During the past week, demonstrations in Lebanon over uncollected garbage
have descended into violent clashes between protesters and police.
Masses of demonstrators have swelled in the streets of Beirut in a
movement now being deemed the “You Stink!” movement.
With these developments suddenly taking place in Lebanon and, with
taking the Syrian crisis into context and the Iranian nuclear deal in
the background, it is reasonable to question whether or not these
protests are a legitimate expression of discontent with an inefficient
government or whether it is the product of a Western-backed color
revolution aimed at destabilizing Lebanon – particularly Hezbollah – and
further weakening the “Shiite Arch of Influence.”
***Read full article here***
August 31, 2015
Spingola and Friends 8/31/2015
Deanna shares the first half of The Myth of the Innocent Civilian by Harold Thomas (2002). To be continued on Thursday.
Show-page Spingola.com SpingolaSpeaks.net
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Show-page Spingola.com SpingolaSpeaks.net
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.08.31
Patrick Henningsen on "The Daily Shooter"
Patrick Henningsen and the folks at 21st Century Wire have created a new rubric: The Daily Shooter. Has it really come to that? Are mass shootings, the most spectacular of which appear to be made-for-TV scripted pseudo-events, becoming so common that we can't get through the day without one?
In this episode of Truth Jihad Radio, Patrick and I discuss the live-on-the-air "Truman Show" shooting in Virginia; the too-good-to-be-true episode on a TGV train in France in which two US soldiers and a language teacher took down a "terrorist"; and other symptoms of today's society of the (false-flag) spectacle.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
Patrick Henningsen and the folks at 21st Century Wire have created a new rubric: The Daily Shooter. Has it really come to that? Are mass shootings, the most spectacular of which appear to be made-for-TV scripted pseudo-events, becoming so common that we can't get through the day without one?
In this episode of Truth Jihad Radio, Patrick and I discuss the live-on-the-air "Truman Show" shooting in Virginia; the too-good-to-be-true episode on a TGV train in France in which two US soldiers and a language teacher took down a "terrorist"; and other symptoms of today's society of the (false-flag) spectacle.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
David Duke Show 2015.08.31
Today Dr. Duke talked about his Sunday evening appearance on Aaron
Klein's talk show. Aaron Klein broadcasts from Tel Aviv but is very much
part of the American Zio-media establishment. A la Wolf Blitzer, Mr.
Klein conveniently found an opportunity to have "Skype go down" when he
had no answer for Dr. Duke's facts and analysis.
Then Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery discussed a recent "study" conducted by a Jewish researcher at a Jewish hospital that asserts that "Holocaust trauma" altered the genes of survivors and that "Holocaust trauma" has been passed on genetically to their children. This, of course, could allow the Holocaust industry to continue extorting the governments and corporations of guilt-ridden goyim in perpetuity.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Then Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery discussed a recent "study" conducted by a Jewish researcher at a Jewish hospital that asserts that "Holocaust trauma" altered the genes of survivors and that "Holocaust trauma" has been passed on genetically to their children. This, of course, could allow the Holocaust industry to continue extorting the governments and corporations of guilt-ridden goyim in perpetuity.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
Western Propaganda Method: Claim Dead Terrorists As Dead Civilians
By now, the propaganda coming from the US State Department and the
United Nations as well as their media mouthpieces should be familiar.
According to these institutions, the Assad government is evil,
illegitimate, and it intentionally massacres civilians. These claims are
easily proven false and have been proven false in the past. Indeed, I have discussed these types of claims at length in my own articles and exposed them for being nothing more than weak attempts to convince Western peoples that Assad is a butcher and the terrorist are democracy-loving freedom fighters.
Such can be seen in the recent attempt to portray the Syrian Air Force as wantonly murdering civilians with “barrel bombs” in places like Doumaa.
***Read full article here***
Such can be seen in the recent attempt to portray the Syrian Air Force as wantonly murdering civilians with “barrel bombs” in places like Doumaa.
***Read full article here***
Blacklisted Radio - 2015.08.30
Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.
The Blurb on the Blacklisted Website currently reads: "Senior Editor of BlacklistedNews.com and host of the Blacklisted Radio Podcast."
Not very Enlightening Doug! try again!!
The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.08.30
Helter Skelter 2.0
Kyle discusses recent events and ties everything together to form a bigger picture. Topics include: Charles Manson and Helter Skelter, the Virginia reporter shooting, false flag events, gun grabbers, Donald Trump, David Duke and Tommy Sotomayor, and much more.
Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
BlogTalk Archive
August 30, 2015
The Covert Report with Susan Lindauer 2015.08.29

Wake Up, America! Your Government is Hijacked by Zionism! A great discussion today with James Morris and Stephen Sniegoski on Zionist controls in Washington, and the all out force of opposition amassing on J-Street against Obama’s Iran Deal.
Truth Frequency Radio Archive
64k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
Texe Marrs Podcast 8/21/2015 - Satanic Mysteries and Sexual Darkness in the Last Days
Texe Marrs unmasks the ancient roots of homosexuality and sexual
perversions. The Mystery Religions of Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Egypt
are here, now, as same-sex unions gather steam, pedophilia is rampant,
and Christian righteousness is scorned and abandoned. Amazing insights
into the Jewish Kabbalah and Talmud and how these books of the Jews
promote incest and sexual sin. New documentary movie, “Sperm,” is
discussed, a movie which declares the Jewish male’s sperm to be “holy
and sacred.” Discover why Satanists believe that the religious ritual of
sodomy will eventually produce the antichrist who, they believe, will
free the world of hated Christianity.
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made
August 29, 2015
Spingola Speaks 2015.08.29
Dr. Betty Martini reveal more info about aspartame;
World Natural Health Organization;
Aspartame Information;
FDA’s Cult of Tyranny; Deanna talks about the FDA,
Agent Orange;
Restrictions on use
of human subjects
News Page Deanna's site
Official chat room Spingola Speaks.net
32k CF Download
News Page Deanna's site
Official chat room Spingola Speaks.net
32k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer podcast 2015.08.22
As a sequel to the debate between Alex Jones and David Duke over "who rules the world", Jim Fetzer invited him on "The Real Deal" to address the deeper issues of evolution, race and IQ lying in the background during his extremely revealing exchange with Alex Jones.
Jim's Blog
64k CF Download
Jim's Blog
64k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
“They jumping her”
*This Video should serve as a warning that the coming "Civil Unrest" that's being actively fomented by T.P.T.B in the push towards "Depopulation" is almost upon us.
The hatred that is on display here:From the aggression of the Black couple towards the White Woman - to the passively complicit behaviour of the witnesses and cameraman present, demonstrate the futility of pushing "Multiculturalism" within any part of Western Civilisation. The Races were never supposed to live within such close proximity with each other:Especially the ones who view casual violence towards other Races as acceptable behaviour as these Coloured people obviously do. We are witness to the same process that destroyed the "Roman Empire" 2 thousand odd years ago. They too attempted to "Integrate" various races within their culture, and it eventually destroyed them from within. Welcome to History repeating itself yet again.*
A shocking video spreading through social media shows a couple attacking and beating a white women outside a gas station in Milwaukee.
In the horrific video a white female is thrown to the ground by a black male as the women with him repeatedly punches the victim in the head. The male then literally stomps the women’s head in while yelling, “wrong hood bitch.”
The hatred that is on display here:From the aggression of the Black couple towards the White Woman - to the passively complicit behaviour of the witnesses and cameraman present, demonstrate the futility of pushing "Multiculturalism" within any part of Western Civilisation. The Races were never supposed to live within such close proximity with each other:Especially the ones who view casual violence towards other Races as acceptable behaviour as these Coloured people obviously do. We are witness to the same process that destroyed the "Roman Empire" 2 thousand odd years ago. They too attempted to "Integrate" various races within their culture, and it eventually destroyed them from within. Welcome to History repeating itself yet again.*
A shocking video spreading through social media shows a couple attacking and beating a white women outside a gas station in Milwaukee.
In the horrific video a white female is thrown to the ground by a black male as the women with him repeatedly punches the victim in the head. The male then literally stomps the women’s head in while yelling, “wrong hood bitch.”
Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2015.08.29

Intelligent media for the politically aware.
No Guest - News and Current Events
64k CF Download
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org
Download From Archive.org
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.08.28
Listen Download Hour 1 - Jim Kirwan - The View From SF
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dean Henderson - (Left Hook)
Listen Download Hour 3 - John Barbour - Real People, Real John
56k CF
Renses' site
Download From Archive.org
Zionism in Britain: A Neglected Chronicle
![]() |
If The Jews Are Against Him? That makes Him More Electable than *any* of the others! |
Corbyn has been subject to a tsunami of criticism and abuse since his nomination, providing abundant evidence on the odious character of the current British political establishment and on the farce that is curiously labeled "the democratic process".
Moreover, Corbyn, supporter of the Palestinian cause, has experienced full guns blazing from official British Jewry. On 12 August, the Jewish Chronicle broadsided with ‘The key questions that Jeremy Corbyn must answer’. With the emphasis on ‘must’...
Daryl Bradford Smith's The French Connection 8/27/2015
Daryl Bradford Smith With Muhammad Rafeeq.
The French Connection
Daryl's Book List
The Holocaust Zio-Hoax info
The 9/11 Zio-False-flag information
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.08.28
Dr. Mary Ruwart on health, freedom, and ending aggression
First hour: Scientist, author and Libertarian presidential candidate Dr. Mary Ruwart thinks freedom is healthy. She argues that FDA regulations are killing millions, explains her "good neighbor policy" (a libertarian spin on "love thy neighbor") in the context of the non-aggression principle, and answers hard questions about libertarianism's relevance to real-world solutions to pressing problems. At the end of the show, we ask whether the ongoing exposure of false flags and war trigger events will reveal that human nature is fundamentally in line with the non-aggression principle - and if so, whether the psychopaths who manipulate us into wars by disguising aggression as defense will soon be going the way of the dinosaur.
Dr. Ruwart is the author of Healing Our World: In an Age of Aggression and enjoys a reputation as one of America's leading libertarians.
Second hour: Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire couldn't make it, so the discussion of how many of the "another day, another mass shooting" events are false flags will have to wait for another day. (Recent events, including the Paris train shooting and the Virginia newscaster shooting, have raised the usual questions about whether Operation Gladio ever ended.) So Kevin spends the first half of the hour monologuing about the eroding distinction between scripted Hollywood fiction and reality, using the Virginia newscaster shooting as a touchstone; and the second half hour listening to caller Sunshine Jim free-associating about the environmental crisis, lumbering and fishing in the Pacific Northwest, and whatever else crosses his mind.
Kevin's blog
Freedom Slips.com
32k CF Download
First hour: Scientist, author and Libertarian presidential candidate Dr. Mary Ruwart thinks freedom is healthy. She argues that FDA regulations are killing millions, explains her "good neighbor policy" (a libertarian spin on "love thy neighbor") in the context of the non-aggression principle, and answers hard questions about libertarianism's relevance to real-world solutions to pressing problems. At the end of the show, we ask whether the ongoing exposure of false flags and war trigger events will reveal that human nature is fundamentally in line with the non-aggression principle - and if so, whether the psychopaths who manipulate us into wars by disguising aggression as defense will soon be going the way of the dinosaur.
Dr. Ruwart is the author of Healing Our World: In an Age of Aggression and enjoys a reputation as one of America's leading libertarians.
Second hour: Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire couldn't make it, so the discussion of how many of the "another day, another mass shooting" events are false flags will have to wait for another day. (Recent events, including the Paris train shooting and the Virginia newscaster shooting, have raised the usual questions about whether Operation Gladio ever ended.) So Kevin spends the first half of the hour monologuing about the eroding distinction between scripted Hollywood fiction and reality, using the Virginia newscaster shooting as a touchstone; and the second half hour listening to caller Sunshine Jim free-associating about the environmental crisis, lumbering and fishing in the Pacific Northwest, and whatever else crosses his mind.
Kevin's blog
Freedom Slips.com
32k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
August 28, 2015
Spingola and Friends 8/27/2015
Deanna talks about George W. Bush, TMAP, psych drugs, corporatocracy,
Medicare and Medicaid, economic assault on the country, etc. View her Sandy Hook Research page. Deanna also uses information from her book, Screening Sandy Hook, Causes and Consequences.
Show-page Spingola.com SpingolaSpeaks.net
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Show-page Spingola.com SpingolaSpeaks.net
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Overthrow Radio Network: fake and retracted scientific studies 8/28/2015 - The Farm radio talk show
Chris Petherick will be joined by Jim Spounias, the president of Carotec,
a health and wellness company, to take an in-depth look at the growing number of doctored,
totally fake, and retracted scientific studies that have been getting a
great deal of publicity lately. Show-page AmericanFreePress.net
The Barnes Review
The Barnes Review
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.08.28
Martin Hill on summer travels, Rolf Lindgren on 2016 presidential race
First half hour: Martin Hill of LibertyFight.com talks to Kevin about summer travels (Martin went to Europe while Kevin & family drove their '94 Nissan Quest on a 7,000 mile =10,000 kilometer Charlie Hebdo Book Tour).
