September 30, 2020
John B Wells, 2020-09-08: Episode 1380 - Prepare For Battle With Rocco Galati
Go to 59:15 if you want the Rocco Galati segment of the show. I personally have no faith in Galati. I used to think he was great man when he took on the Bank of Canada case, but I was very dissapointed with the outcome of that case. I just can't trust him any longer. I would be very surprised if he has any real success with this covid-19 case. That being said, It would be great if he did! :)
“SURGE” in Cases 🤔 | Carl Vernon
BRITISH *** 😂 Chef’s Hilarious Dig at Boris on BBC Interview
September 29, 2020
ACH (1352) Paul English – The Maskquerade
We discussed: the University Challenge clip we played during the show intro segment; the simple reason why face masks cannot protect you from COVID-19; the recent anti-lockdown protest in London; the we do not consent meme; the noticeable change in Boris Johnson; the increasing indicators that, “David Goldberg’s Final Words,” were correct; and many other topics.
Ted & Austin Radio Show September 28 2020
Why are the highly educated in many cases so devoid of common sense?
Is Trump a billionaire?
Who really cares?
48,299 Covid cases at universities, two hospitalized, no deaths.
This is a total psy op!
Who is controlling the information?
Is this planned?
Governor Desantis lifts Florida restrictions.
All restaurants fully opened!
No more mask fines in Florida.
What is the technocratic end game?
Radio Free South Africa with host Schalk van der Merwe 2020.09.22
Radio Free South Africa with host Schalk van der Merwe 2020.09.01
Addicted To Our Own Destruction With Mike 'The Rebel Madman' Gaddy 2020.09.27
Addicted To Our Own Destruction With Mike 'The Rebel Madman' Gaddy 2020.09.20
Addicted To Our Own Destruction With Mike 'The Rebel Madman' Gaddy 2020.08.30
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.28
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Download Hour 1 - Charlotte Iserbyt - SPOILED BRATS... Americans Who Are Conforming To UnConstitutional Edicts!
Download Hour 2 - Donald Jeffries - 'Debate' Preview and General Update
Download Hour 3 - Dr. Henry Niman PhD - Nightly Coronavirus Bullshit
64k CF
Rense's site
September 28, 2020
If You Need a Chicken for Kapparot, They’ll Swing By (ROFL)
Need a chicken to purge your sins but can’t leave the house because of Covid-19? Crown Heights has got you covered.
A Brooklyn-based, Chabad-Lubavitch-run charity is offering home delivery of chickens needed for the pre-Yom Kippur ritual of kapparot. Practioners symbolically transfer their sins to the birds, which are later slaughtered or sold for charity.
“If people are nervous about going out we’ll bring the chickens to their homes,” said Rabbi Shea Hecht, chairman of the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE), a charity that “provide[s] fast, discreet and dignified service to all sectors of the Jewish community,” according to its website. The Crown Heights-based organization has been “sponsoring kapparos for 40 years,” said Hecht.
According to a Google Doc sign-up form circulating among community members, NCFJE is offering a “home delivery (limited supply) Service, for CH residents,” Customers can order male or female chickens. (It is customary for a man to use a rooster and a woman to use a hen, which they swing above their heads.)
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.25
Jeff Rense is an American
Download Hour 1 - Dean Henderson - The View From South Dakota
Hour 2 - Encore
Download Hour 3 - Dr. Henry Niman PhD - Nightly Coronavirus Report
64k CF
Rense's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.24
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - Rearrange Those Desk Chairs...
