Mark Andersonond welcomes back John Devine and his son Mark, of Ontario,
Canada. They offer broad insights on Canadian political corruption and
its impact on both Canada and America--with related information and
revelations on the flagrant abuse and contamination of the world's soils
and fresh water supplies, the stress on fish populations and other
factors that could lead to food shortages, and a host of other issues. Show-page
August 14, 2013
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.13
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - American In Crisis
Listen Download Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Veterans Today
Listen Download Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief
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Rense' site
August 13, 2013
The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.08.12
The Birth of a New Generation
Sinead returns to the show to discuss What Happened to Birth?, her recent article. Topics include: the big business of pregnancy, the atrocities of hospital birth, systematic mutilation of mothers and babies, natural instincts and folk knowledge vs. the “experts” of industry, healthy alternatives for parents, and why we need to empower our women.
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National Protectionism
The Heretics' Hour 2013.08.12
A review of the chapter “War Crimes Trials” from Carlos Porter’s new book of the same name – which details how the Allies’ International Military Tribunal that began in 1946 in Nuremberg used illegal standards of judgement. A reading of the Hague Conventions of 1907 reveal that the accusations leveled against the Nationsl-Socialists were what the Allies were actually guilty of in every instance.
Similarly, today the so-called NSU Trial (National Socialist Underground) is being conducted via sensational headlines and pitifully little evidence for the purpose of reinforcing the verdicts at Nuremberg. That is what it’s all about: convincing the public that Nationalism attracts criminals and leads to the terrorizing of society.
Image: Public poster in German city with pictures of the Turkish “victims” reads: “Murdered by the NSU-Nazi-Murderers!” – even though the trial has just gotten started. Guilt is assumed; the trial is just a formality.
The White Network
Original Post
Carolyn' site
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David Duke Show 2013.08.13
Today: Dr. David Duke has another great program from the road, this time in Alabama not far from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. He discusses some of the fundamental principles of genetics and the foundations of what are referred to as ethnic or racial differences, and shows why all reason and evolutionary evidence supports the variation and diversity of all species and breeds of life, including human expressions, and that understanding the differences can lead to avoiding conflict and more harmonious societies. Then He and Dr. Slattery (a former economics professor in the Ivy League) discuss the latest Wall Street mega-scandal by Mr. Cohen which is described by a Jewish publication as an "entirely Jewish affair!" Today you will learn about how Jewish tribalists steal trillions of dollars from billions of the worlds' hard working and productive people.
David's site
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David's site
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Spingola Speaks 2013.08.13
Guest: Clint Richardson, Producer of The Corporate Nation, Reality Blog; Cracking The Cult Of The Constitution
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Your mortgage documents are fake!
If you know about foreclosure fraud, the mass fabrication of mortgage documents in state courts by banks attempting to foreclose on homeowners, you may have one nagging question: Why did banks have to resort to this illegal scheme? Was it just cheaper to mock up the documents than to provide the real ones? Did banks figure they simply had enough power over regulators, politicians and the courts to get away with it? (They were probably right about that one.)
A newly unsealed lawsuit, which banks settled in 2012 for $95 million, actually offers a different reason, providing a key answer to one of the persistent riddles of the financial crisis and its aftermath. The lawsuit states that banks resorted to fake documents because they could not legally establish true ownership of the loans when trying to foreclose.
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Unsealed court-settlement documents reveal banks stole $trillions’ worth of houses
A newly unsealed lawsuit, which banks settled in 2012 for $95 million, actually offers a different reason, providing a key answer to one of the persistent riddles of the financial crisis and its aftermath. The lawsuit states that banks resorted to fake documents because they could not legally establish true ownership of the loans when trying to foreclose.
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Unsealed court-settlement documents reveal banks stole $trillions’ worth of houses
Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report with special guest Ken O’Keefe
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.12
Listen Download Hour 1 - Jonathan Emord - Constitutional Attorney State Of The Nation
Listen Download Hour 2 - Pete Santilli & Chief Mark Kessler - The Price Of Honesty
Listen Download Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Worsening - Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Report
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Rense' site
August 12, 2013
Spingola Speaks 2013.08.12
Deannas guest Niki Raapana was late, so Deanna talked with Lark from Texas and callers until Niki called in later in the show.
