A great interview with Saint John Hunt, son of
legendary CIA operative Howard Hunt. Saint John shares the Deathbed
Confessions of his father from his book “Bond of Secrecy,” including a
first person tale of the Bay of Pigs fiasco as the overriding
provocation for the JFK Assassination, which his father explained in
great detail right down to the name of the French assassin from
Marseille, who was flown into Dallas for the job, and Howard Hunt’s own
presence on the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza that fateful day. The
second hour explores Howard Hunt’s covert role in Nixon’s “plumbers” and
the Watergate cover up, which Saint John admits he helped his father
carry out, as a 17 year old, who had just learned to drive a car,
evading surveillance chases. His second book describes the chilling,
calculated murder of his mother, Dorothy Hunt, after the Watergate
breakdown put his family on the run, arranging “get out of town” money
from the panicked Nixon Administration. Saint John Hunt has got two
great books, “Dorothy, The Murder of E. Howard Hunt’s Wife – Watergate’s
Darkest Secret.” This is a must listen interview; also, Saint John is a
frequent speaker at Conferences on the JFK Assassination. The next is
November 20-21 in Dallas, which will be hosted by John B. Wells, with
key note speaker Judyth Vary Baker. What can I say: you know truth when
you hear it spoken! Bond Of Secrecy PDF
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Guests: Karin Smith, White Genocide SA.com and William de Hewitt, Sociologist and Author, American Expat in South Africa
Second hour: Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wirewrites:
"Two of the main perpetrators of the destruction of Syria – the United
States and Turkey – were busy throwing a temper tantrum today
following reports that Syrian president Bashar al Assad landed in Moscow last night for a secret meeting with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin."
US SecDef Ash Carter, a leading 9/11 suspect,
has gone so far as to openly threaten Putin: "Moscow will soon start
paying the price for its escalating military intervention in Syria in
the form of reprisal attacks and casualties."
Graeme MacQueen: Did "Canadian 9/11" fizzle - and take down Harper?
Today is the first anniversary of the 10/22/2014 "iconic attack" in
Ottawa. It was supposed to be the Canadian 9/11. It helped pass Bill
C-51, the Canadian version of the Patriot Act. But politically, it may
have fizzled...as witnessed by the recent collapse of the neocon-backed
Stephen Harper regime, whose hysterical hyping of the "terrorist threat
to Canada" alienated much of the electorate.
Graeme MacQueen, Professor emeritus at McMaster University, has written a
careful, thoroughly documented report raising questions about "10/22":
Like 9/11-anthrax, the 10/22 Ottawa shootings terrorized a nation's
capital and its legislature. Like 9/11-anthrax, 10/22 greased the skids
for a pre-drafted bill giving the security services emergency powers.
And like hundreds of US cases discussed in Trevor Aaronson's The Terror Factory(and like the John Nutall terror entrapment case in Vancouver)
the 10/22 Ottawa shootings show signs of having been manufactured by
the same security services that benefit hugely from such incidents.
Could the demise of the Harper regime lead to official Canadian
inquiries into 10/22, 9/11-anthrax, and other apparent neocon PR stunts
hyping the phony "war on terror"? Or are Canadians too timid to rise up
and help save what's left of Western civilization?
TODAY; Migrants; Caliphate!; Shut Up Slave!; Elections 2016; Drone Nation; EuroLand; CYBER!; Agenda 2030; Clock Boy; NWO; MIC; Big Pharma; F-Russia; Candanavia; Ministry of Truth; Fal$e Flag; 2TTH; NA-Tech News; Out There; Word Matter, and all your usual listening whilst The Lunatics Are Running The Asylum Favourites.