Download Hour 2 - Wayne Elliott And Bob Greska - Strauss Drops and C-60
Download Hour 3 - James Roger Brown - UFO Stuff
64k CF
Rense's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.23
Jeff Rense is an American
Download Hour 1 - William Gheen - Black Man Executes Three Whites In Louisville Bar
Download Hour 2 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief
Download Hour 3 - Dr. Henry Niman PhD - Nightly Coronavirus Report
64k CF
Rense's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.22
Jeff Rense is an American
Download Hour 1 - Mike McGill - The Economy Cannot Recover As It Was
Download Hour 2 - Brother Nathanael - From Bad To Worse
Download Hour 3 - David Oates - New Political Speech Reversals
64k CF
Rense's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.21
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Download Hour 1 - Donald Jeffries - The Tawdry, Damaged State Of The Nation
Download Hour 2 - Richard Allgire - Remote Viewing The Next 3 Months
Download Hour 3 - Dr. Henry Niman PhD - The Lying Weasel Report
64k CF
Rense's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.18
Jeff Rense is an American
Download Hour 1 - Marc And Phyllis Brinkerhoff - UFO-ET Flying Machines Over New York City
Download Hour 2 - Marc And Phyllis Brinkerhoff - UFO-ET Flying Machines Over New York City
Download Hour 3 - Dr. Henry Niman PhD - Nightly Coronavirus Report
64k CF
Rense's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.09.17
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Download Hour 1 - Brother Nathanael - The Demonology Of The Democrat Party
Download Hour 2 - Dr Eric Karlstrom - The Attack On America And Its Way Of Life
Download Hour 3 - Bernard Grover - QAnon Being Promoted As A Global Event Now
64k CF
Rense's site
September 27, 2020
The Final Countdown Reloaded
This dovetails nicely with the video I posted from the UN channel "Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times | Presented by Thandie Newton" In that video, the UN tries to sell the use of cell phones globally, to lift the children out of poverty around the world. This would educate them.. Yeah right!!! FUCKERS!!!!! Who needs a social security scheme to track the populous in this coming hellish age? It would be wonderful if people would get rid of their cell phones!! It's the cheese in the mousetrap that Noor's cartoon joked about a few weeks back. Your phone is how they will implement world communism after they smash it with the Covid. The UN is right on track with their projected 2030 timeline as we sit in a collective trance of narcissism.
September 26, 2020
The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America - film (rewind)
Film director Joel Gilbert on The Hagmann Report - The Trayvon Hoax
Crrow777 - #255
Walter Russell experienced illumination and then recorded what he learned. Though he gave us the basis for many books The Universal One has never been edited since the day he finished writing it. This book is full of diagrams and ideas which basically inform you, everything you learned in school is wrong. Even the Pope at the time made contact with Russell directing him NOT to publish the Universal One again. In his lifetime he did not, but luckily his master work was published again after his passing. If you accept a human life does not end at death, Russell’s work is well worth your time and overflowing with spiritual credibility and common sense.
September 25, 2020
Short message from zap
Hello everyone.
This is just to let you know that I will post the backlog of shows maybe starting tonight or tomorrow Saturday for sure. my apologies to everyone. An ulcer kept me mostly bedridden for nearly five days and then I had to find a room to stay in while they take care of the asbestos crap.
I found one today and the good news is that WIFI is included.
P.S. The new back-end template sucks donkey balls. Where are all the labels and how can we make posts sticky? I don't have time for this shit.
Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Annie Bukacek, Del Bigtree and Pamela Popper
Dr. Kaufman Addresses Trafalgar Square Protest
Copy this video before it gets flushed down the Zew-Tubes...
Are you getting enough oxygen?
Del Bigtree, producer for The HighWire, performs Oxygen and CO2 tests on his 11 year old son: the CO2 readings go off the scale!
Masks are destroying the health of ALL citizens throughout the world and here's the Proof!!
Masks, Oxygen and CO2! - Del Bigtree
Mask Tests! Prove toxic for children
Pamela Popper Testing 1-2-3
Testing and More Testing and More Problems
Posted initially by Chainsawmillerman
One More Time:
Dr. Kaufman Addresses Trafalgar Square Protest
Ted & Austin Radio Show
Airlines are now begging for restrictions to be lifted.
Hotels are closing .
Theaters are empty.
What is the real state of the economy without stimulus checks?
Louisville explodes officers shot.
Who really was Breonna?
Top Dr attacks the vaccine theory.
Desantis and Judd announce legislation to stop rioters.
Know your state laws on protecting yourself.
Ted reviews new propaganda movie Infidel.
Dark skin reduces the ability to produce D3.
Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for September 25
Today is a show of shows.
It is a must listen Green Show!
Ted does a super simple explanation on the following topics.
Why does Hollywood hate Jesus?
Who are the four Horseman of banking and oil.
Who owns the world?
Why do the world leaders follow the evil one?
What is at the heart of black magic?
What was the meaning of Stanley Kubrick eyes wide shut movie?
Who are the secret societies?
Is the universe made of energy?
What are ancient fertility rituals?
What is The direct connection between Soros and the Rothschilds.
Who were the fallen angels of the Torah?
Why is this important?
Who is Jesus?
ACH (1350) Frosty Wooldridge – Ruminations Of A Baby Boomer – Part 3
We discussed: a letter Frosty received from one of his readers; how everything is being blamed on White People in America today; how multiculturalism has been a complete failure; Frosty’s experiences as a volunteer teacher; the consequences of illiteracy; the total degradation of quality and personal responsibility; the upcoming Presidential Election; and many other topics.
