TODAY; CYBER; Migrants; Shut Up Slave!; F-Russia; F-Germany; Robocalls; Earon; EuroLand; Pope; Rubbleize!; MIC; FacePage; NA-Tech News; Obama Nation; Elite$; Agenda 2030; LGBBTQQIAAP; Words Matter; Big Pharma, and all your usual listening whilst waiting Up to see the last Bloodmoon and falling asleep just as it appears favourites.
More than an at any other time in the Syrian crisis, the situation on
the ground presents an incredible threat to international peace and
security. Indeed, the Western-backed plot to overthrow the secular
government of Bashar al-Assad has now placed the world in a precarious
position where two nuclear powers are acting in such close proximity to
one another militarily that one trigger happy soldier could now plunge
the globe into a nuclear holocaust.
Likewise with the Israeli forces that continually launch bombing missions
in Syria, and act as air cover for death squad fighters operating on
the ground. The Israelis are notoriously provocative in their military
adventures, encouraged by the fact that they have the United States
military to back them up whenever they find themselves in trouble. Both
destabilizing and unpredictable, the Israelis always stand as a potential trigger for dragging the United States into a war.
While the Russians are fully supportive of an Israeli (Zionist) settler
state, by supporting the Syrians against the Israeli-supported
terrorists on the ground, the Russians run the risk of an “accidental”
(or otherwise) confrontation with Israeli aircraft. ***Read full article here***
Marrs interviews Mike King, author of the monumental two volume set of books, Planet Rothschild.
An examination of the rise of the Rothschilds to become the richest
family on earth and the rulers of nations. Discover the secretive Judaic
religion of evil the Rothschilds practice and see how they operate to
bring war and ruination to targeted nations. Don’t miss this provocative
Indeed, the Russian and Syrian governments affirm that many of those
flights are delivering much needed humanitarian relief including medical
supplies, generators for hospitals, food, tents for internal refugees,
and related supplies to relieve the distress of the Syrian people in the
face of the American provoked attacks on them. One has to ask, where
are the American and European relief supplies for the Syrian people?
Where are the ships and planes that should be carrying the same supplies
the Russians are delivering? If they had delivered them and if they had
insisted that the attacks on Syria stop there would not be any
refugees. But they want the refugees to generate war propaganda and so
they do not want relief supplies to get through. The Americans try to justify their demand by claiming that some of those
flights are used to deliver military supplies to Syria. Yes, and so
what? Russia has every right to support the Syrian government in its
fight against the Nato-Saudi, Israeli auxiliaries who are fighting in
Syria under the acronyms ISIS or ISIL or Al Qaeda and has been openly
doing so since the beginning. There is no UN approved arms embargo
against Syria and the United States and its allies are daily dropping
supplies to these same groups and have let it be known that their
special forces are operating on the ground alongside those forces. Just
the other day another story broke of the Israeli Army airlifting wounded
from these groups for treatment in Israeli occupied zones and one must
wonder if those selectively helped are not indeed Israeli special forces
themselves. The Americans and Bulgarians are not just worried about
more Russian military supplies from being delivered. They also want the
Syrian people to experience the maximum state of misery and despair to
punish them for their support of their government and to try to force
them to turn against it. ***Read full article here***
It is without doubt that, if Assad were to ask China to engage ISIS in
Syria, the Asian powerhouse would be well within its rights under
international law to do just that since Assad is the internationally
recognized government of Syria and China would have been invited to
enter the country militarily.
In the meantime, while US forces finally receive some resistance to
their meddling in Syria, the situation on the ground becomes more
precarious for the world’s population by the day. It is time the
American people begin to demand their government cease its support for
terrorists in Syria and the rest of the world before it is too late. ***Read the full article here***
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Recent developments have shown that the conflict in Syria is reaching
new heights of tension as Russia and Israel built up their power-base
there. A rapid Russian build-up in Syria, which, according to the
Western media includes warplanes and anti-aircraft systems, worries
Israel, since its jets have been continiuosly bombing this neighbouring
Arab country.
However, Russian officials didn’t seem intrested in
this discussion. In their statement, it was said “Urgent issues of
bilateral cooperation and the international agenda are scheduled to be
discussed. In particular, the sides are expected to exchange opinions on
the issue of the Middle East peace process and the fight against the
global terrorist threat.”
While Russia has been supporting Syria against the US
supported Wahhabi-Sunni military incursions through proxy groups such
as Al-Nusra front and now ISIS/ISIL, Israel remains concerned over
Iranian (and tacitly Russian) support for militant groups like Hezbollah
in Lebanon. ***Read full article here***
Over the past week, things haven’t been going as well as they normally
do for the Western-backed terrorists who have raped and beheaded their
way across Syria for the last four years. Likewise, the Western plot to
overthrow Assad and replace him with chaos and a weak jihadist/impotent
government over four years ago has gone from a quagmire to the
beginnings of a reversal.
