March 15, 2014

Mami's Shit According to Garp

Mami's Shit is a prominent file-sharing website in the Jew-wise Truth movement. A small team of contributors post commercial-free internet radio shows, as well as links to videos and articles. It has an embedded chatroom and has external links to information resources and websites. Some of the alternative media personalities it features includes Charles Giuliani, David Duke, Jeff Rense, Michael Collins Piper, Deanna Spingola, John Friend, Kyle Hunt and many others.

Blah blah blah Read more shit HERE

BTW. A special thanks to Hollocoats or what ever is real name is. lol

March 14, 2014

Daryl Bradford Smith's The French Connection 3/13/2014

Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Adrian Salbuchi.

The French Connection 

Daryl's Book List 

The Holocaust Hoax info 


Guantanamo Detainees Subjected to Listen to this in an Endless Loop!

YT LINK for RSS feeds

David Duke Show 2014.03.14

Today: Dr. David Duke has a special show on the Weekend of the Jewish Genocidal, racist celebration of Purim. Dr. Duke and his guests Dr. Patrick Slattery and Conflict Resolution Expert Kay Wahlen discuss the truth about Purim, its celebration of hatred, genocide which seems to go against everything we think of as religious values. For instance, it is revealed how the rabbi in the National Synagogue in Washington, D.C. explains to the congregation that Purim shows the need of Jews to genocide their enemies and even the descendants of their enemies. Discussed is the fact that in every synagogue all over the world Jews symbolically beat with sticks, Haman and Jewish enemies, and children have recreations of the lynching of Haman! Shocking material. Dr. Duke also shows this shows that embedded Jewish hatreds that so contributed to the genocides committed by Jews in the Red Terror against their slavic, "anti-Semitic" enemies, and how this contributes to their ethnic cohesion and seizure of institutions such as media, governmental agencies, and International Banking. The lessons of Purim are further illustrated and illuminated by Dr. Slattery and Kay Whalen. A powerful show that you should share with friends and family.

David's site
Rense Archive 

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.13

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trends Come Home

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - A Conversation

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Update

56k CF
Rense' site

Doctors Against Vaccines: The Other Side of the Story is Not Being Told

The pro-Pharma mainstream media would like everyone to believe that doctors and “scientists” all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, and that dissenters are uneducated or uninformed parents.
Not true.

Doctors and scientists who dare to speak out against the status quo, putting their own careers in jeopardy for telling the other side of the story, are of course few, and clearly in the minority.

But that does not mean they do not exist. It just means they are fewer in number, because they value truth and the health and well-being of the public more than financial connections to the pharmaceutical industry.
Leslie Manookian, producer of “The Greater Good” movie, lists over 150 scientists and physicians who have questioned vaccines publicly. Read the list here.

Read more here

The Religion Of Vladimir Putin
*More information here

Why would AIPAC protect Saudis from 9/11 probe?

Which raises another burning question: Why would AIPAC want to protect the Saudis? The many “leaks” bandied about (or should we say Bandared about) in the mainstream media all point to the Saudis as the culprits who attacked America on 9/11, according to the Joint Congressional Report’s redacted pages. Yet Israel is lobbying Congress to cover it up.
Are the leaks blaming the Saudis a misdirection ploy? Could it be that the “one or more” foreign intelligence agencies involved in the planning and execution of 9/11 included the Israeli Mossad?
Look at where the “blame the Saudis” leaks are coming from. Paul Sperry, author of the New York Post article on the Lynch and Jones request, works for the Hoover Institute, an Israel-affiliated neocon think tank. The Post itself is one of New York’s several Israeli propaganda outfits that pose as newspapers. Sperry claims that “unnamed CIA sources” told him the redacted pages of the Joint Report implicate the Saudis. Do those “CIA sources” really think the Saudis have the covert-ops capacity, political clout, and motive to attack the US and get away with it? Or is Sperry, and his real or imaginary sources, doing what the Hoover Institute and the New York Post always do: Fronting for Israel?
***Read article at Veterans Today***

*More info. 

Hitler's Table Talk Study Hour with Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin 3/13/2014

Russians, Germans and Christianity: July 1941 – Episode 2

*More information here 

March 13, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.03.13

Today: Dr. David Duke welcomes listeners from the Don Black Show and continues some of the same discussion after recounting the latest news showing once more the subservience of America to its Zio Master. How hundreds of millions of additional American taxpayer's dollars are going to Israel for the benefit of Jewish extremists who pay no American taxes! Then he takes up the discussion of the psychology needed to to overcome decades of brainwashing by the Zio media and offers concrete advice for both young people and accomplished, successful adults on how to effectively work toward the revolution ahead. Near the end there is a good discussion of Ukraine and why the Jewish extremists are encouraging and exploiting the conflict there. Great show! listen, save, make a video of it and share this show with the world!

