December 20, 2013

US: Thirteen Republican and thirteen Democrat Senators introduced a bill that would require the US to fund and militarily support Israel if it bombs Iran.

More than a quarter of the Senate introduced legislation Thursday that could raise sanctions on Iran and compel the United States to support Israel if it launches a pre-emptive attack on the Iranian nuclear program, defying President Barack Obama and drawing a veto threat.

The bill, sponsored by 13 Democrats and 13 Republicans, sets sanctions that would go into effect if Tehran violates the nuclear deal it reached with world powers last month or lets the agreement expire without a long-term accord. The measures include a global boycott on Iranian oil exports within one year and the blacklisting of Iran's mining, engineering and construction industries.

The goal, according to supporters, is to strengthen the negotiating leverage of the Obama administration as it seeks to pressure Iran into a comprehensive agreement next year that would eliminate the risk of the Islamic republic developing nuclear weapons. But it could also create added complications for U.S. negotiators, who promised Iran no new economic sanctions for the duration of the six-month interim pact that was finalized on Nov. 24 in Geneva.

The Free American 12.20.2013

My Guest today isn't: John DeNugent at about 4 minutes he plays a great song. enjoy haha
His distant ancestors were Vikings who, after conquering Normandy (“Northman-land”) in northern France…..…*update* John did show up late and got to speak some but they got cut off prematurely. Damn fusion center...


Spingola Speaks 2013.12.20

Guest: Mary Tocco, America’s Outstanding Mom 2013, joins Deanna today. Healing Our World With Mary Tocco, may be listened to Saturdays 3-4 PM Central on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


David Duke Show 2013.12.20

Today: Dr. David Duke, Kay Wahlen and Dr. Patrick Slattery have a Show today on Health, Life and Fitness Friday. Led by Dr. Duke's review of the book, The War of Art, they discuss the factors in helping us live a life of evolutionary progression, achievement and happiness, or a life deluged with regret and unfulfilled promise. It is a show that applies some of the principles of the evolution of life itself to your own evolution. This is a program that can empower everyone who listens to it!

David's site

64k CF Download

Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes!

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.12.19

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - H7N9, MERS Virus Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Topics

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases And Your Health

56k CF
Rense' site

David Icke - The Turning Of The Tide

This is a video called Turning of the Tide featuring a presentation made by David Icke in 1996 in which he detailed the agenda for the Big Brother global state.

 David Ike has been in the dog house since his appearance on the Jesse Ventura show, but I'd like to say thank you to him for being a great "showman" and opening my eyes so I could see the matrix. 

This is the video that got my attention and started my journey into la la land, after that I moved on to rabbitholeville and ended up here at jew bashing central. LOL Been one hell of a ride and there's no turnin back now

Was Bitcoin Created By DARPA?

There is no way to stop what is going to happen to bitcoin. It's an issue of sociology. It's an issue of human greed. It's an issue as to WHO created bitcoin and WHY.

Who is the single largest holder of BTC right now? "Satoshi". Who is he? I will say it again. NSA/DARPA created bitcoin under the guidance of the IMF. The IMF has been openly calling for a digital, one-world, deflationary currency for 2 decades. OPENLY. It has been discussed and promoted OPENLY at G8 and G20 summits.

from the early 90s-96 the NSA was OPENLY investigating cryptographic money networks.

Read more here

Cordite Country JMR-Friday-September 2, 2011

Underfoot Herb Week- Red Clover pt.2; Purslane; Cattails pt. 2


December 19, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.12.19

Kyle hosts an impromptu call-in show to deal with current issues.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism


Greedy asshole gets his day in court

Sweet band member Andy Scott made an attempt to sue an eBay customer for selling a used CD “The Legend Lives On”. He believed that CD was a bootleg and was quick to sue the seller, Dietmar Huber from Western Austria. The musician demanded the seller pay $2,500 for breaching his copyright or go to court.

