January 27, 2014

Date with a Debate: Mike Piper vs. Jim Fetzer and John Friend 2014.01.27

For two hours, Mike Piper takes on Jim Fetzer and John Friend, who tackle the controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary School event, which will address most or all of the points raised in the article “Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax,” plus additional information which may cause you to reassess your position on whether what happened on December 14, 2012 was real or staged.
Jim has published an article on his debate with Keith Johnson and Mike has broadcast his thoughts about Jim, John and Sandy Hook.
Since John will be joining us approximately 30 minutes after the start of the show, we will begin by giving Jim a chance to respond to Mike’s broadcast and Mike to respond to Jim’s article, although neither is required to do so.
When John arrives, he will be allowed a 10 minute opening statement.

Original Post



rodin said...

I would like Jim Fetzer to address the nuclear hoax evidence. I have suggested micronukes on forums since about 2005 since this best fitted evidence, but I also see that nuclear bomb footage is faked.

Aleksa said...

Just imagine somebody who for the first time tries to read some holoco$t criticism and ends up on John Friends blog,who wrote some good articles about it!!

And then he sees no plane theories,sandy hook hoax,no nukes,nobody died on 9-11 and SH,smoke machines,fire fighters crisis actors,and all other bizare stories in wich JF gets involved!

That person would immediately see all holoco$t revisionists as bunch of lunatics that have big fantazies!

Hosts that cover jewish question and are pro White activists should stay out of these discussions!

John Friend who likes to fly all over conspiracy theories should be boycoted by other hosts wich cover serious topics!

Hosts should stop debating this nonsence and stop legitimizing people like Jim Friend ,John Fetzer and all othars that are involved in these moronic theories!!

RJ said...

Bravo Aleksa, standing ovation. Bravo

SmashEvil said...

Right on! Your common sense defeats the moronic fantasies.

Unknown said...

I think Aleksa is a plant, and shame on you Livegood for praising this idiot's repetetive, smearing, comments. The idea we should protect unthinking, unawakened, idiots because of what they might think of those of us who suspect the government of subterfuge is ridiculous. No matter what is said to the girl, and I have tried in good faith to bring her around, she persists along the same lines in her childish rants.

BnC said...

Just imagine...

Gotta love sentences that being this way :)

Unknown said...

LOL @ John Friend reading that Ed Bernay quote in a wannabe scholarly fashion. That he thinks that that some arrogant jewish psychologist bragging about the media controlling people`s perceptions somehow proves that mass shooting and tragedies are staged by the media says a lot about how he lives in a fantasy world and reads into things whatever he likes.

SmashEvil said...

In my opinion, Aleksa's comment makes more sense than the Jim Fetzer and John Friend's no plane/no one die/video fakery/crisis actors nonsense.

Anonymous said...

2025 AD -- join us for a debate on the 2013 school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Jim Fetzer Jr., Mike Piper Jr. and John Friend will be discussing their perspectives. Then we will spend some extra time talking about "who" killed JFK. And hell...if we have some extra time, we may even debate "how" those damn towers fell down on sept 11 2001.

Please donate.

RJ said...

Ken, John, In the real world. Perception is everything. If "sheep" see kneejerk topics and take it in a negative way, then all the research and truths that someone like JF brings will in their minds be discredited. Aleksa pointed this out very quickly. First impressions mean so much. If you are trying to keep someones attention or retain creditability then you need to keep the conspiracy articles in a separate folder. It is very important to share with the world the lies surrounding the holoca$h industry. But if very questionable articles that are perceived as crazy by the general population are plastered along side holoca$h articles then much is lost . imo. I stand by my statement and I feel no shame whatsoever. RJ

Unknown said...

So, due to the miniscule amount of people who may come here, and then, might get it, we should refrain from bringing forward the major suspicious shananigans being surrepticiously committed by the jews, because the potential allies might be put off, and not come on board with us, not to mention the pathetic rantings of Piper and Johnson in defense of their points of view. How preposterous. Your definition of knee-jerk topics I'm sure would include "the jews did 911" I suppose, because certainly, these few potential allies you're so needy for, will undoubtedly run for safety.

I'll repeat for you as I had to for Aleksa my comments from yesterday --

The idea or poor excuse we shouldn't voice our incredulity about Sandy Hook because mainstream jews and their minions would think we've gone bonkers and/or that they can use our conspiracy suspicions against us is absurd. Do we have some honorable standing in the mainstream I'm missing? The jews and the unawakened masses already smear us on the jewsmedia for what we already know about them, so why should an alternate explanation of what some of us think happened at Sandy Hook or any view the jewsmedia puts forward on anything be any more damaging to our reputations or credibility? To who?

