Gold Doesn’t Pay Dividends… But It Doesn’t Commit Fraud, Steal Depositor Funds and Lie Under Oath Either
-We start today’s show by looking deeper into the extreme volatility of gold the past two weeks:
Gold artificially is moved into a risk
Gold physical supply
Leasing Gold for fun and profit
-The great disconnect of physical metals and the spot price is unprecedented in history
-We ask Andrew, “Is this the start of something really big?”
-Huge Irish bank is being liquidated that main stream media doesn’t “Know” exists.
-What we see going on in Europe is historical indeed
-What will be the three major currencies left standing and why they are one in the same
-What is QE4 going to look like?
-Goldman closes out their short positions in gold
-The Fabian Socialists are running the show
-The 10 year treasury note, it’s history of interest paid since 1790
-Inflating our way out of debt and why debt is never extinguished
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