June 14, 2014
June 13, 2014
Rothschild Crony Capitalist Summit Plots Against Free Markets
Under the guise of re-defining and improving
what they inaccurately called “capitalism,” top insiders representing
institutions that control some $30 trillion in assets met at aRothschild-sponsored “Inclusive Capitalism” summit in London to push what sounded suspiciously like global tyranny. From the IMF boss quoting Karl Marx to crony capitalist CEOs and central bankers pushing radical notions of “sustainability,” the globalist bigwigs consistently blamed what little remains of the free market for the horrific failures of socialism, central banking, and Big Government.
Ironically, many of the attendees enriched by fleecing taxpayers via
government were tripping over themselves to advocate more wealth
redistribution and taxes.
The conference, held in late May, was convened by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who married into the infamous, unimaginably wealthy Rothschild banking dynasty that extracted much of its obscene fortune from humanity using the coercive power of government. Attendees and speakers included Prince Charles, International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde (shown), former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Bank of England boss Mark Carney, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, and more. Also in attendance: pension-fund bosses, Big Business CEOs, and other top figures representing an estimated one third of the world’s investable wealth. Among the “supporting organizations” for the summit were the CIA-linked Ford Foundation and the globalist Rockefeller Foundation.
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The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
The conference, held in late May, was convened by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who married into the infamous, unimaginably wealthy Rothschild banking dynasty that extracted much of its obscene fortune from humanity using the coercive power of government. Attendees and speakers included Prince Charles, International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde (shown), former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Bank of England boss Mark Carney, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, and more. Also in attendance: pension-fund bosses, Big Business CEOs, and other top figures representing an estimated one third of the world’s investable wealth. Among the “supporting organizations” for the summit were the CIA-linked Ford Foundation and the globalist Rockefeller Foundation.
Read more here
The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
David Duke Show 2014.06.13
Dr. David Duke reveals the truth from the Jewish Press for Jewish readers about the Zio Eric Cantor political loss. They say one thing for media they control for Gentile consumption and one thing for Jewish consumption. They told Gentiles in the Washington Post that Cantor's loss had nothing to do with the fact he was an activist Jew, but in the Jewish Daily Forward it is headlined, "Did Eric Cantor Lose Because He's Jewish? You Betcha." The truth is that America is waking up. That is a perfect sedgeway for Dr. Duke to talk about how we can overthrow the tyrannical Jewish elite that rules over us. Dr. Slattery has great commentary as well and interviews Dr. Duke on this subject! A great show, and don't forget to go to DavidDuke.com and support this work today! Thanks to ALL!
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David's site
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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.13
Charles basically bashes the bible for a change and takes two calls. (BTW, I lost the plot way before I called in) lol
Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
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A View From The Bog
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NoAgenda Episode 625 - "Touching the Stick" - 2014.06.12
Koch Brothers!; Bo Diddley; War on Water; NA-Tech; Common Core; Six Week Cycle; Tourrettes email; CYBER!; War on Ammo; Shut Up Slave!; EUROLand; F-Russia / Ukraine / Syria; Follow the Pipe$; Chiner$; Agenda 21; SnowJob; Ministry of Truth; Packet Inequality; SDR; Obama Nation; Trains Good, Planes Bad (whoo hoo!); Ottomania; Bullying; War on Weed; Ministry of Truth; Vaccine$; Hillary 2016 - The Usual Curry & Dvorak Deconstructions.
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.06.12
Listen Download Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trends Come Home
Listen Download Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - A Conversation
Listen Download Hour 3 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Report
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Rense' site
June 12, 2014
Nick and Drew from Renegade Broadcasting discuss:
- Drew's past interviews and his evolution
- Geopolitics
- Affirmative Action and other racial topics
- Patriot Movement and its controlled opposition
Call in number for Circus Maximus: 224-244-7300 Chicago USA. Listen Live from 6-8pm Eastern every Thursday.