Christopher Marlowe said...

It was very sad to hear Piper sounding like a cranky old man.

Piper had no evidence, and he spent a lot of time repeating himself about the Initial Fake story about the mossad hit team.

Then Piper wasted time challenging Fetzer and Friend to call the grandparents of the vicsim "liars". We don't even know that these people exist.

Piper doesn't deal the EVIDENCE. Piper hasn't even bothered to examine it. As I supposed, Piper and Johnson and Mark Glenn haven't EVEN BOTHERED TO LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE. As Fetzer said, Piper spends all his time on ad hom because he lacks the logic skills to assess evidence.

Piper had to get his mike shut up because he sounded like an embarrassing old crank. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I agree Aleksa. John Friend is a honeytrap. He makes the most credible theories look ridiculous by mixing in his shit theories. I'm staying clear of this guy, for some time I have had a very bad feeling about him. I expect one day he will pull a David Shayler and become a transvestite or something...

Anonymous said...

Aleksa is a plant for stating an honest and accurate opinion.? LMAO. Fucking Sandy Hook nosers!

Unknown said...

And you are a disinformation agent.

Anonymous said...

MCP did raise one very valid criticism of Jim Fetzer, which was his claim that a three-man Mossad team did the shootings.

That claim comes from this December 20 PressTV article, and while Dr. Fetzer says in a Veterans Today article that he wished the title would've posed it as a question, he wrote this in the article:

"A three-man team entered the school, one was arrested in the school--cuffed and put on the lawn--two went out the back door, one was arrested, the third appears to have escaped. You can find this on helicopter videos."

And the article refers to past incidents alleged to have been carried out by the Mossad, as well as the killing of children fitting their MO.

Dr. Fetzer, in my opinion, massively dropped the ball on this one, and another wild assertion like this without any specific sources cited would effectively damage his credibility as a serious researcher of these issues.

That being said, it's not as if Dr. Fetzer was the one who put out all kinds of assertions that can't be later criticized. The claim has been made that he has been employing the Delphi technique. But what of it? The focus should be on the verifiability, accuracy and soundness of each of the claims he makes, and I have found him and others to be making some very valid claims that challenge the official government and mass media-approved theory about Sandy Hook.

Anonymous said...

A Debatte over the Kennedy-assasination would be much more interesting. Who were the shooters? Piper said that Fetzer has not enough evidence and still insist that he knows the shooters. Piper names different shooters or their origin and different hirers.

Why did Fetzer not read Piper's book until just quite recently? LBJ is not the biggest guilty at all says Piper-

Unknown said...

Well, to be sure Piper knows something about the plot to kill JFK, but apparently knows absolutely nothing about Sandy Hook. So, yes, the Kennedy assassination would have provided a better debate. There was no Sandy Hook "debate". They just referred to it as a debate.

Anonymous said...

Haven't all of you had enough of this psy-op dividing and further helping to destroy the REAL truth-movement, and ANY chance of having a real cohesive movement?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves to be so God damned stupid and weak-willed to fall for this divide-and-conquer strategy, and I want you all to know that I told you that this was going to happen LONG AGO, and now look at where this "movement" is.

Right, again, and you all can dislike or get pissed-off reading/hearing what I have to say, but I am proven correct, ONCE AGAIN, and that is NOT something for which I am proud, but am DISGUSTED.


NB: I think that it is interesting that there are a few people who had nothing-but-shit-to-give-me every time I said that this Sandy Hook situation is doing to the movement, and are now apparently in-agreement that this is a psy-op designed to make impotent this growing REAL truth-movement that was becoming wholly focused on the crimes of the cabal, but is now a God damned JOKE in the minds of a quickly growing number of people who COULD have been made fully-aware of all that we know.


Unknown said...

As long as you're talking about the Mark Glen & company derailing, right off, right from the begining of a perfectly valid inquiry and investigation of jew subterfuge at Sandy Hook. Then, and only then, do your criticisms hold any water. Those are the people responsible for the division in the "movement".

Why would people who are aware of jew perfidy engage in such divisive, and destructive tactics against others who share most of the same views. You said you were disappointed with Keith Johnson's "debate" performance. Was MCP's any better?

Aleksa said...

