Deanna talks with James Perloff, the author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior and The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline (1988). May 7th is the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania which he will talk about on this one-hour program, based on his article.
Dr. Duke had a foundational show on the importance of building
alliances with like-minded people from around the world. He discussed
the international conference he attended in Mexico last week, and noted
that its largely Latin American participants all recognized the harm
that was being done to the homelands of the European peoples by Zionist
rulers in Europe and North America, even with regards to the immigration
issue. Moreover, they understand that the flipside of migrants flooding
into the United States and Europe is having their own communities
deprived of the leaders and workers needed to build better futures at
mentioned the work of Dr. Salvador Borrego, a 100-year-old Mexican
author whose writings include "Defeat of the World," an account of how
the German defeat in World War II paved the way for Zionist hegemony in
Europe and America, much to the detriment of the entire world. Dr.
Slattery joined the show and made the case that like-minded people in
Latin America and elsewhere can be crucial allies in the struggle for
our liberation because their opinion leaders are not under as direct Zio
censorship as our own are, and they can disseminate information and get
critical issues out in the open.
In this video Luke Rudkowski tracks down a Baltimore CNN crew after
finding out from the police, that the news organization called the cops
on them and wanted charges to be pressed on for “impersonating the
The UN intends to make it a crime to defame or criticise religion, particularly Islam. I believe it is imperative that non-Muslims understand exactly what Islam is and what it is we are not allowed to defame or criticise. When I began researching this article my intention was to do just that, however I find there is no need, you can decide for yourself whether it should be criticised or defamed.
One major problem with discovering what Islam actually entails is the fact that Muslims protest the Kafirs (non-Muslims) misunderstand it because something has been mistranslated, or we misunderstand because it is a subtle matter of religion.
‘Islam’ literally means submission, deriving from the word Islama.The definition of peace in Islam is total submission. According to the religious scriptures there will only be world peace once the world has converted to Islam. Evidently the Islamic agenda is to convert the world to Islam, taxing, enslaving then killing all those that do not convert. It is an offence to Islam to be Kafir. It is an offence to not recognise there is only one God, their God Allah (pronounced Al-lah).
-Raising your children to be assertive and to question everything
-The importance of keeping a ledger to track income and expenses
-The burden of debt the new generation is carrying
-Taxing savings in Australia
-Andy tells us why putting money in hard tangible assets is better than saving it in cash
-Why Andrew prefers rare numismatic gold and silver coins over bullion
-The problem with Free Trade
-TPP is just NAFTA on steroids; why do the American people continue to allow this to go on?
-The problem with municipal bonds
-Using debt as a blessing
-The folly of financing depreciating assets like a car
-What is The Counsel on Foreign Relations and what do they do?
-Does it even matter who wins the Presidency? Should we move out of the country?
-Taking advantage of inflationary cycles
-How to raise your credit score
-Is JP Morgan just accumulating silver in order to back their continued games of manipulation? Or is the main purpose to position for the future profits when the physical market begins to drive price?
Dr. Duke started the show recapping some of the highlights of his
recent trip to Mexico to take part in an international conference on
issues important to anti-Zionist and pro-European activists. He had as
his guest for the rest of the hour Professor Kevin MacDonald. Professor
MacDonald emphasized that discussion of Jewish power is absolutely
forbidden and that this prohibition is closely guarded, with anyone of
us daring to expose Jewish power becoming subjects of vicious attacks
against our reputations and livelihoods.
MacDonald said that the European peoples have been subjected to
character attacks from Jewish social movements such as the Frankfurt
School and brainwashed into self-loathing. He said that Europeans, as
exemplified by Swedes in particular, exhibit a pathological altruism
whereby they will subvert their ethnic interests for a universal
moralism, and that this characteristic has been taken advantage of by
Jewish supremacists, whose ethnic interests are always their top
agreed with Dr. Duke that the only way forward for European activists
is to recognize the European sense of altruism and fairness, and to
emphasize that the European liberation movement rejects the subjugation
of any people and is truly dedicated to the proposition that all peoples
should be free and independent.
Please remember when you skim through this long list and read
individual stories, that although most of this may appear completely
outrageous, impossible and laughable, these stories and allegations were
presented dead serious as nothing but the truth.
John regretting how he went about publishing his knowledge
Self-deprecation from John
Slaves are dumb-asses
John's new book coming out in a few weeks
The state of humanity and where it might end-up
Zap: I'm just paraphrasing here but John is apparently saying that he doesn't know shit from Shinola anymore which is a statement that I can really relate to. LOL