Let’s Get Physical: Those in the Know Are Taking It SeriouslyTopics
-Five years ago in March, One Radio Network takes to the air and weekly show with Andrew Gause. What is different in the financial world today?
-Cuts always go first to those that directly affect the people
-Do the Boys have a plan moving forward?
-Andy goes into the mechanics and amazing amount of paper shorts and longs in the metals market that the Boys have done in the past week
-The NY Fed continues to pour money into the banks of the EU
-Physical possession will be the buzzword of this decade
-Hank Greenberg and Andy talk about the AIG rout four years ago
-JP Morgan’s destruction of Bear Sterns mimics the same play 100 years ago with the Knickerbocker Trust
-The Boys control the supply and demand side of everything
-Coming soon, more free trade between USG and EU
-David Stockman and Andy and the Unified budget, (code word for stealing the Social Security Trust Fund that started in 1967
-Scott the Trader sends an email with his chart predictions and Andy comments
-G-20 currency wars, currency worries, Ms. Lagard says we are cooperating.
-Heavy hitter Marc Faber talks about his gold strategy
-The Chicago Plan would end fractional reserve banking – the Boys will pass on this
-Pensions funds, retirement funds and the future
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