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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.12
Using quotes from the Bible, Charles finishes yesterday's topic about the Bible being meant for Jews only and that Yahweh is the god of Israel. He then ends the show by starting a new topic that deals with the early church fathers/presbyters. (1 caller)
Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
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A View From The Bog
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David Duke Show 2014.06.12
Dr. David Duke begins the show with a study of the relationship of Jewish tribalist, racist supremacism and influence on the wars of the last hundred years as well as the Red Terror that killed or harmed at least 200 million Europeans. He also goes into the latest Israeli media boasting of how it does not matter to them that Cantor was defeated because they have their Shabbot goyim all lined up who are completely subservient to Israel in the U.S. Congress. Dr. Slattery also joins the show later and adds some prescient commentary! Really great show, and be sure to tune in tomorrow for a show of "solutions". Be sure to take a minute and go to DavidDuke.com and help our work because without you Dr. Duke couldn't accomplish what he does for all of us!
David's site
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David's site
Rense Archive
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Eric Cantor is defeated by a campaign run by a 23-year-old with a flip phone
Did Eric Cantor Lose Because He's Jewish? Of Course.
Did Eric Cantor lose because of his Judaism? Everybody’s been
tiptoeing around the question for the last two days, so let’s just come
out and say it: Of course he did. That and redistricting.
What the GOP’s redistricting mavens forgot to factor in — what’s eluded pretty much the entire chattering class wrestling with this earthquake — is that the prairie fire that’s turned so much of middle America red is as much about Christianity as anything else.
And if it’s about Christianity, then it’s also about not-Jewish. How does that factor in? Most talk of Jews in politics begins and ends with Israel and anti-Semitism. If it’s not one of those two, we’re done. Hence the endless repetition of the line that Dave Wasserman of Cook Political Report gave to the New York Times: “You can’t ignore the elephant in the room.” No, you can’t. But nobody knew what to make of the elephant. (Actually, it’s more about the elephant that’s suddenly out of the room, isn’t it?) Even Wasserman didn’t mention it in his Cook coverage.
"Oy Vey" Cantor’s Jewishness mattered because we tell you what matters, we're gods chosen! Now
can we please talk about Hitler and what a bad boy he was!
Read more here
House's No. 2 Republican defeated by a campaign run by a 23-year-old with a flip phone
BOTTOM - Rik Mayall ( Richie ) Funniest Moments
Post Mortem results due today - hopefully explaining why this man is no longer with us.
RIP Rik. Good luck punching them in the balls-wherever you've ended up!
*Update: Post Mortem "Inconclusive", and more tests to be carried out.*
(Not suitable for work. Contains Swearing,Shouting,Violence,Stupidity and other Anarchic Behaviour!)
RIP Rik. Good luck punching them in the balls-wherever you've ended up!
*Update: Post Mortem "Inconclusive", and more tests to be carried out.*
(Not suitable for work. Contains Swearing,Shouting,Violence,Stupidity and other Anarchic Behaviour!)
Spain Approves Dual Citizenship For Jews
Although the majority never actually left! They just converted to Catholicism (Marrano Jews) |
This new plan is the “historic mistake”. Obviously these politicians pushing this forward are completely confused., *Or Jewish themselves.
Aussies Bash The Bishop because the Jews told them to! Refused entry into Australia.
Bishop Richard Williamson - Victim of Jewish Smear Campaign. |
Aussies now *firmly* under the thumb of the Jews!
Here’s another example of Jewish power using the Holohoax as a weapon against their perceived political enemies. Even though the upper echelons of the Catholic Church appear to be on the same page with Jews on many issues, there are still a few clergy members like Bishop Richard Williamson who are not afraid to call out Jews for their hoaxes and crimes. Unfortunately for Williamson this wasn’t without consequence as the Jews ensured he could not enter Australia for his political beliefs.
The History of “Racism”
Cultural Marxism is thirsty work! |
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term “racism” first appeared in English in the United States in 1936 in a fascist pamphlet by Lawrence Dennis called The Coming American Fascism: The Crisis of Capitalism.
