August 07, 2024

Kabala Harrass Will Do Whatever it Takes To Win ~ The Sane Asylum Based Hump Day 257 With Co-Host Dave Scorpio & Guest Dave Gahary - Giuseppe The G-Man ~ Right Perspective Radio with Davis Lurmann #083


How to Wrestle With a Giant Crocodile


The pets survived via the doggie door.....
How to Wrestle With a Giant Crocodile

Coffee anyone?

Beware or Bat Shit Flu Will Get You.


Albert said...

decree said...

Good to hear Scorpio back with Giuseppe, a bright future full of rants is ahead!

Erik Paul said...

Oh crap!, now I'll be forced to listen to that stuttering, stammering Sicilian meatwad! Lol

BuelahMan said...

Like a bad case of herpes, he won't go away even with multiple warnings. Yes, Christians are his and the world's problems. Then add Boomers. Especially white ones.
(Ignore the jews' brainwashing)
And what do you have?
A big jew win.
Congratulations, morons!

Jumbo Patterson said...

There was that Limey presenter on CNN who was busted for lewd behaviour in Central Park, NYC... I think he had drugs on him as well, lol... and they had him back on air. He did the financial nonsense on CNN, I believe.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Scorp looks like Adolf Hitler with a goatee, lol.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Never liked Springstein or Boner from the start, nor Geldof... just overhyped pop music to appeal to the masses, with plenty of backing from the jew record industry.

Jumbo Patterson said...

UK protestors discover critical flaw in police surveillance vehicle:

Jumbo Patterson said...

The destabilisation project of Europe & the UK.

(Which isn't news to any of us, of course)

Jumbo Patterson said...

Great talk with Jayda Fransen and Lana Lokteff about the UK situation

Jayda seems to be buying the stabbings as a real event, but I can't have it; even the British Govt. are not so ruthless as to kill three of their own little girls in this manner. If it were to become common knowledge that they had, that would really unleash the contempt of the British people.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Agent provocateur busted giving hand signals to police, UK riots.

Terrific channel is this, AppleIsland on bitchute.