November 08, 2014

Monsanto has gone into full bullshit mode!!! Monsanto's New Commercial.
Monsanto thinks that consumers should drop all those pesky questions about the company's dark past, the lack of independent safety testing, their fight against GMO labeling, their aggressive litigation that puts farmers out of business and the devouring of the majority of the world's food supply and crops.
Apparently, they'd like you to forget over one hundred years of genocidal history.

*Monsanto's New PR Commercial Will Make You Queasy

ISIS: the Useful Enemy

The dark force of ISIS is apparently an invincible and unstoppable war juggernaut that is mercilessly killing and conquering in pursuit of establishing an Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. In reality, however, it is not as out of control as it appears. It is, indeed, carefully controlled and managed by its creators and supporters, that is, by the United States and its allies in the region—those who now pretend to have established a coalition to fight it! The U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and other allies in the region do not really need to fight ISIS to (allegedly) destroy it; all they need to do to extinguish its hellish flames is stop supplying fuel for its fire, that is, stop supplying it with funds, mercenaries, military training and armaments.
 The U.S. approach to ISIS would be better understood when it is viewed in the context of its overall objectives in the region—and beyond. That overriding objective, shared and reinforced by its client states, is to undermine or eliminate “the axis of resistance,” consisting of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and, to a lesser extent, Shia forces in Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
To intervene in order to achieve these goals, the U.S. and its allies need pretexts and/or enemies—even if it means inventing or manufacturing such enemies. Without ISIS, resumption of U.S. military operations in Iraq and extension of those operations into Syria would have been difficult to justify to the American people. A year or so ago, the Obama administration’s drive to attack Syria was thwarted by the opposition from the American people and, therefore, the U.S. congress. The rise of ISIS quickly turned that opposition to support.
Viewed in this light, ISIS can be seen as essentially another (newly manufactured) instrument in the tool-box of U.S. foreign policy, which includes “global terrorism,” the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, weapons of mass destruction, Iran’s nuclear technology, Al-Qaeda, and many other radical Islamic groupings—all by-products of, or blowbacks to, imperialistic U.S. foreign policies.
***Read full article here***

Surprise: The Drug War Isn’t About Drugs

Perhaps the biggest joke is that the War on Drugs is fought to reduce drug use. No doubt many people involved in the domestic enforcement side of the Drug War actually believe this, but the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand’s doing. The narcotics trade is an enormous source of money for the criminal gangs that control it, and guess what? The US intelligence community is one of the biggest criminal drug gangs in the world, and the global drug trade is a great way for it to raise money to do morally repugnant stuff it can’t get openly funded by Congress. It’s been twenty years since journalist Gary Webb revealed the Reagan cabinet’s collusion with drug cartels in marketing cocaine inside the United States, to raise money for the right-wing Contra death squads in Nicaragua — a revelation he was gaslighted and driven to suicide for by the US intelligence community and mainstream press.
Now we hear that the US is “losing the drug war in Afghanistan.” Well, obviously — it’s a war that’s designed to be lost. The Taliban were so easy to overthrown in the fall of 2001 because they really did try to stamp out opium poppy cultivation, and with a fair degree of success. This didn’t sit well with the Afghan populace, which traditionally makes a lot of money growing poppies. But the Northern Alliance — which the United States turned into the national government of Afghanistan — was quite friendly to poppy cultivation in its territory. When the Taliban was overthrown, poppy and heroin cultivation resumed normal levels. Putting the US in charge of a “war on drugs in Afghanistan” is like putting Al Capone in charge of alcohol prohibition.
Besides, actually “winning” the drug war would mean ending it. And who in US domestic law enforcement wants to cut off the source of billions in federal aid and military equipment, militarized SWAT teams and unprecedented surveillance and civil forfeiture powers? This is a war meant to go on forever, just like the so-called War on Terror.
The state always encourages moral panic and “wars” on one thing or another in order to keep us afraid, so we’ll give it more power over our lives. Don’t believe its lies.
***Read full article here*** 

Scott Horton 2014.11.06

Charlotte Silver

Charlotte Silver, an independent journalist based in Oakland, California, discusses the prosecution of Chicago resident Rasmea Odeh for immigration violations, based on her conviction on terrorism charges in Israel in 1969 after she was brutally tortured into confessing.