ACH (1349) Nick Griffin – Where We Are Going And Where We Have Been
We discussed: some of the highlights from the “DEUS VULT Reconquista Of The West: Handbook For Resisting The Great Replacement” book that is now available; why Australia is being used as a testing ground for what is to come for all of us; the IRA’s Green Book; Nick’s work with the British Freedom Party; the deception of the Two Party System; how Nationalism cannot exist without Christianity; the historic achievements of the British National Party; Nick’s work for Dr. William Pierce and the National Alliance; Don Black’s remarkable contribution to Nationalism; the controversy of Combat 18; the relationship between Sir Oswald Mosley and Arnold Leese; the second lockdown which was utterly inevitable; and many other topics.
ACH (1347) Paul English – The Weaponization Of Language
In today’s show originally broadcast on September 22 2020, Andy is joined by Paul English for a show entitled, “The Weaponization Of Language.” We discussed: the Blankety Blank clip that we played during the show intro segment; the latest BBC demonization of Russia including their banking exposé that fails to mention who owns the banks; Jim Davidson’s recent controversial YouTube video in which he gives his opinions on Black Lives Matter, illegal immigration, and the spread of Covid-19 among Ethnic Communities in the UK; the Coronavirus denier who has banned people wearing masks from entering his tea shop; the Daily Mail’s continual childish name calling of people who won’t accept UK Government propaganda; the UK Government’s response to the petition “Prevent Any Restrictions On Those Who Refuse A Covid-19 Vaccination” which was supported by 141,933 people; why tens of millions of Judeo-Christians worship the State Of Israel; the 220 strong nude photo shoot in Central London; why Chris Langan is the most intelligent person in the world; the astonishing work of Charles Laughton; and many other topics.
September 24, 2020
No internet for at least ten days (UPDATE)📌
I came back online yesterday. All the technicians on the phone are retarded immigrants. Last Sunday, I call one of them to tell him that my modem is fucked. It's only lighting up the LEDs for DSL and LAN. The power LED doesn't even light up I say to him. That should have been a big clue that I repeated multiple times during the 1h30 minutes call.
So at the end of all his tests he says: "I think it's your modem". LOL
But he then proceeds to send Bell Canada a ticket. Two days later, I see a Bell Canada mini van parked on my street. As I am approaching the van, he rolls down his window and says are you stephan jean? I said yes. What are you doing I say? I'm sniffing your shit and I can tell that you have no connectivity. WOW! You can tell that from your little cell phone there? Yes he says.
The funny part is when I show him my modem that only lights up LAN and DSL LEDs. He says: " Why have they not changed your modem"? To which I reply: " I don't know but I suspect that immigrants are retarded ". He then says the standard white guy thing: " Well I'm not a racist but..." LOL
He says to me:" I think I got just the thing to diagnose this". He goes back to his little van and comes out with a magical modem that you can plug with no passwords and lets you get on the internet (I want one of those for Christmas BTW). He shows me on his cell phone that now everything is green instead of red. This will cost your ISP lots of money he says. I came here for nothing. LOL
The immigrant story of the week up here. LOL
So I woke up at five in the morning. I was about to post all the week' shows and my main modem decided to give its last breath.
Now I have no internet or phone. Moreover I can not record any other shows until they send me a new modem. From my calculations, I will only receive it around the 24th.
I'm writing this from my neighbor's computer. It might be possible for me to post the edited scorpio show and the Brizer "I don't believe in reality" show. LOL
But I will only have limited access to this computer. You guys send me emails at the gmail account.
BTW. This is only the tip of the iceberg. My 25 year old landlord found asbestos and now to make a long story short, I have to leave my apartment for a month because they found asbestos in the walls of the washroom duh.... Long story.
I have to rent a room until all this is done. First of October, I got to be out of here for at least two weeks to a month. BTW. All my friends are as poor as me so they can't really help me as their apartments are as small as mine.
I'll do my best to post some shows when I have access to this computer and the idea of the room I will rent needs to have wifi for sure.
Can you believe that I still have legal problems on top of all this. lol I have to call my lawyer Monday to have an update and tell him that my phone aint workin anymore.
...BTW. I've noticed that some people think that when I don't post shows, it means that zap is drunk.
The truth is that this all fake bullshit covid has gotten me depressed. Seeing dumbasses running around with masks? You have to be kidding me.
Anyway, this is only 1/4 of what is going on in my life right now. It is fucking nuts.