Ken Horst@John Dicarlo@

""Lemmings like Aleksa receive their truth and talking points from personalities instead of evidence""

In my comments (look them up)i never praised a caracter by his name!I know very well that MCP is not WN,but he does more of good job on dismanteling jewish conspiracy,then both ,JF&JFe the communist!
Its you TWO who praise theses two guys,not me!Thats why i say its a cult cause you guys constantly trie to prove something to someone who realy doesnt give a fuck about it!You want to debate people and post million links of some youtube chanelers and blogers and claim its a prove!

""conspiracy theories""

I put SH,Aurora,no planes,no nukes and other similair, in the category of ,reptoids,illuminati,jesuits,hollow moon with nazis on it,germanic death cults.......

Because of people like you TWO,JF#JFe its easier to try to discredit the REAL conspiracy,by saying how we all are crazy, and who denies holoco$t he belives in smoking machines and reptoids!

""I think Aleksa is a plant""

LOL,ok, i give up!How did you find out!?WOW ,you are a real decective!Now i actualy start to belive your silly moronic theories!

Everything i had to say about this topic i said it these past couple of days!I will not participate in these lunatic theories any maore!
And serious hosts that cover serious stuff shoud do the same!

Thanks RJ &consti2tionalist

Tim said...

Aleksa seems to be suffering from schizophrenia (like most TUT people lol).

First she brings up good points about all this sandy hook talk and different theories scaring off people. ( yes it easier to sell people the mind controlled lone gunman theory then the actor theory, doesn;t mean that theory is true though)
BUT then she goes in a weird jew MSM diatribe whining about conspiracy theories and wanting to shut other people up and isolate them WTF? are you fkn serious? lol
i don't care either way if it was a mind control opp or an actor opp, its the fkn jews.

Stick to the facts as much as possible please, maybe it will be sorted

Aleksa said...

Just read the first comment,PLEASE,they even claim there are no nukes!!!!

No planes,no nukes,no aids,no victims,no dead,so why do we wory!?
The world is great ,no dead ,only actors!


Its HE not SHE,and i am not a TUTer at all,nor MCP folower!!

Go belive what ever you want ,but do not mix REAL conspiracy with your fairy tales,cause you will look very stupid!!
I am done!

Unknown said...

Aleksa -- you're a one trick pony. Hurling insults and ad hominems and worrying supposedly that some unidentified person who may possibly be on the verge of awakening, will see something about Sandy Hook, and think you're an idiot. Over and over the same shit over and over again. Who cares? The world is full of brainless automatons. Those who want to wake up, will.

Your repeated warnings of scaring sheeple away is pointless. Unawakened, jew brainwashed, idiots already think you're a kook because you're here at an alternate media website.

Well, on second thought, maybe you're not a plant. You're really 10th grade student in a Televiv High School.

If you say anything intelligent, I'll be the first to inform you.

Anonymous said...

Is it normal for autopsies to be performed at the crime scene? I thought dead bodies needed to be moved to cold storage (2C to 4C) as soon as possible in order to slow decomposition of the dead body.
Autopsies are normally performed in the hospital, coroner's office, or medical examiner's office for legal investigations. Bodies are stripped naked,washed,toe tagged and then covered with a sheet and stored in cold storage until examination of the dead body. The medical examiner and his crew did autopsies at Sandy Hook? They cut open dead bodies right there at the crime scene (to determine the caliber of the bullets)?
When were the dead bodies moved out of Sandy Hook and has anybody seen any pictures or video of them taking dead bodies out in body bags? What medical facility was the dead bodies moved to?
I'm just asking questions, I don't claim to know what did or didn't happened.

Unknown said...

Good points, Leonard. I don't know what happened either but there were quite a few strange anomolies concerning the Sandy Hook incident. But I'm quite sure those who disagree with asking such questions and can't provide any answers to the questions you ask can instead mock you or call you names for asking such fundamental questions. Apparently that's the only response one could expect.

Colin said...


I agree with you 100% ...

I listened to the first "debate" when Piper's foot was bad and he missed... then I listened to Piper's meandering 2 hours on his POV ... and I listened to the latest one this past Monday when all 3 men showed up ...

Tho I believe everything about Hook was a con, I do think Fetzer looks ridic by REFUSING to admit where he got the 3 Mossad hit men angle ... He repeats hearsay a lot, trust me, I have heard 100s of his shows thru the years... I listen bc of his guests when I do tune in, not due to Fetz who is tedious ...