64k CF Download


Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.11.07

Ralph Schoenman on blocking Israeli shipping, Jim Fetzer on Sean Dix & JFK

First hour: Alternative radio legend and 9/11 truth supporter Ralph Schoenman discusses the successful "block the boat" campaign against Israeli-government-owned Zim Shipping Lines. A Zim cargo ship was recently forced to turn back after numerous unsuccessful attempts to dock at the Port of Oakland - thanks to the Longshoreman's Union rank and file, who defied their own leadership as well as the Zionist Power Configuration and its local reps. (Zim's owners had foreknowledge of 9/11 and broke their lease to move out of the World Trade Center just days before the attack.)  During the second half of the hour Ralph discusses the history of false flag attacks.

Second hour: JFK assassination and 9/11 expert Jim Fetzer discusses the exceedingly strange case of Sean Dix, who may have been poisoned with a fluoride-benzene mix by a dentist working for a CIA assassination ring that protects corporate power brokers - in this case, Johnson & Johnson. During the second half of the hour Jim discusses the JFK assassination and the upcoming 51st anniversary.

Kevin's blog

32k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.11.07

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Deborah Tavares - Water, Water Everywhere?

56k CF
Rense' site

Outcast Radio with Don Campbell 2014.11.07

Guest: James Perloff.  Main topic: Pearl Harbor


32k CF Download

This Difficult Individual: Ezra Pound by Eustace Mullins (1961) PDF

Ezra Pound: Poet, artist, free-thinker and the inspiration for Eustace Mullins to pen Secrets of the Federal Reserve in 1951. Now an underground classic, Mullins' book was first to reveal the private/corporate nature of America's central bank. (G. Edward Griffith is often accredited with originally revealing the information, but that simply is not true).

In 'Difficult Individual',  Mullins takes the reader on a biographical journey of Ezra Pound's life: From growing up in rural Idaho during the late 1800's  to  becoming a leading poet/linguist in 1920's Europe.  

Pound helped open an artistic exchange between British and American writers  and was famous for advancing the careers of  Robert Frost and T.S. Elliot. He also had a profound influence on Irish writers, W.B. Yeats and James Joyce. 

During WWII, Pound hosted a shortwave radio show from Mussolini's Italy  and later became  a POW charged with treason by the FDR administration. Fearing the death penalty, he was forced into a plea deal and became an unwilling inhabitant of St. Elizabeth's hospital for 12 years. 

Pound's life is an amazing story and Mullins' biography is a time-machine journey into the past  -  Well worth the time to read.

This Difficult Individual: Ezra Pound  by Eustace Mullins PDF File :

Secrets of the Federal Reserve - Mullins (1951) PDF:

November 07, 2014

“Why Is the U.S. Government Deaf to What Has Been Done to My Son?” Asks Father of an American Murdered on the Gaza Flotilla by Israeli commandos

Through his lawyers in Turkey, Ahmet Dogan, the father of Furkan Dogan(pictured), the 19 year old American citizen who was executed by Israeli commandos has challenged the U.S. government its lack concern about the death of his son.
Dogan was killed by commandos who shot him twice in the head and three times in other parts of his body on May 31, 2010 on the Mavi Marmara in the Gaza flotilla.
"Up to this moment, I still do not understand why the United States government is deaf to what has been done to my son, an American citizen.  I urge the U.S. government to act to defend the rights of my son.  I also would like to know why the U.S. voted against the Gaza Flotilla Report of the UN Fact Finding Mission at the Human Rights Council last week, as that report included information about the execution of my son, " said Dogan. (
U.S. votes against the U.N. Human Rights Council Fact Finding Mission report
The only country to vote against acceptance of the U.N Human Rights Council fact finding report ( ) on the Gaza flotilla, was the United States.          ***Read full article here***
*The corrupt International Criminal Court(ICC) protects Israel from charges!!!
*Who Controls America?
*Israel Attacked The USS Liberty with Impunity
*9-11-2001 The Israeli Connection, Mossad, AIPAC, Art Students Spy Ring

Mom and boyfriend bound 3-yr-old, hung him upside down, beat him to death

A 3-year-old boy's mother and her boyfriend were arrested in Pennsylvania after police discovered they had spent three days beating the child by hand and with improvised devices. Before his death, the child was hung up by his feet before being beaten.
Police in Pennsylvania are reporting an horrific tale of torture and abuse of a 3-year-old boy that has resulted in the child's death. Authorities responding to a report of an unresponsive child quickly learned that little Scott McMillan had endured three days of beatings, whippings and other abuses before dying. To add to the horror, his mother had participated in the abuse.