I removed the "buy zap a cup of coffee" because it didn't feel right with all that is going on to ask people for money but... I would really appreciate any donations. I've never needed it as much as I do now.
Déjà Vu Spanish Flu
Michael Hoffman does not appear in the first free hour.
Ted & Austin Radio Show
What’s in your water?
Why should you ask?
Central banks admit using Black Rock for bond buying.
Why are we in the Middle East?
Trump answers this question at the SC rally.
No surprise except that the truth was told.
Resistance builds against the Covid shot.
Central Banks say we are now on our own.
You must remain silent if investigated.
Know your rights.
Why is Australia in such a mess?
The 19th 911 Parlor Scene of bb9 - Blackbird9 Podcast
In the First Hour we cover the chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission has always been to establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereign.
In the second hour of The 19th 911 Parlor Scene of bb9, the host discussed the CRIME of September 11, 2001 on this 19th Anniversary of the False Flag event. From the FUNDAMENTALS of any crime throughout history of WHO HAD THE MOTIVE, WHO HAD THE MEANS, WHO HAD THE OPPORTUNITY, and Cui bono? WHO BENEFITED? to the ancient symbolism of the Ritual Sacrifice and Criminal Punishment, binary government systems of Visible Power and Invisible Power like the Hebrew Boaz and Jachin or Khazarian Bek and Kagan, the axiomatic LOXISM of jewish Laws on Amalek, the Priory of Zion's incorporation of earlier systems discovered by the Knight Templars in 1126 A.D. that resulted in Talmudic Law, Kabbalah, Zohar, Tarot, Sacred Magick of Abramelin The Mage, etc as well as a dark trail of Child Sacrifice, Usury and Blackmail and expulsions throughout Europe, the 1776 founding of The Great Experiment and the Sabattean/Frankist Illuminati Shadow Cabal, the rise of World Zionism, Sir Arthur Conan Doyal's Criminal Mastermind character Professor Moriarty, the founding of Israel and the transition from Founders Myer Lansky & Murder, Inc, Stern Gang, Irgun, Purple Gang, Illuminati to the State Sanctioned Mossad, IDF, Talpiot, Unit8200, Unit269, and Mega groups, the 1982 Oden Yinon Plan for Greater Israel, the rise of The Project For The New American Century Neo-Cons, The New Pearl Harbor that defied the Laws of Physics and Brainwashed the World, to the rise of the 911 Truth Movement, the host discussed how the 911 Attacks were just one of many interlocking Byzantine Game Moves towards an End Game of a New World Order under jewish Talmudic Noahide Law and Global White Genocide.
September 23, 2020
Our Interesting Times -E. Michael Jones on the Invisible Man
Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of many books including the recently published Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality.
September 22, 2020
The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe
Giuseppe and Scorpio interview Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies and his mentor AI warfare expert Patrick Ryan
The Brizer Show 2020.09.21
September 21, 2020
Baby Boomers Gone Wild
I had a profound experience earlier this morning. I was at the local market talking with a retired Navy guy from the states. He loves to take long walks and told me that he can't breath with his mask on so he had it pulled down below his nose. This other idiot walks up to us and tells me "you need to put a mask on!" and tells the other guy " pull your mask up over your nose.!"
"You are flushing civilization as we know it down the toilet but you're too stupid to see it, old man. No fool like an old fool!"
"These masks protect us all. My mask protects you, your mask protects me. We all need to do this until it is over" (This especially plugged me in because it is the exact phrasing that he heard on TV.)
"When is that going to be? When do you think this will be over?"
"Well, we don't know."
"Ahhh, so if it goes on another year or 5 years or 10 then you will comply, right?"
He looked at me with confusion and bewilderment. He had that glazed look over his eyes like the programming was kicking in to resist and disregard anything I would say.
"Look, pal....this isn't over until our overlords say its over. It's not over until they unveil the new system. A system where you will be a slave."
He started laughing at me and chortled "Great, then I will be the leader of this new system."
"No - you will be a slave. Remember what I told you today. I know you won't forget it. One day you will know I was right but it will be too late by then. Now beat your feet - get out of here and mind your own fucking business."
Then he tried to tell me all of the bogus facts and figures he had heard on TV...200,000 dead in America blah blah blah.
I interrupted him:
"This is all a scam and a hoax to force this new system upon us all. Now get your ass home and hide under your bed in a fetal position so you can be safe!"
