September 22, 2015

Spingola and Friends 9/21/2015

Deanna talks about the goals of freemasonry which is internationalism and world government. She also talked about Hitler and his elimination of freemasonry in Germany.
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.09.21

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - Ann Coulter and the Jews

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Ronnie McMullen - Hollywood Mind Control

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report

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September 21, 2015

The Debate - Syriza's new 'mandate'

David Duke Show 2015.09.21

Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery on Ann Coulter and the debate over immigration and Jewish power
Today Dr. Duke discussed Ann Coulter’s role in the ongoing political debate over immigration. Coulter’s book has already had a massive impact if for no other reason than having been read by Donald Trump. Her more recent “tweets,” simply by virtue of using a disrespectful expletive before the word “Jews,” could be seen as an attempt to chip away at the reverence with which our society has been conditioned to speak of Jews in our public discourse.
Dr. Slattery joined the show and talked about his new article on In it he recognized the contribution made by Coulter to the discussion of the immigration issue, but also pointed out the shortcomings and problems with her book, which falied to link the immigration issue to Jewish power. By incorrectly assessing blame for the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act on “liberals,” she distracts attention from the real power behind immigration which must eventually be confronted in order to solve the problem. Moreover, by turning immigration into a partisan issue, she alienates many liberals who are already troubled by immigration.

Davids' site
Rense Archive

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.09.21

Where did human sacrifice come from among the Aztecs and Maya?

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
BlogTalk Archive


Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt 9/20/2015

Robert Reyvolt interviews Professor Doom and John Friend to discuss many important issues and topics.

Incendiary Radio Archive            RBN


The Debate - Call for Fairness 9/20/2015

No Agenda Episode 758 - "Blue Waffles" - 2015.09.20

TODAY; Migrants; Shut Up Slave!; Moral Self Licensing; Armageddon!; Agenda 2030; Election 2016; F-Russia; Clock Maker; CYBER!; EuroLand; BLM; Inter-Agency Wars; Inequality!; 2TTH; Chiner$, and all your usual Listening Whilst
Jay-Walking and getting the crap beaten outta you by 6 "tough" Cops favourites!

The Sunday Show.



Blacklisted News Radio 2015.09.20

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.


No Blurb. But at least it's on-time this week. Enjoy.



The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.09.20

Winds of Change

 Kyle speaks about the need to stay focused on victory, despite our dire circumstances.

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
BlogTalk Archive


September 20, 2015

How Neocons Destabilized Europe

The refugee chaos that is now pushing deep into Europe – dramatized by gut-wrenching photos of Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi whose body washed up on a beach in Turkey – started with the cavalier ambitions of American neocons and their liberal-interventionist sidekicks who planned to remake the Middle East and other parts of the world through “regime change.”
Instead of the promised wonders of “democracy promotion” and “human rights,” what these “anti-realists” have accomplished is to spread death, destruction and destabilization across the Middle East and parts of Africa and now into Ukraine and the heart of Europe. Yet, since these neocon forces still control the Official Narrative, their explanations get top billing – such as that there hasn’t been enough “regime change.”
***Read full article here*** 

Japan Passes New War Bill, Legalizes Imperialism

A bill that has caused so much protest and demonstration all across Japan in recent weeks has now passed the Japanese Parliament. The so-called “defense and security bills” eliminate constraints placed on the use of the Japanese military imposed by the Japanese Constitution, signaling Japan’s biggest foreign policy shift since the post-war military was created.

