As the conflict in Syria continues to escalate, it has been reported by
Russian media that Russian Marines stationed at an airbase in Latakia
have now engaged ISIS fighters in direct combat. According to Russian news website, Segodnia,
ISIS militants attempted to ambush the Russian soldiers stationed at
the base but were fought off by the Russian marines, with a number of
ISIS fighters being killed and some captured.
Russian military activity has been increasing at the airbase near Latakia over recent days with the arrival of new and advanced Russian fighter jets, according to reports. ***Read full article here***
While analyzing the ongoing events
of today, one can get a strong impression that Washington’s
“puppeteers” have decided to abandon the existing model of international
relations and attempt to build a completely new one. The concept of
globalization that has been pivotal for decades is now finally left
aside, instead we are being presented with the concept of global
instability, that would allow the US to preserve its domination over the
world by destroying the stability of political formations, which will
ultimately become the breeding ground for numerous conflicts. In the
meantime, Washington will be manipulating opposing regional parties in
different parts of the world to make them confront each other. ***Read full article here*** *Who Controls America?
Brandon discusses the European immigration crisis (who is behind it and
why), the solutions to the crisis, the potential for WW3 in Syria, and
the recent Japanese decision to return to the use of its military for
imperialist purposes.
Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery on Ann Coulter and the debate over immigration and Jewish power
Dr. Duke discussed Ann Coulter’s role in the ongoing political debate
over immigration. Coulter’s book has already had a massive impact if for
no other reason than having been read by Donald Trump. Her more recent
“tweets,” simply by virtue of using a disrespectful expletive before the
word “Jews,” could be seen as an attempt to chip away at the reverence
with which our society has been conditioned to speak of Jews in our
public discourse.
Slattery joined the show and talked about his new article on In it he recognized the contribution made by Coulter to
the discussion of the immigration issue, but also pointed out the
shortcomings and problems with her book, which falied to link the
immigration issue to Jewish power. By incorrectly assessing blame for
the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act on “liberals,” she distracts
attention from the real power behind immigration which must eventually
be confronted in order to solve the problem. Moreover, by turning
immigration into a partisan issue, she alienates many liberals who are
already troubled by immigration.
TODAY; Migrants; Shut Up Slave!; Moral Self Licensing; Armageddon!; Agenda 2030; Election 2016; F-Russia; Clock Maker; CYBER!; EuroLand; BLM; Inter-Agency Wars; Inequality!; 2TTH; Chiner$, and all your usual Listening Whilst Jay-Walking and getting the crap beaten outta you by 6 "tough" Cops favourites! 'Murika!!
The refugee chaos that is now pushing deep into Europe –
dramatized by gut-wrenching photos of Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi whose
body washed up on a beach in Turkey – started with the cavalier
ambitions of American neocons and their liberal-interventionist
sidekicks who planned to remake the Middle East and other parts of the
world through “regime change.” Instead of the promised wonders of “democracy promotion” and
“human rights,” what these “anti-realists” have accomplished is to
spread death, destruction and destabilization across the Middle East
and parts of Africa and now into Ukraine and the heart of Europe. Yet,
since these neocon forces still control the Official Narrative,
their explanations get top billing – such as that there hasn’t been
enough “regime change.” ***Read full article here***
A bill that has caused so much protest and demonstration all across Japan in recent weeks has now passed the Japanese Parliament.
The so-called “defense and security bills” eliminate constraints placed
on the use of the Japanese military imposed by the Japanese
Constitution, signaling Japan’s biggest foreign policy shift since the
post-war military was created.
A main component of the new laws is an end to the ban on the “right of
collective self-defense,” defending another country, particularly the
United States, if it were to come under attack, or in instances where
Japan faces a “threat to its survival,” i.e. where Japan must “defend
its national interests.” ***Read full article here***