He wasn't laughing anymore and I know he thought I was crazy as a shit house rat but at least I rattled his cage a little. A few minutes later two older women walked up to me and said "We know you are right but we didn't want to get involved." I thanked them but urged them to speak their minds in the future.
I know this post will be down the memory hole in a day or two but just wanted to relate what happened and see if anyone out there has had a similar experience....
I was like the crazy lunatic on the street yelling at people - lol
September 20, 2020
ACH (1345) Eric Gajewski
In today’s show originally broadcast on September 18 2020, Andy co-hosts, “The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show,” with Eric Gajewski, for a show entitled, “Faith Over Fear!”
We discussed: Eric’s Web Conference coming up tomorrow, Saturday September 19 from 3-6PM US EASTERN time; how many people are being suckered into the Beast System today; the Noahide Laws; how the endgame of the Elite is Global Martial Law; President Trump’s role as a provocateur; the Great Monarch who will bring Christianity back to the world; divine warnings from nature; Albert Pike’s predictions for World War 3; how suicide rates are at an all time high among teenagers and young adults; and many other topics.
September 19, 2020
Powers & Principalities: Episode 169
BillyBob said...
I love Tim and his shows, but have always been skeptical of Joe Atwill - since his Jan Irvin days, so this post about "Joseph Elton Atwill" is quite illuminating:
For over 168 episodes Joe Atwill has told us about "The Evil Oligarchs", and the "Evil Masons" who control our world. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Joe was one of the Oligarchs?
He is! Joe claims that his $$ comes from him being into bits and bytes and starting two companies with as Joe refers to him: The legendary IBM programmer David Ferguson!
Funny that Joe never mentions David Ferguson is his Uncle, that comes out in a court case! Joe never mentions that his Grandmother is Hollywood scriptwriter and crime novel writer Craig Rice, and his Great Grandmother is Mary Randolph Craig - who proudly states on her passport that John Randolph from Virginia is her dad. Joe is from one of the oldest Oligarch's in America, Amazon features over 40 books on the Randolph's of Virginia. This is where Joe's wealth comes from.
Joe rags on Bill Gates having a silver spoon in his mouth, His Ungle David Ferguson and Joe Atwill were born with a silver shovel in their mouths. Joe must have had a ball laughing at us all these 168 episodes. His family are called the "Adam & Eve" of Virginia! Thomas Jefferson has Randolph Blood, Peyton Randolph was front and center in our Constitution, and setting up the oldest Masonic Hall in continuous use in the United States. Joe is NOT what he claims to be, his a Brat of the Oligarchs, so hearing him lambasting them is pretty damn funny, don't you think?
Ted & Austin Radio Show - September 18 2020
Why social media is dangerous and addictive to children.
Austin stands firm with a friend regarding social media and children.
Should you take the same stand?
Americans are constantly bombarded with propaganda.
What’s really going to happen after the election?
The narrative is being fortified.
Is Tucker controlled and compromised?
Who controls Fox?
Did they apologize to Gingrich?
Gingrich responds to the rudeness of Fox!
Thanks inthemix16. I have posted based on your recomendation and have not listened to the whole program.
One Radio Network - Thomas Renz
Why is Mr. Renz suing the State of Ohio? He gives us the details
Lockdown vs house arrest; they have become indistinguishable
What might justify serious actions imposed upon the public by the government?
What will Mr. Renz need to show a jury during this trial?
Reviewing the REAL numbers
Not a single scientist has been able to provide documentation that masks prevent viral spread
Mr. Renz believes in the court system and believes that if he can get a fair trial, he and his team will win
When will this case go to court?
Even the inventor of the PCR test said it’s not good for diagnosis
We either have a Constitution or we don’t
Freedom is the one thing we all need to come together on; this is NOT a left vs right issue
September 18, 2020
Some woo for you! :)
Here is a bit more woo for your consideration. Its right up there with David John Oates and his Reverse Speech analyisis!
Cracking the 2020 Code Part 2 1666 Vs 2020
September 17, 2020
Holding Your Position And Rights, Knowing Public From Private (crrow777)
Jon Rappoport - Major case filed against Ohio...
Ohio attorney, Thomas Renz, on behalf of plaintiffs, has filed a case against the state of Ohio and Governor Mike DeWine. Renz is asking for a jury trial. (Attorney press release posted here; Attorney plaintiff document filed with court posted here.) (‘Lawsuit’ article archive here) This case, in the current climate, should provoke intense interest from the public, and from every lawyer within hailing distance.
Operation Scorpio 2020.09.12📌
Topics Include:
1) Your Own Personal 911