March 19, 2013

Wild Card Tuesday with Dash 2013.03.19

Dash discusses the solution to the debt money problem.

Economic news you can use. Ever wonder where our money supply comes from? You'll never here this on fox or cnn.
Guest's website

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The Source of America's Wars - Kristol Clear

Why was Muammar Gaddafi killed?

10 Years After Iraq Invasion: Continued Myths, Hundreds of Thousands Killed

The Iraq war, which most today in the U.S. see as a mistake, has cost the U.S. trillions of dollars, billions of which were "wasted."
But the devastation for the people of Iraq is incalculable: hundreds of thousands have been killed, over a million remain refugees and U.S. weapons used in the country, such as depleted uranium, have left a haunting legacy far past the drawdown of U.S. troops.     ***Read article at Common Dreams***

Al Qaeda in Syria, Funded by guess who.

Spingola Speaks 2013.03.19

Guest: Buthaina Neveln talks about before and after the US invaded Iraq

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Mike Sledge reports 2013.03.18

Exposing Engineered Political Apathy

Mike Sledge does a special report concerning the apathy that runs rampant in the “conspiracy culture”. Mike takes a look at how this was intentionally put forward years ago so as to stop any potential oppositional organizations before they even take off. This kind of programming is one thing we need to overcome.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.03.19

Completion of Marxism discussion. 2nd Hour: Marx the Jewish supremacist.

Show Notes

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David Duke Show 2013.03.19

Guest hosting: Dr. Patrick Slattery

David's site

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.03.18

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - AIPAC & The Khazarian Hypothesis

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jim Kirwan - Reversing Structures Ending Global-Banks

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Over US - From Hong Kong - Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Report

56k CF
Rense' site

Max French's The Victory Hour March 16, 2013

The Looters of Europe-

FED Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

Anticipating open rebellion, Supremacist Jewry sends in Blackwater to  train and supervise Greece’s police and military.

While the Greek population seethes, Italy and The Five Star Movement threaten the very existence of the Euro and the European Union itself.

Max and European Bureau Chief Egeria bring you the latest from The Battle for Europe!



SIX MILLION JEWS 1915-1938  


March 18, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.03.18

The Importance of Persistence

Why we need to carry on, define the agenda, expose the corruption, and create a better world. Topics will include racial warfare, the power of blood, real spiritual connection, and more. David will be stopping by in the second hour.  (Kyle and David)

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Are Americans Practicing Communism?

Red Cross Records Show Holocaust Was a Fraud?

No Evidence Of Genocide.  The Jews And The Concentration Camps: A Factual Appraisal By The Red Cross.
***Read article at BEFORE IT'S NEWS*** 

Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid? 

The Holocaust Hoax Exposed 

HOLOCAUST Handbooks & Movies 

"It's a Trick, We Always Use It." 

Delcroix radio improv 2013.03.16

Delcroix, Mike Sledge, Foon1e, Scorpio and zapoper get together on Skype and shoot the shit.

Delcroix's blog

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David Duke Show 2013.03.18

Today: Dr. David Duke begins by talking about how the Jewish supremacy in the media covers up the massive discrimination against non Jews that has led to the takeover of academia, the media, finance and power structure of America. He also points out the upcoming anniversary of Deir Yassin, the Jewish terrorist massacre that was a major factor in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that enabled the creation of Jewish Supremacist Israel. Dr. Patrick Slattery then joins and the discussion goes into the major Jewish books about the Jewish quotas in the Ivy league and how they cover up the far more pernicious and disproportionate Jewish discrimination against European and Asian non Jews in Academia. Finally there is a discussion of a seminal story of Judaism where according to rabbi Manis Friedman and the Talmud, when God told Moses he would wipe out the Jews for their wicked ways, Moses told God that if he went against the Jewish people he would go with them against God himself if need be. A very powerful revelation of the fact that Judaism is far more a religion of ethnic tribalism rather than following God. They also discuss the article in the mainstream press by Jewish researchers how about half of all Jewish members of synagogues are atheists and that they proclaim they are to connect with their Jewish people. Many of them actually lead in prayers and have complete acceptance in the Jewish congregations, illustrating the point of rabbi Friedman.

David's site

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Spingola Speaks 2013.03.18

Guest:  Karl Radl and Charles Krafft talk about the challenges of holocaust skepticism, The Global Anti-Semitism Review Act;

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.03.18

The lies and scams of Benjamin Disraeli part two. Second hour: Marxism

Show Notes

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What's Ailing America with Dr Rebecca Carley 2013.03.17

Guest: Dr. John Robb

WAA?  Targeting of medical doctors who speak the truth


Dr. Carley' Site


March 17, 2013

Die Drachenhöhle with David in Texas 2013.03.17

Paint It Black Continued and Final
Again about Martin Luther King, Jr: Plagiarist, Traitor, Communist, Criminal, Philanderer, Womanizer and overall sleaze. A beast as a saint? Essentially destroying a sacred cow.

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