February 27, 2015

The Islamic future of Britain: by the year 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation

...And they'll take over this country soon if we let Immigration continue at it's current levels. Same goes for you too America!
*A Timely look back to a report in 2013 regarding Projections of Islamic Growth in the UK. Terrifying reading,but quite accurate too if nothing is done about it...*

Britain is in denial. There is no real public debate on a historic event that is transforming the country. Mention of it occasionally surfaces in the media, but the mainstream political class never openly discuss it. What is that historic event? By the year 2050, in a mere 37 years, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation.
This projection is based on reasonably good data. Between 2004 and 2008, the Muslim population of the UK grew at an annual rate of 6.7 percent, making Muslims 4 percent of the population in 2008. Extrapolating from those figures would mean that the Muslim population in 2020 would be 8 percent, 15 percent in 2030, 28 percent in 2040 and finally, in 2050, the Muslim population of the UK would exceed 50 percent of the total population.

Benjamin Netanyahu Has Been Lying to Americans For 20 Years

A Lying Jew Politician in America? How unusual!!
It's a record that members of Congress should ponder on before they leap to applaud for his upcoming address. Next week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will present his case against President Obama's talks with Iran; he is expected to portray Iran as an untrustworthy actor and Obama's diplomacy as naive and a distraction from more sanctions or even military action.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.02.26

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America In Tatters

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Renses' site

9 Things You Think You Know About Jesus That Are Probably Wrong

Too many who come to Mami's claim to know the "Truth" about This historical figure.But do they *really*?
Jesus has been described as the best known figure in history, and also the least known. If you mentioned the name “Jesus” and someone asked Jesus who, you might blink. Or laugh. Even people who don’t think Jesus was God mostly believe they know a fair bit about him. You might be surprised that some of your most basic assumptions about Jesus are probably wrong.

February 26, 2015

No Agenda Episode 699 - "50 Shades of Terror" - 2015.02.26

TODAY; PR; Caliphate!; Six Week Cycle; CYBER!; Packet Equality; Agenda 21; F-Russia; SnowJob; EuroLand; Ministry of Truth; Chiner$; LGBBTQQIAAP; Haiti; Follow the Pipe$; Shut Up Slave!; Real News; Science!; Vaccine$; PedoBear, and all your usual listening whilst watching News Bulletins about two llamas escaped from a show-and-tell presentation at a retirement community in Sun City, Arizona favourites!

The Thursday Show.


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.02.26

Judaism / Christianity, a "mystery" religion

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


David Duke Show 2015.02.26

Dr. Patrick Slattery filled in for Dr. David Duke today. He had as his guest for the hour Professor Kevin MacDonald. Professor MacDonald explained what is meant by "evolutionary strategy," and discussed Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy. He said that while there has been a tendency towards selection for intelligence in Jewish reproduction during much of their history, Jewish IQs are not nearly high enough to explain their admission rates into top universities or their domination of key professions. Rather, ethnic networking is the key explanatory variable. They then go into the phenomenon of rising Jewish influence on the right in American politics. While leftist movements and the Democratic Party were the centers of Jewish politics during the 20th Century, the rise of the Neocons has led to the Republican Party becoming the main promoters of the foreign policy section of the Jewish political agenda, while the Democrats continue to push the Jewish social agenda. Finally, Professor MacDonald talks about his involvement in the American Freedom Party and describes the party's objectives and its platform regarding immigration.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Putin: Those who rewrite history attempt to hide own disgrace

The Russian president has blasted attempts to rewrite the history of WWII and hide the crimes of Nazism as inadmissible and immoral, adding that people who do this often try to distract attention from their nations’ collaboration with Hitler.
It is hard to imagine that real ‘death factories,’ mass executions and deportations have become a terrible reality of the 20th century, that they were cold-bloodedly and thriftily organized in Europe that seemed to be civilized back then,” Vladimir Putin said as he spoke in the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow at the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation.     ***Read full article here***
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.02.25

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Geopolitical Military Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Peter Josling - Natural Defense Against Flu

56k CF
Renses' site

February 25, 2015

Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box

The Health Ranger launches the Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box system in this revolutionary unveiling.