In conclusion, Fetz should've "manned" up and revealed where the 3 Mossad story originated and whether he still believed it, but he can't bc in the end he is too insecure to admit for one second he mighta goofed up ...

My gawd, the times I made mistakes are legion in all walks of life and I quickly admit and apologize. I learned early on people respect you more for showing your warts, not less.

The debate sucked. Just a total waste of time. Present one fact at a time, like why no breath on a 28 degree day at 9AM, 32 by 11AM?--then discuss and move to next.

Gene Rosens preposterous shape shifting yarns were perfect to discuss in depth. Nothing about his lies stand up!

SIMPLE things like that.

Were kids killed at Hook? I don't think so. But I can't prove it. Were there thousands of weird goings on that day and weeks after? Yes.

Now all one has to do from there is ask why and try to ferret out those bread crumbs.

Maasanova said...

I listened to the debate, although I don't really give a shit about Sandy Hoax. I was just a little disturbed that there were 33 comments and thought I'd just add one to make it 34.

Anonymous said...

Oy vey another day wasted on the Sandy Hook Nose conspiracy theory. Duh jews are proud of their concoctions! Oy vey!

Innocent Smith said...

How is this dividing anybody and just what kind of a movement do you think we have going anyway, Lindsey?

As far as I can tell, Mark Glenn started the division.

And by the way, I always thought Michael Collins Piper was one great big bag of wind. And he is no expert on JFK either. His book is pure disinformation.

The only hook that book had was that it was true that the Jews were never mentioned as possible suspects. So yes, I could see where that may be intriguing, however maybe they were never mentioned as possible suspects because they had nothing to do with it.

By the way, why wasn't Mark, "I'm a Catholic but the OT is false", Glenn not on to debate? Too busy hooking up his car battery to run his broadcast empire?

Anonymous said...

"MCP did raise one very valid criticism of Jim Fetzer, which was his claim that a three-man Mossad team did the shootings."

LMAO I don't even know what to think about such ramblings. You guys believe in sandy hook nose theories but when your leftist hero mentions jews might have been involved now it's a problem?


You guys are lunatics!

Tell me this you lunatics when one of the crisis actors finally steps forward to tell the truth (which they won't because they don't exist) what do you say will happen to the crisis actor?

Anonymous said...

"And by the way, I always thought Michael Collins Piper was one great big bag of wind. And he is no expert on JFK either. His book is pure disinformation."

Why because he blames the jew?

I'm starting to smell a few "rats" around here...

Anonymous said...

'4. The part played by the liberals, utopian dreamers, will be finally played out when our government is acknowledged. Till such time they will continue to do us good service. Therefore we shall continue to direct their minds to all sorts of vain conceptions of fantastic theories, new and apparently progressive: for have we not with complete success turned the brainless heads of the GOYIM with progress, till there is not among the GOYIM one mind able to perceive that under this word lies a departure from truth in all cases where it is not a question of material inventions, like a fallacious idea, serves to obscure truth so that none may know it except us, the Chosen of God, its guardians."


Anonymous said...

I see observed something else that is VERY deceitful going on here. We are now hearing this ridiculous theory that nuclear bombs are not real which of course absolves Israel. Ben Gurion hated JFK because JFK essentially told them they couldn't have nukes-jews, the inventors of modern day terrorism IMO killed JFK and now there are attacks on MCPs book?

As I said, I smell a rat. A rat faced jew. You people are being played by the most cunning deceivers of all time and it's very sophisticated. Wake the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

"Tell me this you lunatics when one of the crisis actors finally steps forward to tell the truth (which they won't because they don't exist) what do you say will happen to the crisis actor?"

I'm hearing crickets.

Ben G. said...

To: Ruupertti: January 28, 2014 at 1:22 PM

"Piper names different shooters"

What shooters does Piper name? I don't remember any.

Anonymous said...

Bollyn (former AFP writer) on MCP, AFP & more:


Bollyn's site is awful- every article needs it own page & permalink, but rather he dumps everything into 'category' pages which are a mile long, taking minutes to load completely. Use your browser's CTRL-F word search function to find "Piper" or "AFP" at the Bollyn link above.

This messageboard thread discusses,

I've also found Piper to be a windbag over the years. And whenever someone aggressively postures them self as "disinfo agent watchdog" as MCP does,

...it's a good bet, THEY ARE AGENTS! oldest 'con' in the book.

