January 27, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.01.27

Today: Dr. Duke's guest in Syrian Partisan Girl, one of the most articulate and knowledgeable speakers for the plight of the Syrian people in the face of Zio government and media support of the invaders of that nation. In the first part of the show Dr. Duke exposes a Jewish lobby that admits it is an ethnic (not religious) lobby working for the collective interests of the Jewish people. He also talks about the Jewish blackmail of a football club in Britain. In the Syrian Partisan Girl segment a powerful discussion takes place on the fact that American government money and weapons is now actually going to support what is allegedly America's biggest terrorist threat: al Qaeda ! She also exposes the lies against Syria and Assad by the zio media and Zio influenced government puppets. Very enlightening program!

David's site
Rense Archive 

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Unknown said...

Ooooooh the KKK show

Blindlight said...

not at all dude, outing the Jew got nothing to do with racism