However, Huber was miffed, as the compact disk was a legitimate second hand copy that was sold for only $1.20. Huber refused to take down the CD and the guitarist filed an injunction to stop the sale. Scott demanded $45,000 claiming he owned copyright on the name and that Dietman Huber had no right to sell the CD. It is not clear what Scott was actually thinking about, but he took the case to the Austrian high court.

It’s been five years, and the Austrian high court has finally ruled in favor of Dietman Huber, proving it to be a private sale, where no crime was committed.

Today Andy Scott faces a “blockbuster” legal bill – not only will he have to fail for his own legal expenses, he will also have to foot the bill for the court hearing, including Huber’s legal expenses. The total came to $78,000, which is not an amount you are ready to throw away every day. Apparently, it would have made more sense for the guitarist to buy the CD if it meant that much to him for $1.25.


No Agenda - NA 575 - 2013.12.19 - "BIOS Brick"

Gitmo Nation; War on Crazy; Obama Nation; EUROLand; War on Weed; Ministry of Truth; PedoBear; Vaccine$; Elite$, and much more Jaw Jaw from the toothsome twosome.

For Infotainment Purposes Only :)


The Doomcast 21 - 2013.12.18

Merry Doom-mas!
On this Doomcast Charlie and Doug look at events of 2013 and forward to potential top stories of 2014. Topics include, Duck Dynasty, Syria, Beyond the Alternative Media, Joe Rogan, Lee Camp, and show updates.

Radio Free Northwest 12.19.2013

HAC bloviates on this idea that “the sheriffs” or the governors or the state legislatures out West “will save us” and gives some advice on youth-oriented topics. Andy and Gretchen are there and Olivia to rap on education, and returns from the Outer Darkness, and we hear some Cthulhu Carols.


Spingola Speaks 2013.12.19

Guest: Deanna talks about the information in Beverly Eakman’s book, How to Counter Group Manipulation Tactics: The Techniques of Unethical Consensus Building Unmasked!

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Mark Glenn and Michael Collins Piper respond to the SANDY HOAXERS



The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.12.18

Minimun Wage; 2014 Inflation Forecast; Buying Gold, Silver and Bitcoins
-The FOMC Meeting today and why a 10 Billion $ per month
taper is meaningless
-The budget deal signed Wednesday evening – the back story
-What could possible go wrong with buying gold and silver now?
-Andy digs into Bitcoins and his predictions are playing out as the ‘Boys’ will do what ever it takes to protect Dollar Inc.
-How is it that Andy’s year end gold forecast missed by so much?
-Is the Fed lying? Examine their actions, not their words
-How can you profit from Andy’s insight?
-What does Marc Faber think on significant tapering of QE?
-JP Morgan is now long gold and silver instead of short metals
-How the ‘Boys’ get the weak at heart out of precious metals
-Andy gives his 2014 inflation forecast
-Comparing 1960 standards, minimum wage should be $26 per hour

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


Mike Delaney's Prothink Radio Show 12-14-2013

Delaney continues to discuss the John Friend debate.
Prothink's audio archive
9/11 - Missing Links
9/11:Israel did it
Israel-Mossad Banned News Report
Israeli involvement in the 9/11 magic show


The Free American 12.19.2013

My Guest today is: Will Spencer
We live in a world run by corporations. Corporate machines, with little, or no regard for natural, organic existence, methodically serving their own agendas, have systemically and adversely impacted the quality of life on the whole planet Earth.  The food chain has been severely deficient of minerals for over 100 years. The natural balance of beneficial microorganisms is destroyed. The understanding of what constitutes a healthy diet has long been corrupted along with the innate wisdom of the body to know what is good.


Scott Horton 2013.12.18

Sheldon Richman

Sheldon Richman, vice president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses whether Obama wants an agreement with Iran or not; the power of the Israel lobby; the comparative violence committed by Hamas and the Israeli military; and the great depth and breadth of Max Blumenthal’s Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel. (Duration: 30:46 — 14.1MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio