This is a special addition of MIR (Might Is Right) with Big Billy Rice. Tom
Comments about the "Duck Dynasty" implosion and goes over some news. Corn Cobbs still in jail and Tom wants everyone to send him a postcard or letter. Maybe a nice pineapple upside down cake with a file.
Today: Dr. David Duke has special guest Don Black who has the radio show preceeding Dr. Duke's on the Rense Radio Network. In today's show Dr. Duke begins by talking about the enormous hypocrisy of the Jewish racists who control American media and advertising illustrated by the Cheerios commercial while the same Jewish media bosses support racist Israel who is in an uproar over the Prime ministers son simply dating a "Shiksa" the Jewish term denoting woman Gentile Whore" ! They support the state of Israel which does not even allow a marriage to be performed between a Jew and a Genitle! From this platform Dr. Duke and Mr. Black go into the Jewish programming of Europeans and other races to become atomistic and form no united effort agains the Jewish racists who have seized control over American academia, media, finance and politics! Lots of advice is offered for young activists in how to overcome Jewish media programming in understanding our own core beliefs and how to effectively present them to friends, family and society at large.
Note: I will not be posting every David Duke show. You can download them from the Rense site. Link below
PR; TODAY; The Fix is In!; SnowJob; Slave Training; Bank$ters; F-Russia; Obama Nation; Ministry of Truth; Common Core; Dvorak's Law; Poppie$tan; Turkey; Pre-Crime; War on Weed; Call Clooney!; NA Tech; CYBER; AFRIKA; Hillary 2016; 2030, and other grumbles.
Over 700,000 phosphorus bombs were
dropped on 1.2 million defenseless inhabitants of German city Dresden
under Britain’s then Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s order, which not
only reduced one of the greatest centers of northern Europe to flaming
ruins, but also led to one of the worst war crimes of the Second World
Read and weep here: I'm very sorry Theding, This atrocity will be avenged. Deutschland!
This is a special edition of Aryan Church. TT preaches about the religion of early Aryan's. Related news and commentary. @ 33 minutes in TT defines the 5 words.
There's a lot of foreshadowing about this. I've watched half a dozen
youtubes talking about the Tom Cruise movie, the Dark Night movie,
simpsons, numbers, etc...
That last super-bowl had the 30 minute blackout. I can't believe that was an accident.
If there isn't a false flag, they sure are gas-lighting the conspiracy folks.
Texe Marrs reveals things the controlled media dare not: (1) Duck
Dynasty controversy—Phil Robertson is right. Gays are opposed to the
Bible; (2) Bill O’Reilly of The O’Reilly Factor is a Catholic who does
not know the Bible. He claims the Bible says, “Do not judge.” In fact,
the Bible directs that we “Judge,rdquo; and someday everyone on earth
will be judged by God Himself and sent either to hell or to heaven; (3)
Ministry friend sends Texe a toy robot named “M.A.R.S.;” (4) Ministry
friends send generous donations that enable Power of Prophecy
to continue its work; (5) Texe examines Sir Francis Bacon’s ancient plan
for America to become the secret Atlantis, harbinger of the New World
Order; (6) The Jewish Plan for America developed in 1890s by the World
Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Russia was first victim of the
Zionist global conspiracy. Sergius Nilus, a prophet of God, warned
Russia and the world in 1905 by publishing the Protocols of Zion;
(7) Congressman Ryan and Senator Murray push through Congress a 2-year
budget deal that cuts military retiree and veterans disability pay over
next 10 years. Money is approved in Plan for abortion, pornographic art,
illegal aliens, and other ungodly projects, plus spending was approved
for ObamaCare; (8) Congress triples military spending on missiles for
Israel;(9) Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) leader, Pastor Russell
Moore, says that Pope Francis is a ”good choice for Time
magazine’s Person of the Year. SBC is now promoting amnesty for illegal
aliens, the environmental movement, and other liberal projects; (10)
Senator Max Baucus, who introduced the ObamaCare bill, has been rewarded
by President Obama. He was recently named the new Ambassador to Red
“Liberate The Discourse Part I –
Nationalism and Faux Nationalism, from Hungary to the Ukraine”: Jonathan Azaziah navigates the
minefield of European nationalism, WW2 revisionism,
anti-Jewish-supremacism, anti-Zionism, cultural imperialism, how they
all interlock and why understanding their interconnectedness is integral
to taking our struggle to the next level. You will not hear this kind
of analysis anywhere else. Show-page
Security Theater; A look at the ridiculous Superbowl Police State. Their are lots of talking points and even a few laughs in today's grab bag of topics and observations.
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Prayer for 911. Combating Cancer Naturally. The Ancients supposed this
Thistle to be a specific in cancerous complaints, and in more modern
times the juice is said to have been applied with good effect to cancers
and ulcers
Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola
interviews Dr. Andrew Saul about beta-blockers, drugs commonly used in
the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension).
We come across tons of interesting patents each and every day, but
recently none have caused as much concern and curiosity as this one.
Google recently filed a patent for a system that identifies when and
where a “mob” event takes place and sends multimedia alerts to relevant
parties. The patents are actually titled “Mob Source Phone Video Collaboration” and “Inferring Events Based On Mob Sourced Video“.
No… not that mob. In this case a “mob” is essentially an activity or
event attracting an abnormal amount of attention in the form of video
recording and picture taking. Here’s a quick blurb from the patent
Excerpt from US Patent #20140025755 “When there are at least a given number of video clips with
similar time stamps and geolocation stamps uploaded to a repository, it
is inferred that an event of interest has likely occurred, and a
notification signal is transmitted (e.g., to a law enforcement agency,
to a news organization, to a publisher of a periodical, to a public
blog, etc.).”
Hmmm? I wonder, wouldn't this service be nice for the cops when they are beating the shit out of some poor guy. As in they will be notified if people start talking about it online and uploading videos etc. They can shut it down and start to cover their tracks and arrest people video taping them. Or see if what their doing is getting the effect that want on the sheeple. (example: Boston Bombing)