who is aged in her 50s and who spoke to news.com.au on the condition of anonymity, said she was speaking out to describe the “other side” and show what it’s like “being married to a person that has changed since Covid”.

 Read The Full Bullshit


And then there is this one: 

A woman in Western Australia is speaking out after her “gentle, kind and loving” husband was rapidly radicalised by conspiracy theorist extremists.

The woman, who spoke with news.com.au on the condition of anonymity, explained that her husband was first introduced to several common theories by a relative around five years ago. However, things “really started escalating” during the pandemic after he fell in with a group of people she described as an “anti-vaxxer cult”.

“My husband and I were happy. He’s a gentle, kind man, but very gullible and easily led,” she said. “Five years ago, he found the crazy world of conspiracies.

Read Some More Bullshit lol

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 2054 - 2023.02.06

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #105 – Buyers Remorse

Info Page

Hundreds Dead After 7.8 Magnitude Quake Hits Turkey/Syria -- Dutchsinse, Augustin & DISASSOCIATED PRESS


Reading between the lines of this article from the good old Guardian of the Rothschild Empire, one cannot help but think this is yet another HAARP Concerto in “D” Major (D for Destruction and Devastation of course).

It is somehow reminiscent of the 2010 earth quake that severely hit Haiti, and which has enabled all the powerful International Paedophile networks disguised as “Child Protection” NGOs (The Clinton Foundation for example), to fill up and stock up on children of all ages, for their lucrative trafficking business, and supplying the Paedo-Satanic elite for sexual and ritual abuse, enslavement, organs trafficking, and above all; for Adrenochrome extraction, of which 2022, has been very bad year, the supplies were at their lowest since decades apparently.

“Israel has pledged to send aid to Turkey and to Syria, but has been quiet on how the request from Syria was delivered, or how it intends to deliver the help, since the two nations have no formal diplomatic ties.” writes the Guardian of the Empire, Israel of all countries is obviously GAGGING to send aide, how very fishy… it stinks from miles away…

Israel that has been doing its utmost to obliterate Syria and “wipe it off the map” for decades, if I may use some Sayanim semantics for a laugh,” Israel has been quiet on how the request from Syria was delivered, or how it intends to deliver the help, since the two nations have no formal diplomatic ties.” What the Guardian of the Zionist Empire means is that Israel is gagging to get into Syria,…” but knows pertinently that Russia isn’t having any of that Talmudic deceptive nonsense anymore, especially after the multiple incidents where Russian aircrafts were shot down and many Russian soldiers were murdered by the IDF (Israeli Diaper-wearing Faggots).

Mind you, Israel isn’t alone in that dilemma, the two favourite Rothschild whores; Britain and France, are also at it like disgusting hyenas…

Without being a fan of neither Putin, nor Erdogan, I honestly hope that these 2 will destroy the vile Satanic ambitions of the Empire of Moloch this time too.

Hundreds Dead After 7.8 Magnitude Quake Hits Turkey/Syria
Associated Press – Feb 6, 2023

Helen Ziakas Daoulas:

Geez I posted, what a coincidence it is just days after eu and nato said there will be terrorist attacks in Turkey and many embassies closed all because Turkey blocks Sweden getting into NATO and boom the earthquake hits turkey!! My comment was blocked and I had to delete it!!! Thank god there are others out there that think like me!!!!!

Haarp Weapon Attack Suspected After Turkey Blocks Nato Expansion...

Exclusive First Time Interview with David Scott Von Braun - Feb 4, 2023

John de Nugent and Jim Rizoli 

February 05, 2023

Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 - 2023.02.04

Noticing Patterns With Mr. Richard Kary – Host of the RBN Show “Beyond The Official Narrative"

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

64 CF Download

No Agenda Episode 1527 - "Grip & Grin" - 2023.02.05


Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2023.02.04

Powers & Principalities Episode 283

Rand Corporation on NATO's Proxy War in Ukraine

February 04, 2023

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2023.02.04

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download

Tammy Cohen Speaks at Orlando City Council 1/23/2023

Truck Trudeau 2.0 - Iron Will + FADE TO BLACK - RageCast 300 + UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS - Citizen Camera + The West Is Impotent - Gonzalo Lira + Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DOD, HHS, Pharma Cartel - Dr. Amanda + Aluminum Snow



 Full of self importance
The West is impotent
Paid for vile malfeasance
The West Is Insolent
Soon to be deleted
The West is depleted
Replete with the conceited
The West will be defeated
America’s Ukraine Screw-Up
Brother Nathanael


  • Fuck Trudeau – Freedom Convoy 2.0
  • Trudeau’s Campaign to De-Criminalize Crime
  • MSM’s Billion Dollar Funeral
  • True North Not Strong and Free
  • Bolshevik British Columbia
February 18, 2022 was when they started unlawfully removing the truckers. It was the day the government jackboots ran down Canadian citizens with horses. Trudeau unlawfully invoked the EMA and illegally removed peaceful protestors.

The Alternative Media With Farren Shoaf 2023.02.04

Latest political bullshit and news of the week.

Farren Shoaf  Host of The Alternative Media has been involved in the End The Fed, Marches against Monsanto,We Are Change and several various 911 Truth Movements. His favorite quotes are “I am a conspiracy factualist and everyone else is a reality theorist” and also”Give me Liberty or Let’s give you Death. Farren discusses any and all subject matter, he looks to identify the real problems as well as discuss solutions. Having been a host on RBN for over seven years Farren has interviewed many considered to be some of the most relevant leaders in the Truth movement such as Ron Paul, Kevin Alfred Strom,  Dennis Kucinich, Texe Marrs, Russell Means,  Monica Schaefer,  Jim Tucker, Luke Rudowski, Dennis Wise, David Walker, Richard Gage and many more.
The Alternative Media is your Saturday morning broadcast where we discuss current events, politics, the disinformation and lies of the mainstream corporate owned puppet media and the fact that the Federal Government of the United States no longer has any resemblance whatsoever of representation of WE THE PEOPLE.

32k CF Download

The Scorpio Show 2023.02.01

Dave Scorpio welcomes Daryl Wayne and Cal Robbins

Feel free to email Scorpio at drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com

Thailand drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer , and they're PISSED! The narrative is collapsing!

Mixed-Use Imprisonment By Atom Bergstrom

The United Nations is taking over your town … as I write this.

It’s called U.N. Agenda 21. It’s been in full swing for over two decades.

U.N. Agenda 21 is not something that’s coming. It’s not only here … it’s been here for years.

You can kiss your cozy little nation-state goodbye. Globalism has painted you into a corner and you didn’t even notice.

Rosa Koire (Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, 2011) wrote …

“Redevelopment is a tool used to further the Agenda 21 vision of remaking America’s cities. With redevelopment, cities have the right to take property by eminent domain — against the will of the property owner, and give it or sell it to a private developer. By declaring an area of town ‘blighted’ (and in some cities over 90% of the city area has been declared blighted) the property taxes in that area are diverted away from the General Fund.”

According to the same source …

“The money gets redirected into the Redevelopment Agency and handed out to favored developers building low income housing and mixed use. Smart Growth. Cities have had thousands of condos built in the redevelopment areas and are telling you that you are terrible for wanting your own yard, for wanting privacy, for not wanting to be dictated to by a Condo Homeowner’s Association Board, for being anti-social, for not going along to get along, for not moving into a cramped overpriced apartment downtown where they can use your property taxes for paying off that huge bond debt. But it’s not working, and you don’t want to move in there. So they have to make you.”

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