September 30, 2013

Blacklisted Radio Podcast - 2013.09.28.

This weeks podcast Is fairly late, and runs short. I take a quick look at a few of the stories lines and popular articles from Then I rush off to continue empire-building!

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.09.30

Rise of The White Rabbits

Horus the Avenger from White Rabbit Radio joins Kyle to discuss ways to combat anti-whites using psychological warfare, practical politics, and propaganda. Topics include: metaphorical rabbits, the mantra, internet activism, anti-white terrorism, the importance of sound, and more.

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National Protectionism


Scott Horton 2013.09.30

First interview M.J. Rosenberg

M.J. Rosenberg, Special Correspondent for The Washington Spectator, discusses AIPAC’s attempt to stop Obama from making a deal with Iran; the Democratic Party’s heavy reliance on pro-Israel contributors; Israel’s tone-deaf public relations strategies; why Republicans are too distracted to thwart an Iran deal; and the recently revealed evidence that Nixon and Kissinger aided genocide in Pakistan/Bangladesh. (Duration: 30:36 — 14.0MB)

32k Download

Second interview Marcy Wheeler

Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses the New York Times article verifying the claims of NSA whistleblower William Binney; how the NSA achieved Total Information Awareness through multi-sourced metadata; the tightly-woven webs of information that get ordinary Americans caught up in foreign intelligence investigations; why the NSA can’t or won’t tell Senator Ron Wyden how many Americans have been spied on; and the good and bad aspects of Obamacare. (Duration: 31:31 — 14.4MB)

32k Download

Third interview Alan Butler

Alan Butler, host of the talk radio show Butler on Business, discusses the debt ceiling debate circus in Congress; the cruelty of the inflation tax; why the real unemployment rate isn’t represented by official BLS numbers; evidence that the economy continues to get worse despite talk of recovery; and why GDP isn’t a good measure of a nation’s economic health. (Duration: 30:15 — 13.8MB)

No Agenda Global Radio

David Duke Show 2013.09.30

Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery go into the latest Zio insanities. 1) A major Jewish publication praising a vicious Jewish ethnic supremacist, Rabbi Ovadia who equates Gentiles with donkeys and says the only purpose of Gentiles on earth is to serve Jews like slaves. 2) How Zio journalist Jeffery Goldberg and other Zio media personalities seek to link Iran Sanctions with Holocaust conformity and suppression of freedom of speech and opinion, and 3) how a new Jewish study confirms Jewish anti-Gentile discrimination against better qualified non-Jewish Americans in the U.S. university system -- with a good summation of the massive Jewish privilege taking place in modern American elite universities and discrimination against non-Jews who are much better qualified.

David's site

64k CF Download

JRE Podcast Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux is a Canadian philosopher. He runs the #1 philosophy show on the internet, Freedomain Radio, and also runs a very popular YouTube channel. ***DISCLAIMER: This is an on-location recording done in Toronto. The first 27 minutes of this podcast were recorded from a backup source.***


Spingola Speaks 2013.09.30

Guest: Werner Bock, Werner Bock FB, Werner's story; Possible reason Werner was arrested

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Spingola Speaks .Info




Mike's Jewtube Channel

30 fuckin dollars to cross a fuckin bridge into JewYork City!

FLY PAPER 2013.09.29

Read more @ MrPeakCrackers

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.09.27

Something about Jew pigs and other relevant topics.
Note: When they get their act together is when I'll be posting the daily shows.
BTW. This rebroadcast is playing right now "live" LOL


32k CF Download

Zapoper's bullcrap after school special 2

General thoughts about the state of affairs and a little ranting too.

Sorry about the white noise. Too lazy to fix it.


False Flag - Coming Soon!

*False Flag Poster*

See also: Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism


Over A Decade Of Fear

Also see: Ken O'Keefe in Tehran - "Iran is not the threat, we are."

Unbelievably Massive New NSA Revelation In Tomorrow's New York Times—Explained In 2 Minutes

September 29, 2013

It All Goes Back In The Box


 Just listen to this man. His excellent English, cultured delivery, his depth. This is truly a must-listen interview.Bashar shies away from nothing in this no-hold-barred interview. He is asked the difficult questions and he gives the honest detailed answers that are so very needed. In light of the demonization of this an over the past years, the comparisons to that ultimate bad boy Hitler, are laid to waste as you listen to him. Indeed, if standing up to the JWO/NWO Zionist controlled elite is one powerful stand both great men must be honoured for

Click here to listen

Thanks Noor

Fuck Israel!

Dusty Smith explains in his "Not suitable for work" way about the worlds biggest bunch of parasites.
Listen and learn...

James Fetzer Confronted

Peak calls in and carrys on the destruction of Fetzer @ 12:30 Top Left!

Reporters to reveal 'US assassination program'

In other news, Bears do...things in woods!
Two American journalists are working together to expose the role of the US National Security Agency in what they described as a “US assassination program.”
Contributor to The Nation magazine Jeremy Scahill and Rio-based journalist Glenn Greenwald are working on the project.
"The connections between war and surveillance are clear. I don't want to give too much away but Glenn and I are working on a project right now that has at its center how the National Security Agency plays a significant, central role in the US assassination program," Scahill said on Saturday.   (presstv)

Global warming scam, Zionist scaremongering to control world: Analyst

“I say to everybody, you are being lied to again by the Zionists’ desire to control you all the time, put you into debt, putting fear mongering into us all; and this is another batch of lies just as they lie all the time” about different things, Shakespeare emphasized. The analyst said that the ignored cause of changes in the world was first of all changes in the sun; second the changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, and third “the great atomic furnace and its changes right underneath our feet, which causes volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis.”
He pointed out that the world was “very considerably warmer” in the past, saying there were signs at the moment now that the Earth was about to go into a “period of global cooling.” 

***Read article and see video at PressTV*** 

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager 9/28/2013

The battle between Truth and Propaganda