"[...] You know, someone can be an AGENT, working for somebody or some intelligence agency, or some force, and genuinely be anti-zionist, or genuinely be a critic of Israel. But they may still have another AGENDA. Because even some of these intelligence agencies have, how can I put this; you know, the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing. [...]"

^ MCP, 10/28/13 show at 1:09:00

The best MCP could come up with in seeking to "destroy Bollyn", has been to call him "Kinky Balloon, huh huh huh" ad nauseam over the past several years. But MCP keeps a swingin-N-missin though, the drunken trooper!

Ditto wrt MCP & Glenn's anti-SH-skepticism campaign the past year; "Sandy Hookers, huh huh huh". Who are they trying to persuade/dissuade, with their vacuous & pathetic "ridicule" gambit? Not 'Truthers', that's for sure; we just instantly see through such gambits, coz we're used to it, and see those needing to deploy such disinfo gambits as plainly having little else to offer. It doesn't 'dissuade' us from anything; it just insults our intelligence and reveals the 'ridiculer' as being, how to put it gently, 'disingenuous'.

"Abandoning support for The Ugly Truth podcasts "


"If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

Anonymous said...

consti2tionalist said...
"Tell me this you lunatics when one of the crisis actors finally steps forward to tell the truth (which they won't because they don't exist) what do you say will happen to the crisis actor?"
I'm hearing crickets.

Most, like me, prolly didn't get past your very telling "lunatics" ad-hom. ;)


Unknown said...

Mike Piper needed to take more time off after his medical drama IMO.
He has become quite angry over innocuous things and is taking things out of proportion.

Although Fetzer seemed to take Piper's bad mood personally.

Gahary didn't let the debate get too out of control or off-track, which is unusual for an alternative media podcast.

Unknown said...

These two scholars have both written books on the assassination of JFK.

Q: Do we see the bullet entering JFKs head or exiting? Are these two scholars agreed on that?

I welcome any scholars who haven't written a book on JFK to share on this forum what they think happened.

Anonymous said...

I just listened to this 4-episode saga:
once again, homosexuality reared it's ugly butt. Fact is, Uncle Fester never denied his butt fagotry.
Uncle Fester is alleged to be this great computer scientist who's greatest visible accomplishment is that Gordon Duff allows him to upload files by himself to VT -> ROFL

Anonymous said...


As to Spingola's "coming out" earlier this month re SH, very disappointing of course. I wrote, "Spingola Jumps Shark, Supports Zion.gov's Official Sandy Hook Story"

Thing about the "case" she makes for her proclaimed "belief" is, it's reliant totally on zion.media.gov sources; like NYTimes "stories" and SS death records; all under the complete control of S.Hoax's zion.media.gov perps! And they've had over a year now to plug all the early holes in their ham-handed SH farce! Is she going to change her view on 911 too now, after reconsidering the 911 Whitewash Commission Report, and NYTimes "stories" about 911? 2 mins: "Building 7: The Story the Times Missed - ReThink911"

I'm afraid her weeping in her recent solo SH shows, was just as likely to be over feeling coerced to compromise her integrity wrt SH to be in line with (her part time employer) AFP's wishes, as it was to be over (her proclaimed belief in) the alleged "26 ppl killed by Adam Lanza at SH".

Ben G. said...

@Dan Damore

The side of the head is an exit wound. The entrance wound is in the back of Kennedy's head. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6kYzhJGqq2M/TPuIiynTRkI/AAAAAAAAHwI/zzbCDTLLYlg/s1600/JFK_Autopsy_Photo_1.jpg

Anonymous said...

The school had security cameras. Why won't they release an edited version of Adam Lanza entering the school and walking the hallways?
To this day, the authorities, the FBI, refuse to release the video tapes of the Pentagon being struck on 9/11. If the "official" story was so true, the video tapes that the FBI promptly confiscated from the surrounding businesses just hours after the attack would corroborate the "official" story. Why the refusal to release the videos if what we're told is so true? They, the authorities, leave people, that actually question things, to speculate when they, the authorities, aren't forthcoming with pertinent...essential Information/evidence.
Sometimes it's the things that aren't happening...or isn't being shown that prompts my skepticism. if the authorities really want to quell...silence the skeptics and the speculators, then they should be more forthcoming with the pertinent information/evidence.

Tim said...

Aleksa wrote: Its HE not SHE,and i am not a TUTer at all,nor MCP folower!!

Go belive what ever you want ,but do not mix REAL conspiracy with your fairy tales,cause you will look very stupid!!
I am done!