Read more here

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2015.02.25

Massive Inflation Has Begun

-The Secret World of Money: An excellent and easy to read book by Andrew Gause. If you haven’t picked up a copy, they’re available through his office. Excellent read!
-We should be in a depression; Andy tells Patrick that he’s not being overly negative by not being able to find much good news in the world of money
-We’re going from for every 3 people working, 1 is retired to for every 1 person working, 3 are not
-Less and less people are becoming self employed due to over regulation
-Elizabeth Warren or Rand Paul for President? If so, they better be wearing a Kevlar vest
-Justifying the veto of the Keystone pipeline
-Profit severed from capital is true taxable income, so how is it we’ve found ourselves reporting our wages?
-We’ve heard that some of the big banks are insolvent. If they are in control, how could this be true? What happened to the money?
-What would be a good maximum percent of one’s IRA portfolio to be invested now into physical metals and coins, including numismatic, assuming the retirement is about 15-20 years away?
-A $100 face value bag of mixed pre-65 quarters, dimes, nickels sells for about $1315 and the “buy back” price is $1180, but the $100 bag of Mercury dimes sells for $1400 with the same low “buy back” price of $1180. What does this mean?
-Where online would Andy recommend to sell coins other than selling them back to his company?  He’s mentioned before how he would buy coins back from his customers but how realistic is that if every one of customers would do that, would his company be able to buy them back? Listen closely folks, his answer is loud and very clear
-Recession proof businesses

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


David Duke Show 2015.02.25

Dr. Patrick Slattery hosted the show today.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.02.25

Magic in the bible

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


Educational facility gets cease-and-desist order after girl's death

WEST PALM BEACH (CBS12) -- Makayla Sault, died from leukemia January 19.

The 11-year-old girl was given a 75 percent chance of survival if she underwent chemotherapy.

But her family chose instead to stop the treatment and visit the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, a center the state says is run by a man who is not a physician.

In March of 2014, Makayla was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

Canadian media says she underwent 11 weeks of chemotherapy at McMaster Children's Hospital in Ontario.

After weeks of treatment, she wrote a letter to her parents, saying "this chemo that I'm on is killing my body and I cannot take it anymore."

Her uncle says, against her doctor's will, her parent took her out of treatment.

While her mother says the family did spend time at the Hippocrates Health Institute, it was not to treat Makayla's cancer.

But Her uncle says, seeking indigenous medicine practiced at Hippocrates was in fact the family's goal, and it was their right to choose.

Canadian media reports the Brant Family and Children's Services investigated the case and decided not to force treatment on Makayla.

Makayla died last month from a stroke. Her parents released a statement saying "Chemotherapy did irreversible damage to her heart and major organs. This was the cause of the stroke."

But an oncologist says Makayla suffered a relapse which led to her death.

Read more here

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.02.24

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Darryl Berry - Travel Far - OBEs

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr Richard Alan Miller PhD - The Carbon Dioxide Lie And The Dying Pacific

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Frosty Wooldridge

56k CF
Renses' site

February 24, 2015

The Return of Tyr with Drew 2015.02.24

A Book of Troth part 3   Part 2

In the first hour of this podcast I cover some of the recent goings on pertaining to Joshua Bonehill, and the backlash I’ve received for a video I created calling his “character” (and I mean that quite literally) into question.
In the second hour I read chapters 5-11 from “A Book of Troth” by Edred Thorsson.

The Return of Tyr.com
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


The Debate - Israeli Lies (Parts 1&2)


*Iran Propaganda debunked in less than 6 minutes

David Duke Show 2015.02.24

Dr. David Duke spoke honestly about the history of slavery in the United States and around the world, explaining the damage that it did to the individual and to society while at the same time clearing up some of the myths and misconceptions that have arisen regarding the conditions of life for slaves, including the extent to which slave families were broken up.

He then takes up the matter of the Jewish involvement in the slave trade. Demonstrating that it is far from being an "anti-Semitic canard," Dr. Duke brings up the work by Jewish historians that literally brag about their level of involvement. He then brings on Dr. Slattery, who reads the list of the oldest synagogues in the New World, which just so happen to be in the centers of the slave trade.

They then go into the case of the former CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling, who was involved in an effort to feed Iran bogus nuclear technology back in the late 1990s called Operation Merlin. Admissions made by the CIA during Sterling's recent trial for leaking information about Operation Merlin has raised suspicions that the CIA and Mossad have not just fed false information to Iran, but also planted false evidence that could be "discovered" by IAEA inspectors in order to stoke suspicions of a nuclear weapons program that America's official intelligence reports have concluded was terminated over a decade ago.
This is another show full of important, reliable information that will help you wake up the world. Spread it around!

NB: The show ended abruptly while Duke was begging for money.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Israel's spy agency knew Iran was not working to acquire nuclear weapons


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.02.24

The real reason behind the Gadara journey of Christ and his disciples

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)
