February 19, 2014

The Piper Report 2/19/2014

  Michael Collins Piper returns to the airwaves discussing the need for clarity and precision within ‘the movement’ as a necessary precursor and prerequisite to victory.


Show-page                      FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture [Mossad connection to JFK]

                    The Barnes Review 

32k CF Download


Anonymous said...

I want to know what is going on with Michael Piper and AFP. There was not a satisfactory explanation in this program, and I want to know why he was "fired", if that is what happened, as it appears to be the case.


Anonymous said...

Lindsey, I've heard nothing of MCP's "firing from AFP". Links?

I only skipped through this show, as I've taken to doing with all TUT's shows the past year; though I more commonly don't listen at all. This show all I had to hear was MCP's shrillness, on the ad-hom attack against a variety of others; his (manipulative) tone of ridicule; and his relentless, disingenuous nyuck-nyuck-nyucking at his own so-called humor/ridicule. Then MG joins him in the 2nd half, and the 2 were tag-teaming attacking and fake nyuck-nyuck-nyucking. Same TUT routine of the past year with their anti-SHoax-skepticism campaign... but don't criticism their routine though; they might LABEL you a SUNSTEIN AGENT! :O

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