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David Duke Show 2013.08.12
Today: Dr. David Duke comes to you today live from the Smoky Mtn. Summit with a program showing the true motivations of men and women who support the liberation, freedom and preservation of their people, heritage and values. Why these rights are the very essence of what we call human rights, and how the Jewish extremists are the real racists who suppress every people's natural heritage to pursue their supremacist agenda. Also, Dr. Slattery joins Dr. Duke to add a great deal to the discussion.
David's site
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David's site
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Are You Smarter Than A 8th Grader
So, do you believe American children are smarter than their counterparts in 1912? And forget about computers—most of these kids didn’t even have electricity.
The following Eighth Grade Exam is from the Bullitt County (KY) Schools in 1912. Note that there are several typesetting mistakes on the test including a mistake in the spelling list. The word “eneeavor” should be “endeavor.”
No Googling! Begin…..NOW. See test here
The following Eighth Grade Exam is from the Bullitt County (KY) Schools in 1912. Note that there are several typesetting mistakes on the test including a mistake in the spelling list. The word “eneeavor” should be “endeavor.”
No Googling! Begin…..NOW. See test here
How the Jews Won the West
The key to Jewish power rests principally on two things: control of banking and finance, and control of mass media. One is used as a tool to enslave us physically, the other mentally. Over the past hundred years they have gained almost a complete monopoly on them both throughout the world, especially in the West. In order to grasp the full extent of Jewish power today and understand how they have acquired it, one needs to look briefly at the history of banking, beginning with the Bank of England.
The Jews were kicked out of England in 1290 by King Edward I for money-lending. He gave them a deadline and declared that any Jews found in England after that time would be executed. Laws were then enacted to ensure that they could never return.
England prospered for hundreds of years without the Jews until finally, in 1656, they were let back in by Oliver Cromwell. Thirty eight years later, in 1694, they set up the Bank of England.
Jewish banking utilizes the immoral and historically condemned practice of usury and is designed to enslave entire countries through accumulating interest that can never be paid off. Within a century of Jews having seized financial dominance, England’s national debt went from a mere 1.5 million to an astronomical 848 million.
Read the rest here:
The Jews were kicked out of England in 1290 by King Edward I for money-lending. He gave them a deadline and declared that any Jews found in England after that time would be executed. Laws were then enacted to ensure that they could never return.
England prospered for hundreds of years without the Jews until finally, in 1656, they were let back in by Oliver Cromwell. Thirty eight years later, in 1694, they set up the Bank of England.
Jewish banking utilizes the immoral and historically condemned practice of usury and is designed to enslave entire countries through accumulating interest that can never be paid off. Within a century of Jews having seized financial dominance, England’s national debt went from a mere 1.5 million to an astronomical 848 million.
Read the rest here:
William Martin : Who is Pushing Whom into the Sea?
This article was written in 2005. However its continued relevance is signified by the fact that it was placed on a course syllabus recently for a course on the Modern Middle East, by the Director of Middle East Studies at the Univ of Oklahoma, Joshua Landis, and is also referenced and footnoted in Nur Masalha’s book, ‘The Palestinian Nakba’ just published this past spring.
Ben Gurion: “We Must Expel the Arabs and Take Their Place”
Angela Merkel reaffirms German servility to Israel
Parasitical Politicians living off *your* backs. |
But not to worry: the German ruling elite can take comfort in at least one constant that seems immune to change. No, we’re not talking specifically about Germany’s expansionist and Nazi heritage but something related – an affinity with a particular country that has assimilated many aspects of Germany’s colourful past, Israel.
It’s an affinity that is manifested in regular displays of German servility towards the Zionist state. (redressonline)
Which Shall It Be, Freedom of Speech or Not?
Well? Do you want to keep this right,or not? |
19 Very Disturbing Facts About Illegal Immigration That Every American Should Know
Oh, you lucky people!!! |
Israeli Gov’t mocks ‘Peace Talks’ with announcement of 1200 New Squatter homes in Occupied Palestine
Read more here:The Israeli government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced Sunday that it would take bids on nearly 1200 new housing units on Palestinian territory occupied by Israel.
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