Intermission: Kevin calls B'nai Brith Canada to try to find out why they tried to shut down the book talks in Jasper and Edmonton.
Second half hour: Rolf Lindgren discusses the presidential race, noting the meteoric rise of Trump and predicting his equally meteoric fall. Rolf still thinks Rand Paul will win the presidency; he predicts Martin O'Malley as the Democratic nominee.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
First half hour: Martin Hill of LibertyFight.com talks to Kevin about summer travels (Martin went to Europe while Kevin & family drove their '94 Nissan Quest on a 7,000 mile =10,000 kilometer Charlie Hebdo Book Tour).
Intermission: Kevin calls B'nai Brith Canada to try to find out why they tried to shut down the book talks in Jasper and Edmonton.
Second half hour: Rolf Lindgren discusses the presidential race, noting the meteoric rise of Trump and predicting his equally meteoric fall. Rolf still thinks Rand Paul will win the presidency; he predicts Martin O'Malley as the Democratic nominee.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
David Duke Show 2015.08.28
Dr. Duke talked about the amazing past week, covering both the
incredible inroads he has been making as well as the tragic on-air
shooting in Virginia. His programs with Tommy Sotomayor have exposed
countless numbers of African Americans to the true David Duke, and his
reception has been overwhelmingly positive.
Dr. Slattery pointed out that so many of the concerns expressed by Mr. Sotomayor regarding the plight of the black community have actually been discussed frequently on the David Duke show. This should dispel the Zio-media depiction of him as a "white supremacist" and bolsters his claim to be a true human rights activist.
This show, as well as the shows with Mr. Sotomayor, have enormous potential to open new eyes to the truths talked about on this show.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Dr. Slattery pointed out that so many of the concerns expressed by Mr. Sotomayor regarding the plight of the black community have actually been discussed frequently on the David Duke show. This should dispel the Zio-media depiction of him as a "white supremacist" and bolsters his claim to be a true human rights activist.
This show, as well as the shows with Mr. Sotomayor, have enormous potential to open new eyes to the truths talked about on this show.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.08.28
Who does the bible say raised Christ from the dead?
All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)
Radio Wehrwolf - News from the Jews 8/26/2015
Dion discusses the Glenn Miller trial, and a
little about his background. Then he will go into the very recent live
broadcasted shooting in Virginia. Also the Pope says European countries
refusing immigrants is "an act of war".
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization. Dion@radiowehrwolf.com
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization. Dion@radiowehrwolf.com
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
No Agenda Episode 751 - "Funny Blow" - 2015.08.27
TODAY; TV Shooter; Caliphate!; Wes Clark 7; Big Pharma; Trains Good, Planes Bad; MIC; CYBER!; Words Metter; Ashley MAdison; Agenda 21; Out There; EuroLand; F-Russia; War on Weed; Cecile the Lion; IRS; BUGS!; Earon; War on Men; Drone Nation; Bullying; Ministry of Truth, and all your usual listening whilst watching a woman with a great ass clip-clop away from a white hand firing Blanks from a Glock in her high-Heels favourites.
![]() |
The Thursday Show |
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.08.27
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America In Tatters
Listen Download Hour 2 - Larry Nichols - How To Fix It
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs
56k CF
Renses' site
Download From Archive.org
August 27, 2015
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.08.27
It’s a False Flag World Out There
Kevin's blog
NoLiesRadio Archive
64k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
David Duke Show 2015.08.27
Dr. Duke had as his guest for the hour Tommy (TJ) Sotomayor, an
outspoken African American radio host. They had a far-reaching
discussion on the destruction of the black community due to the cultural
pollution that is being spewed out by the Jewish media elite.
Their discussion covered the destructive nature of gangsta rap, the media's active promotion of interracial dating, and crime within the black community. Dr. Duke expressed his admiration for Mr. Sotomayor and the work he is doing in bringing the truth to his African American listeners. Hopefully his message will help lessen black hatred and violence against Europeans as well as the destruction of the African American community.