A main component of the new laws is an end to the ban on the “right of collective self-defense,” defending another country, particularly the United States, if it were to come under attack, or in instances where Japan faces a “threat to its survival,” i.e. where Japan must “defend its national interests.”     ***Read full article here***

University Of Illinois 'Israel' Scandal

Texe Marrs Podcast 9/11/2015 - The United States and Israel Organize Genocide in North Africa and the Middle East—Refugees, Destabilization, Conquest, and Lies According to Plan

A Special Report by Texe Marrs. Unraveling the reasons for the incredible refugee invasion of Europe and the United States. Proof that the United States and Israel are intentionally torturing, murdering and killing hundreds of thousands of people in Libya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Syria to destabilize the Middle East, steal oil resources, and set up a fake “Islamic Caliphate.” A “Greater Israel” and the death of Syria is the immediate goal as the New World Order is strengthened and the U.S.A. and Europe are transformed into multicultural Moslem/Christian/Atheist regions, void of constitutional rights.

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
 *The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made

The Covert Report with Susan Lindauer 2015.09.20

Today’s guest, Webster Tarpley dishes on the Republican Presidential candidates– what he describes as the battle between fascists and reactionaries– and the race to the bottom of polling favorites. In the race for 2016, American voters are taking a sledgehammer to both major parties, a U.S. equivalent to the Arab Spring that Tarpley warns is flirting dangerously with fascism, akin to Mussolini and Spain’s Franco. Throughout, Tarpley talks about the visionary ideas embodied in the new Tax Wall Street Party, which supports a 1% tax on Wall Street trading to generate funds needed to rebuild U.S. infrastructure, and also proposes nationalizing the Federal Reserve.

Truth Frequency Radio Archive

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A cop and a jew have a dispute over a kosher donut

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Social Engineering 101: How to Make a Refugee Crisis

Those familiar with NATO's Cold War Gladio program can see clearly that the attacks were staged to play into a strategy of tension used to produce fear domestically and build up support for wars abroad.
The recent refugee crisis is being used for precisely this same purpose. In fact, while a false debate is being managed by the Western media and Western political figures to either unconditionally accept the refugees or unconditionally reject them, the only singular narrative both sides are being made to agree on is that instability across MENA is to blame and more bombing is the answer.
Debates over increased, direct military intervention in Syria are now almost entirely predicated not on supporting "freedom fighters," stopping "WMDs," or fighting "ISIS," but instead on how military intervention can help solve the "refugee crisis."
The main narratives undulating media headlines dismiss both the West's role in devastating the MENA region, as well as acknowledging the fact that the "refugee crisis" is emanating primarily from within NATO's borders, not from beyond them. The refugees are pawns, intentionally moved across the game board to illicit a predictable reaction from their hopelessly unskilled opponents - the public. While the social engineers are engaged in a game of three-dimensional chess, the Western public appears to be infantilely eating their checkers.
Considering this unfortunate reality, whatever justifications the West is able to predicate upon the refugee crisis will have to be confronted again by Syria and its allies alone - with the Western public hopelessly defenseless against a conspiracy they have been made accomplices of.
***Read full article here***

Assad Calls Out U.S. For Supporting Terrorism, Says EU “Not Dealing With The Cause Of Refugee Crisis”

Adding to the voices of numerous researchers, activists, and now world leaders who are calling out the United States for its open support of terrorists and terrorism in Syria as well as its poorly-veiled support for ISIS, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad spoke out about the US terrorist connection as well as the refugee crisis currently unfolding in Europe.
Assad stated “It’s not about that Europe didn’t accept them or embrace them as refugees, it’s about not dealing with the cause. If you are worried about them, stop supporting terrorists. That’s what we think regarding the crisis. This is the core of the whole issue of refugees.”
The United States has been supporting terrorists in Syria since day one, even long before reports of violence on the part of the “opposition” were ever produced in the West.[1] The United States has actively supported “rebel” factions indistinguishable from al-Qaeda and ISIS and attempted to portray these forces as moderates to the Western population back home. In reality, the overwhelming majority of these fighters were foreign jihadists, members of al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and other related terrorist organizations. ISIS itself was entirely created by the West with its roots in al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization created by the West in the late 1970s.
***Read full article here*** 

The Debate - Israel Exceptionalism 9/19/2015

Fed Audit Shocker: They Come from Planet Klepto