August 12, 2015

David Duke Show 2015.08.12

Dr. Duke discussed the implications of Donald Trump's candidacy, explaining both the openings that it provided for discussion of important issues and the limits of what can be expected. Trump does not have a history of leadership on the immigration issue, nor does he show any real expertise on it, but has given it a spotlight that it would not otherwise have. Trump also has close ties to Jews and to Israel and thus offers nothing in terms of taking on the real oppressors of our society.
He and Dr. Slattery talk about two Black Lives Matters activists hijacking a Bernie Sanders event. The Black Lives Matters organization is generously funded by George Soros and on its website is tellingly championing "black queer and trans folks, black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum." They also discussed a recent disfiguring attack by black sexual predators on a white teenage girl in which the press is studiously leaving out any mention of the race of the victim or perpetrators.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.08.12

Find out about one of planet earth's worst criminal monstrosities

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


Official science: the grand illusion for all robots

“Government science exists because it is a fine weapon to use, in order to force an agenda of control over the population. We aren’t talking about knowledge here. Knowledge is irrelevant. What counts is: ‘How can we fabricate something that looks like the truth?’ I keep pointing this out: we’re dealing with reality builders. In this case, they make their roads and fences out of data, and they massage and invent the data out of thin air to suit their purposes. After all, they also invent money out of thin air.”
***Read full article here*** 

Former CIA contractor: US warship pullout from Persian Gulf ‘goodwill gesture’ to Iran

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - 8/11/2015

Brandon interviews Nicole Revels of TAPNC (Transparency and Accountability Project North Carolina) and No To NC Chicken Registration. Nicole and Brandon discuss the details of the recent push to force backyard chicken owners to register with State agencies and the possible results of such a policy. Brandon also interviews Heather Callaghan of Natural Blaze to discuss previous instances where the heavy hand of government "regulatory" agencies, courts, or militarized law enforcement have attempted to shut down and destroy small family farms and small farm operations.


Thought Police...Prison Without Bars

Scientists Warn Against DNA Editing in Wildlife - New World Next Week

August 11, 2015

David Duke Show 2015.08.11

Today: Dr. Duke & Pastor Dankof skewer Cuckservatives and CuckChristians! (LOL)

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.08.10

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Back From Cuba !

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Richard Wilcox PhD - Fukushima Report

Hour 3 - Encore

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.08.11

Most foods are mostly poison

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


Spingola and Friends 8/10/2015

Deanna talks about Adam Lanza and his history. Please visit her very comprehensive Sandy Hook Research page which covers numerous issues and take note of the following links: The Dynamics of the Delphi Technique; Orchestrated Opposition Increases Credibility; It is not about Gun Control; Crime Scenes in the United States – NO DEAD BODIES; Mr. Halbig, Your Answers, Please, Halbig’s 16 Questions, the answers to Halbig’s 16 questions; Video of program here; Death Certificates are NOT Public Records; Deanna also shared some information from her book, Screening Sandy Hook, Causes and Consequences.
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?


The Fake War on ISIS: US and Turkey Escalate in Syria

So, with the inescapable understanding that Turkey’s government is the primary supporter and sponsor of terrorist groups in Syria, the justification for war becomes flimsy at best. But, if it’s not about fighting terror, then what exactly is Ankara’s objective? What does it hope to gain?
At the top of Erdogan’s agenda is using ISIS as a pretext for effecting the regime change in Syria that he has failed to bring about for these past four years. Despite providing weapons and cash, training sites and political cover, Turkey’s terror proxies have been roundly defeated by the Syrian Arab Army, Hezbollah, and allied forces. As such, Erdogan now needs to provide the overwhelming military superiority required to get the job done. This means air support and a “No Fly Zone” along the Turkey-Syria border, one which ostensibly will allow Turkey to fight ISIS, but in actuality is a means of securing territory for the terrorists who otherwise have been unable to do so. It is a de facto military intervention into Syria. Perhaps not even de facto, but outright declaration of war – a clear war crime.
Secondly, the alleged war on ISIS is a politically expedient cover for Erdogan to wage a full-scale war on the Kurds, and the PKK specifically. Within hours of announcing the new phase of the war, Turkish forces were bombing Kurdish targets in Syria and Iraq, effectively declaring war on both countries, in blatant violation of international law, to whatever extent such a thing still exists. 
But of course, were Turkey the only relevant party, these developments would not be of nearly the same global significance. Rather, it is the participation and collusion of the US and NATO that makes this troubling escalation far more dangerous.

Gladio B Update: Kyrgyzstan Cancels US Cooperation Treaty

August 10, 2015

Neon Hair Hatted BT 1000s Ruin Bernie Sanders Ralley With Black Lives Matter BS

Big lulz all the way through this one. 
BTW, don't take this post as an endorsement of Bounie.
Thanks in advance- Scorp.

Overthrow Radio Network: Tarrah Beth interviews Jeanice Barcelo M.A. 8/9/2015 - Harvesting Truth radio talk show

Tarrah interviews Jeanice Barcelo, M.A, author of the book Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine. They’ll discuss the contents of the book and will probably end up venting during most of the show on Planned Parenthood's horrific business of selling dead babies for profit.

            Show-page         The Barnes Review


The Debate - Israel's Unabated Atrocities

David Duke Show 2015.08.10

Dr. Duke analyzed the response to the Republican debate and the media's handling of Donald Trump. While emphasizing that Trump is no savior, Dr. Duke portrayed the Fox News attack on Trump as a form of cuckoldry and controlled opposition, as Fox actually represents a conservative political establishment that is on board with massive immigration and the replacement of the traditional European majority in America with third-world immigrants.
He also read from an article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency titled "When it comes to Jewish ties, no GOP candidate trumps Trump." Dr. Slattery pointed out that it was fine for Trump to elevate the immigration issue in the national debate, but just talking about immigration won't change it as long as we have the same Zio Congress and Zio media. On the other hand, talking about Jewish power actually will change it because once people see the Congress and media as Zio they will no longer vote for or watch it.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.08.10

Find out about Coral Castle and the story behind its creator

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


Texe Marrs Podcast 7/24/2015 - “Will You Walk Into My Parlour?”

A Texe Marrs Special Report. The Jewish religion and Zionism dictate a future world in which most Christians will be put to death. The few who are allowed to live must serve as slaves (“donkeys”) for Jewish Masters. The name of Jesus will live in infamy, and the riches of the whole world shall reside in the hands of the wealthy Jews. The Protocols of Zion will be followed as a totalitarian New World Order takes shape. The superior species, the Jews, will live in the light, but the Gentiles, their lives will be in utter darkness. All of this is laid out precisely in the famous book by Rabbi Higger, The Jewish Utopia.

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
 *The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made

The Debate - Syria Resolution (August 7th)