This is a great show that demonstrates the potential for blacks and whites alike to recognize the common interests they have in standing up to the Jewish supremacist power structure in America.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Their discussion covered the destructive nature of gangsta rap, the media's active promotion of interracial dating, and crime within the black community. Dr. Duke expressed his admiration for Mr. Sotomayor and the work he is doing in bringing the truth to his African American listeners. Hopefully his message will help lessen black hatred and violence against Europeans as well as the destruction of the African American community.
This is a great show that demonstrates the potential for blacks and whites alike to recognize the common interests they have in standing up to the Jewish supremacist power structure in America.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.08.27
Part 2 of the "miracles" of Christ discussion
All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.08.26
Listen Download Hour 1 - Roland Thomas - How To Prevent And Minimize Radiation Exposure
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dave Lindorff - This Cant Be Happening!
Listen Download Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief
56k CF
Renses' site
Download From Archive.org
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - 8/24/2015
Brandon discusses the recent abortion protest in Columbia, Andrew
Wakefield speaking event, new pro-vaccine propaganda push, the Israeli
bombing of Syria, Israeli support of terrorism and ISIS, Russian support
of Syria, Thailand, China, and the potential for world war - all in the
shadow of Black Monday.
Show-page BrandonTurbeville.com
Show-page BrandonTurbeville.com
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2015.08.26
Show Highlights: HERE
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
56k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
August 26, 2015
Turkey and Ukraine Prepare Terrorist Brigades Aimed At Russia
With this in mind, it is very concerning that Turkey and Ukraine are
moving towards greater provocations against Russia – this time using
jihadist terrorists on and inside Russian borders. Such moves clearly
increase the likelihood that Russia will be forced to engage NATO and
its proxies in a direct military fashion at some point.
After all, color revolutions, if caught early, can be eliminated by removing the NGOs and Foundations responsible for organizing the “golden youth” but repeated acts of suicidal terrorism must be cut off at the source or it will continue to take place indefinitely. If Russia finds itself surrounded by US/NATO military bases and missile systems while, at the same time, being faced with economic warfare and sanctions, it may view its current position of non-intervention as untenable when faced with cross-border terrorist attacks openly supported by NATO countries.
***Read full article here***
After all, color revolutions, if caught early, can be eliminated by removing the NGOs and Foundations responsible for organizing the “golden youth” but repeated acts of suicidal terrorism must be cut off at the source or it will continue to take place indefinitely. If Russia finds itself surrounded by US/NATO military bases and missile systems while, at the same time, being faced with economic warfare and sanctions, it may view its current position of non-intervention as untenable when faced with cross-border terrorist attacks openly supported by NATO countries.
***Read full article here***
Brandon Turbeville on Reality Bytes with Neil Foster - 8/21/2015
Brandon and Neil discuss the recent pro-vaccine propaganda, the Syrian crisis, the ISIL-Free Zone in Syria, American elections, GMOs and GMO bans.
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.08.26
An examination of the "miracles" of Christ
All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)
"Bad Lip Reading" of the First Republican Debate - The *ahem!* Highlights.
Clever...*VERY* Clever Lampooning of The recent "Republican Debates". You don't have to be American to appreciate the satire in this You Tube Vid...and it's good to laugh in the face of all the crap out there today.
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.08.25
Listen Download Hour 1 - David Pickup - Reparative Therapist
Listen Download Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - World At War
Listen Download Hour 3 - Frosty Wooldridge
56k CF
Renses' site
Download From Archive.org
August 25, 2015
The People Speak with Sophia Rae 2015.08.25
Guest: Steven Druker The FDA and GMOs (Controlled opposition, anyone?)
BBS Radio
64k CF Download
Download From Archive.org
The Graham Hart Show 2015.08.25
Guest: Adam Abraham aka phaelosopher
- Graham and Adam discuss Miracle Mineral Solution [MMS]
- The history of MMS
- What causes diseases
- Water properties
- The Daniel Smith case
- Etc, etc, etc...
Peoples' Internet Radio
64k Download
Download From Archive.org
"Gentiles exist only to serve Jews": From the Jerusalem Post
![]() |
Psychopathic Tribal Belief System means Humanity Threatened |
Ovadia Yosef was a Talmudic scholar, an authority on Jewish religious law, and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party. Born in Iraq, he was the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983. He Died: October 7, 2013, but not before revealing how deeply the Jewish Mindset despises and abuses all Non-Jews worldwide. Current Jewish leader Netanyahu was a close friend and follower of This Rabbi's pronouncements. His own actions and public statements have always mirrored this Jewish Supremacist worldview to this day.
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