David's site
Rense Archive 

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Keep jumping you fuckers!

A Manhattan trader was killed Tuesday morning by a speeding Long Island Rail Road commuter train, marking at least the seventh suicide of a financial professional this year.

Edmund (Eddie) Reilly, 47, a trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, jumped in front of an LIRR train at 6 a.m. near the Syosset train station.

He was declared dead at the scene. 

Read more here

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.12

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Heading Toward The End

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Richard Ostrow - Miraculous Recoveries

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Rense' site


March 12, 2014

100 Years of War Lies DEBUNKED
*More information here

The Kevin Barrett Show 2014.03.13

Ted Walter: For high-rise safety's sake, investigate WTC-7!

The High-Rise Safety Initiative - which would force New York City to investigate the apparent controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 - has received a generous offer of up to $50,000 to match all funds raised from today - Thursday, March 13th, 2014 - until April 1st.

Guest: Ted Walter, organizer of the High-Rise Safety Initiative, discussing how this project could dramatically raise the profile of WTC-7 and 9/11 truth, and take us one step closer to justice.
Kevin's blog

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Radio Free Northwest 3.13.2014

HAC bloviates on the Ukraine, Aryan History, and sex. We hear from an organic migrant and Gretchen on Tom Clancy, while Andy talks about real politics. Nice selection of St Patrick’s day mellows.


The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.03.12

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Mike King of Mike and I will be discussing Putin, Russia and the situation in Ukraine.

 Below are relevant links for this program:
The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)


David Duke Show 2014.03.12

Today: Dr. David Duke goes into the Orwellian newspeak of the Zio controlled media and political establishment. He shows an AP directive that its reporters must not ever use the term illegal aliens, to describe what are truly illegal aliens. Aliens, non citizens who have broken American laws and who are illegally in the United States. He contrasts that with the head of Israel referring to legitimate asylum seekers in Israel as "infiltrators" once again illustrating the double standards of Jews who control the media condemn America but are positive toward Israel a nation whose policies would be condemned if possessed by any European populated country. Then he goes into to a shocking Jewish article showing Putin's support for Chabad Lubavitch a radical, anti-Russian, anti-Christian and anti-Gentile organization. Yet, even with Putin's support of Chabad, the Zionists only tolerate 100 percent subservience to their Zio globalist agenda. A stirring, amazing program today! Share it!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

The Kevin Barrett Show 2014.03.12

Physicist David Griscom's $1000 9/11 debate challenge!

Dr. David Griscom is a highly-rated physicist - and a leading challenger to the official story of 9/11, which he says violates the laws of physics. During this interview, he discusses the Harrit et. al. nanothermite paper, 9/11 truth movement controversies, the 9/11 planes, and the possibility that Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was hijacked by remote control, just like the passenger planes on 9/11.

Dr. Griscom, together with the Association for 9/11 Truth Awareness ( and Truth Jihad Radio, issued a debate challenge February 20th via the most active anti-9/11-truth website, the James Randi forum. Any qualified physicist who actually believes the official story of 9/11 is invited to step forward and defend those beliefs - and try to win a $1000 prize!

The debate was originally scheduled for March 15th, 2014 at noon Eastern time. We have been looking for a physicist with a Hirsch Index rating over 50 (i.e. a highly qualified physicist in the same league as Dr. Griscom). Unfortunately, there does not seem to be even one highly-qualified physicist in the world who can argue that the official story of 9/11 is permitted by the laws of physics!
The proposed debate question is:


1) The laws of physics were broken by the official story and we need a new investigation
2) The laws were not broken, and everything was explainable. The 9/11 Commission Report is fine as is.

The debate will be 2 hours with three 10 minute breaks every half hour for a total time of 1.5 hours.
The winner will be determined by audience vote and will receive $1000 towards the non-profit charity of his or her choice.
Also note that my own 9/11 debate challenge has been offering $1000 and later $2000 to any University of Wisconsin instructor who can defend the official story of 9/11. This offer has been up for several years, with no takers. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Kevin's blog

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en Hitler über Juden 1933

Thanks Theding.
