January 11, 2013

Lugh's Den 11 - 2013.01.11

The scourge of British Israel, Christian Identity, American Zionism and the Pricks of Zadok. Grey Rider Magus AKA Dave from TX joins in the second hour.

Lugh's Den

32k Download

Delcroix interviews Celtic Rebel 2013.01.11

Delcroix on a Friday, he may have a guest, he may play a pod, he may have a rant, or just read a bit... Whatever he does, he should not be missed. Tune into the dude on a friday @ Awake Radio

Delcroix is joined by Celtic Rebel for a great chat covering various topics.


64k Download

The US Government Plans To Kill You And Everyone You Know!

The final curtain is preparing to fall on a nation of people that consider celebrity escapades and sports events the defining moments in their menial lives.  ***READ FULL ARTICLE***

Is Civil War Coming to America?



5 Facts About Guns, Schools, & Violence



Clint Richardson Speaks: Vaccination And The Law

Clint traveled to New York City to talk about his film Lethal Injection and the recent supreme court ruling there, which states our federal government can vaccinate children without parental consent, superseding state laws.

Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination
Lethal Injection Trailer (extra information)
Article on Prions and Zeno-Transplantation 

My Websites:

Spingola Speaks 2013.01.11

Guest:  Kate Rhéaume-Bleue, ND, author of Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life (2012)

Deanna's site

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Spotting The Disinfo


David Duke Show 2013.01.11

Today: Dr. Duke does a solo show today on Health and fitness centering it around the natural man (and woman) and how his world view comes from this precept that effects his views on health, fitness, family, morality, politics, religion and all the aspects of meaningful life. A really insightful and meaningful program that has elicited tremendous amounts of positive emails to our offices.

David's site

56k CF Download

Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner 2013.01.11

"Sandy Hook: Unanswered Questions" with Professor James F. Tracy. Discrepancies in media coverage; coroner's press conference; political fallout.

Articles: The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information;  POLICE STATE USA: The Paranoid Style of American Governance;  FAU Prof With Controversial Newtown Theories Says He Was Misunderstood ;   FAU prof stirs controversy by disputing Newtown massacre;

Prof. James F. Tracy - Archive

Bonnie's website

Guns and Butter archive


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.10

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - The Trends Ahead

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - Things Aren't Looking Good

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dave Lindorff - This Can't Be Happening

56k CF
Rense' site

Marine Absolutely Owns CNN Anchor


January 10, 2013

Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2013.01.10


Renrgade Broadcasting

32k Download

The Caucasian Persuasion 3 - 2013.01.10

Death of White America: Newtown Hoax, SAVE YOUR RACE!
John and Joe will discuss
  • The Law of Attraction-- The power of getting what you want and how to make it happen.
  • Why the government is taking all of our guns suddenly and why such a garbage deal was struck as it pertains to the country's finances.
  • Django and Oikaphobia. What is Oikaphobia and how does it effect you?
  • Is this Newtown massacre all a giant HOAX?

Truth Militia Site

Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report Jan 10, 2012

Jonathan Azaziah discusses the unlikely interrelation between Jewish maneuvering for and against Defense Secretary-nominee Chuck Hagel along with the onslaught of psychological warfare leveled at President Hugo Chávez and Bolivarian Venezuela by the Zionist media and US-Israeli-backed opposition.




Spingola Speaks 2013.01.010

Guest: Dr. David Healy, author of Pharmageddon (2012) and 19 other books; RxISK is the drug safety website to research and report side effects

Deanna's site

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What's Ailing America with Dr Rebecca Carley 2013.01.06

"Increase government pressure for bio weapons assault by vaccines globally." Dr Carey takes calls on many topics: Vaccines, the Jewish agenda, the medical mafia.


Dr. Carley' Site


Alternative Download

David Duke Show 2013.01.10

Today: Dr. MacDonald And Dr. Duke delve into the gun control movement documenting the Jewish role in leading the effort to take away guns from law abiding American citizens and at the same time empowering the government to have more police and military control over the people. They illustrate how the same leading Jewish organizations that support gun control for Americans, at the same time support Israel which is dedicated to every Jewish citizen having the right to carry a submachine gun if they wish! Then Dr. MacDonald analyses the Hagel nomination for Secretary of Defense and the opportunity that this nomination poses for exposure of the Jewish power that dominated American politics!

David's site

56k CF Download

Alternative Download