Garron Helm is a 21 year old National Action activist.
He has recently been released, following a four week jail sentence for calling a Jewish MP a Jew! NATV
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 1 - Current events, news, and analysis Hour 2 - Guest - Max Igan, Surviving the Matrix and The Crowhouse Hour 3 - Current events, news, and analysis
First hour:Merlin Miller is a US
Army veteran who's tired of seeing our military being sent abroad to
kill and die for unjust, un-American causes. And he's a filmmaker who's
tired of seeing Hollywood wage all-out psychological warfare against
family values. Merlin ran for president in 2012 (I voted for him) and
recently organized the Gathering of the Eagles,
where he said: "Lets talk about our enemy, the traitors within, and the
need to expel them from the American State department, the Military and
the Homeland Security. They are very good at False Flag events." I'm
sure he'll have choice words about Ashton Carter, the 9/11 perp nominated for Secretary of Defense!
Second hour:Foster Gamble, founder of the Thrive movement,
writes: "Furthering my exploration of what was keeping humanity from
thriving, I spent nearly a decade 'following the money' in every sector
of human endeavor." And like everyone else who "follows the money" with
intelligence, honesty and diligence, Gamble discovered the hidden power
structure associated with international banksters and the
military-industrial-intelligence complex - the same forces economic
hitman John Perkins worked for. Gamble's conclusions - paralleling those
of the whistleblowers behind Veterans Today and former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
- take us all the way to the "black budget world" of top secret free
energy devices and reverse-engineered UFOs. If anyone reading this is
snickering, please read Nick Cook's book The Hunt for Zero Point (free pdf here) alongside Richard Dolan's UFO's and the National Security State (or the youtube video here).
We will discuss (among other things) Foster's new video (transcript here)
stating that the BRICS countries and the Asian "dragon families" will
soon force the bankster cabal to end its phony Federal Reserve Note
counterfeiting pyramid scheme, and put the US back on real, gold-backed
Millions of bees dropped dead after GMO corn was planted few weeks
ago in Ontario, Canada. The local bee keeper, Dave Schuit who produces
honey in Elmwood lost about 37 million bees which are about 600 hives.
“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” Schuit said. ***Read full article here***
In honor of Sunday, December 7th...James Perloff, author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior and other books, discusses his terrific article on the Pearl Harbor deception - the model for 9/11.
Was Pearl Harbor just one of a long series of deceptions by the
architects of the New World Order project for a one-world totalitarian
state? Listen to James Perloff and see what you think.
Dr. David Duke on today with Pastor Mark Dankof, Dr. Robert Slattery, and writer, producer and composer Robert Lloyd.
Today Dr. begins by sharing with you the Chinese awareness of the Jewish tribalist takeover of the United States and the Western World. He quotes the Jewish Tablet magazine which quotes Chinese newspapers as saying that: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”
Then Pastor Dankof comes in to talk about the Jewish role in the spread of ISIS and why America has supported the rise of al Qaeda and isis in Syria and Iraq because of their overwhelming hatred of the Assad Government which was one of the strongest anti-Zionist nations in the Mideast. His commentary is very powerful.
Next Robert Lloyd comes on to share another action clip segment from his audio movie of The Mutiny of the Elsinore. Listeners can get an idea of the quality and power of this great production by this gifted writer and composer.
Dr. Slattery also adds some prescient commentary on the ISIS crisis and how they pursue the interests of Israel and Jewish supremacy to the detriment of America and all nations on Earth.
You might not think twice about buying sliced fruit for a snack when
you’re on the go, but thanks to the Canadian corporation Okanagan
Specialty Fruits, you might want to rethink your apple purchases in the
convenience store.
Okanagan is coming out with a product called the Arctic apple, a genetically modified organism (GMO) product
that doesn’t cost less or taste better, just one that doesn’t brown
like regular apples do after being sliced. While this might not be a
selling point for grocery store goers, it could be a huge selling point
for commercial companies who stock pre-packaged apple products on store
The longer it takes for an apple to brown, the less money a company has to spend to replace it. ***Read full article here***
TODAY; F-Russia; WHR; Ottomanaia; Furgeson; EuroLand; SnowJob; Caliphate!; CYBER!; Obama Nation; MIC; Shut Up Slave!; 2TTH; Nukes; Space Fakes; Bank$ters; Real News, and all your usual listening whilst watching Ukranian Parliamentarians duking it out in their Elected House favourites.
I found this to be an interesting roundtable discussion about cyclical climate change, the sun, vulcanism and the real possibility we are entering into a period of prolonged global cooling. Robert Felix, Joe Deleo and Dr. Tim Ball are interviewed by Kim Greenhouse. Admittedly, Kim has a slightly annoying voice but she does a good job in asking pertinent questions and then allowing her guests to speak without being interrupted. I wasn't able to perform DNA tests on all of the participants to verify that none of them are Jewish (lol) but this interview is well worth the time for those who are interested in non-politicized, scientific information about climate.