March 30, 2014

Texe Marrs Podcast 3/21/2014 - Bad to the Bone—How Talismans, Charms, Blood, and Occult Witchcraft are Used as Magic by the Elite

The Illuminati elite, as well as witchcraft sects and secret societies, use locks of human hair, bits of bones, and even entire human hands (cut from victims’ arms) as charms and talismans to wield magic and witchcraft. Blood is also collected and used.   



Noor al Haqiqa said...

I appreciate your work and have been a supporter for years, Texe Marrs, but you need a LITTLE tolerance towards how others worship God. Including fellow Christians. You paint every one of each sect with the same extreme brush. Division is the tool of the Talmudic, beware falling into its trap.

Anonymous said...

To Noor and Texe:

Anonymous said...