One such example of how the resistance of the Syrian people and the
Assad government, the assistance of the Iranians and Hezbollah, and, of
course, the new Russian involvement is already beginning to produce
results is the report that the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the
18th Tank Division has captured the Palmyra-Teefor Airbase Road.
The SAA victory came with close coordination between Hezbollah, National Defense Forces, and Ba’ath Battalions. ***Read full article here***
Attorney John Remington Graham: FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
First hour: John Remington Graham is an attorney with decades of experience
in the fields of constitutional, environmental, and criminal litigation.
He has recently emerged as one of our greatest voices of truth and
justice by:
* Filing a brief on behalf of Maret Tsarnaeva,
aunt of the falsely accused Boston bombing patsies, pointing out that
the FBI's own evidence conclusively establishes Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's
* Petitioning the office of Cyrus R. Vance,
District Attorney for New York County, "a formal offer of proof...based
on the evidence — forensic evidence that overwhelmingly and irrefutably
shows, by itemization of the key facts and by supplemental video of
important witnesses, that the three skyscrapers at the World Trade
Center were destroyed on 9/11 as a result of professionally engineered
controlled demolition, not by office fires and/or aircraft collision."
Bio: "John Remington Graham has participated in major cases raising
difficult questions of constitutional law, appearing before courts in
sixteen jurisdictions within the United States. Additionally, in 1998 he
was the advisor on British constitutional law and history for the
amicus curiae for Quebec in the Canadian Supreme Court, a position that
afforded him the opportunity of shaping Quebec’s argument in its case
for peaceable secession. Graham received both a bachelor of arts in
philosophy and a law degree from the University of Minnesota."
Second hour:Isa Hodge, the Muslim half of "a Muslim and a Catholic wake up in 'Merica," was supposed to join us to reflect on yesterday's Eid holiday and the tragedy at the hajj in Mecca, among other topics.
But when Isa couldn't make it, his Catholic co-host "Common Cal" generously
offered to stand in. The ensuing interfaith dialogue roams over vast
discursive territories, scattering sparkling gems of wit, irony, and
outrage. It ends with Common Cal appealing to listeners to carry on the
dialogue by finding someone who doesn't look like you - maybe that
foreign guy who runs the corner store - and start a conversation by
asking him what he believes.
Chris Petherick delves into the topic of genetically modified
organism labeling and the so-called SAFE Act, legislation passed by the
U.S. House that critics say will kill efforts in states to label when
food products are made with Franken-foods. The Barnes Review
Yet for all this asserted Western perception of Iran as a
terror state, hardly any credible evidence is ever presented by
Washington to support its claims. Yes, Iran supports
Palestinian resistance group Hamas; and yes, Tehran is also close to the
Lebanese Hezbollah resistance. Both, however, can arguably be
legitimately supported as opponents to illegal Israeli occupation.
Other specific acts of terrorism where Western governments implicate
Iran, such as the 1983 mass killing of US marines in Beirut or the 1994
deadly bombing of a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires, are largely unproven,
if not suspiciously “false flags” terror attacks aimed at demonising
Iran. Certainly, the Argentinian government of President Cristina de
Kirchner does not seem to place credibility in the allegations against
Iran, having dropped a prosecution case over the 1994 bombing. By contrast, the US sponsorship of MEK and other covert
terrorism against Iran is amply documented, if under-reported by Western
media.Paradoxically, however, the common Western public perception is the inverse of this reality.
Washington politicians in particular are able to wantonly charge Iran
with accusations of sponsoring terrorism simply because the Western
media have over decades conditioned the public mind to accept this
(distorted) portrayal. Whereas US government collusion in terrorism
against Iran is scarcely known of, at least by the general Western
This cognitive dissonance is part of a bigger problem of dispelling
official Western propaganda, as purveyed by the Western mass news media,
in order to properly understand the real connection between US
governments and international terrorism. ***Read full article here***
Dr. Duke again addressed The Golden One, a Swedish bodybuilder and YouTuber who released a video critical of Dr. Duke's emphasis on Jewish power but who is now expressing a better understanding of Dr. Duke's
views. He also brought up an article showing the extent of Zio media conditioning of people of all backgrounds against him. The article quoted a member of a minority group from India condemning the Indian prime minister (whom he accuses of genocide) by comparing him to former "Louisiana Governor David Duke."
Then he and Angelo John Gage discussed the conditioning of people by the media. While they don't want to blame people for being brainwashed, they do feel it is crucial to confront them with reality in order to wake them up.