It is pretty clear that “racism” was in use in other European languages before English. The origin of “racism” is commonly attributed to either the Jewish communist Leon Trotsky (1930) or the Jewish sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld (1934).
Organized Jewry concerned about rising "anti-Semitism"
In an interview with Dr. Yoel Rappel for the Israeli daily, Wiesel conceded that anti-Semitism "will likely never be defeated." Of
course, "anti-Semitism" is a direct result of Jewish treachery,
criminality, and subversion. Where ever Jews go, "anti-Semitism"
inevitably follows, because sooner or later non-Jews get fed up with
Jewish behavior.
Jewish radicals and the Jewish mass media and "entertainment" complex are responsible for the promotion and elevation of homosexuality, transgenderism , sexual debauchery and promiscuity, and other perverse social and cultural movements, which have thoroughly debased and perverted our culture. Organized Jewish groups have promoted massive non-White immigration to traditionally White Western European countries, including the United States, and have fostered an extremely anti-White political and educational environment, resulting in White displacement and disenfranchisement.
Due to the Jewish control of information and education, our history has been weaponized and used against us. The mass media media and Hollywood, totally controlled by Jewish financial and political interests, have systematically engaged in psychological warfare against the non-Jewish world, and have created an artificial reality and entirely fabricated history we are expected to accept. ***Read full article here***
*Internet anti-Semitism a ‘mortal danger,’ says Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman MK Yoel Razbozov
*Abraham Foxman: you can’t call a Jew a traitor, unless you’re an anti-Semite
*Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism
*"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
Jewish radicals and the Jewish mass media and "entertainment" complex are responsible for the promotion and elevation of homosexuality, transgenderism , sexual debauchery and promiscuity, and other perverse social and cultural movements, which have thoroughly debased and perverted our culture. Organized Jewish groups have promoted massive non-White immigration to traditionally White Western European countries, including the United States, and have fostered an extremely anti-White political and educational environment, resulting in White displacement and disenfranchisement.
Due to the Jewish control of information and education, our history has been weaponized and used against us. The mass media media and Hollywood, totally controlled by Jewish financial and political interests, have systematically engaged in psychological warfare against the non-Jewish world, and have created an artificial reality and entirely fabricated history we are expected to accept. ***Read full article here***
*Internet anti-Semitism a ‘mortal danger,’ says Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman MK Yoel Razbozov
*Abraham Foxman: you can’t call a Jew a traitor, unless you’re an anti-Semite
*Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism
*"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
No, your data is not secure in the Cloud
In 2012, Google alone received 21,389 government requests for information affecting 33,634 user accounts.
While online data storage services claim your data is encrypted, there are no guarantees. With recent revelations that the federal government taps into the files of Internet search engines, email and cloud service providers, any myth about data "privacy" on the Internet has been busted.
Experts say there's simply no way to ever be completely sure your data will remain secure once you've moved it to the cloud."You have no way of knowing. You can't trust anybody. Everybody is lying to you," said security expert Bruce Schneier. "How do you know which platform to trust? They could even be lying because the U.S. government has forced them to."
***Read article at COMPUTERWORLD***
Australian Security Agencies Target "SyrianGirl" Mimi Al-Laham
In the Orwellian world of post 9/11 hysteria and the Global War On
Terror, speaking truth is a revolutionary act. Indeed, such is evidenced
by the fact that speaking out against terrorism is now enough to cause
you to be labeled as a supporter of terrorism. At least, that is, in
certain instances.
This is particularly the case with Mimi Al-Laham, (aka SyrianGirl), a young Syrian woman who has been active on YouTube, social media, and her own website in speaking out about the Western-backed destabilization of Syria.
***Read full article here***
This is particularly the case with Mimi Al-Laham, (aka SyrianGirl), a young Syrian woman who has been active on YouTube, social media, and her own website in speaking out about the Western-backed destabilization of Syria.
***Read full article here***
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