***Read full article here***

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.11.07

Michael Hoffman on WWII revisionism & the bankster NWO

Michael Hoffman of is the author of several books that cast history in a new light. He says a freemasonic "cryptocracy" is behind many of the biggest crimes and coverups, and has traced the history of usury in Western civilization from its beginnings as a mortal sin to its current place as the main fulcrum of covert power.

In this interview we discuss efforts to demythologize history; the Ernst Zundel trial; the new book by recently-resurfaced Jewish revisionist David Cole; the various national and tribal mafias that vie for wealth and power; and the relationship between those mafias and the cryptocracy's New World Order project.

Kevin's blog

24k CF Download

David Duke Show 2014.11.07

Dr. David Duke comes to you live from the Smokey Mountain Summit Conference in Tennessee. He is joined by Don Black and by phone Dr. Patrick Slattery... Dr. Duke begins by showing the Jewish control of American politics has been duplicated in many countries and today he shows their power over Britain and British Parliament. Then he goes into the real principles of Human Rights and Human liberation and how every people should be free on the planet. he shows how the liberation of the European peoples is vital both for themselves and for every people because Zionist control is devastating to both our people in our nations but also to the world!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

No Agenda Episode 667 - "Arming A-holes" - 2014.11.06

TODAY; Ebola; VOTE; Eugenics; EuroLand; F-Russia / Syria / ISIS;  Caliphate!; Agenda 21; SnowJob; Oil Silver and Gold!; NA-Tech News; Bank$ters; War on Ca$h; 22TH; PedoBear; Chiner$; Cyber; Gaza; India, and all your usual listening whilst playing U-Boat Submarine commander in the Bathtub Favourites.

The very Sandy and Booty Thursday Edition of No Agenda.


Doomcast 65 - 2014.11.06

Returning to an earlier in the week slot - Doomcast!
Doug and a *heavily* medicated Charlie talk about Stuff and much more, in this (as yet) Blurb-Free edition of Doomcast.


The corrupt International Criminal Court(ICC) protects Israel from charges!!!

Gaza flotilla raid: No Israel charges over Mavi Marmara!!!

 ***Read news article here***

Jerusalem Post confirms Israel knew USS Liberty was American

A 2004 transcript of an Israeli military tape published in the Jerusalem Post supports the unanimous position of the survivors and many high-ranking US officers that Israeli forces knew the USS Liberty was an American ship, as they attempted to sink it.
Israel has long maintained, with official US government inquiries agreeing, that the attack was a case of mistaken identity. However, a growing chorus of critics, and the USS Liberty survivors themselves, say the official reports are cover-ups of an incident in which American sailors were ruthlessly, deliberately attacked in order to draw the US into war with Egypt, by blaming it for the loss of the ship with all hands. Israel was engaged in the Six Day War with Egypt and other Arab states at the time.
***Read full article here***

Also see: *June 8, 1967 Israel Attacked The USS Liberty with Impunity

Double Punch Re-post - 22

*Red Ice Radio

*The Whistleblowers

Israeli Terrorists vs. Palestinian Rocks

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.11.06

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Andy Gause - Gold And The Economy

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases Special Guest Dr Harold K. Strunk, MPH, DrPH

56k CF
Rense' site

November 06, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.11.06

Dr. David Duke has an excellent show about the recent elections showing how that candidates were divided and chosen by media and the politicos in relation to to their policies in regard to Israel, Israeli interests in terms of Iran... massive Israeli aid increases, etc. It is powerful show that also includes Dr. Slattery who discusses how the mechanism of Jewish extremist political control operates. Share it!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download