Intelligent media for the politically aware.
No Guest - News and Current Events. Just to be clear, Vira and I are not related lol and by the way Fetch, maybe having a drink during your broadcast ain't a bad idea. I enjoyed the conclusion of the show in particular.
40k CF Download
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org
Download From Archive.org
This was a great show and the chat room was definitely "rocking"!!!
One minor point in Mr. Dennis "Troll Slayer" Fetcho's bio here on Mami's . . .
"Dennis Fetcho, aka 'The Fetch', is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan."
I "think" the word you want is "expatriate" rather than "ex-Patriot"
ex·pa·tri·ate NOUN a person who lives outside their native country:
For as we, the ITEL krew, all know, TheFetch is quite the "Patriot" no matter what country he is in at the moment!!! :-)
Thanks again to all the fine folks here at Mami's for providing links to this and other great shows, videos and articles!!
- bb9
Just call him the more commonly used term "expat"
I would hate to think I gotta drink to be entertaining. :D
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