Showing posts with label Graham & Brizer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graham & Brizer. Show all posts

December 07, 2024

Author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi-Germany 1944-1947, Thomas Goodrich, Dies in Hospital ~ The German Holocaust




In the German Holocaust of 1914-55, the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) genocided 37 million Ethnic-German Civilians, but still portrayed themselves as "democratic" "liberators" despite genociding over 30 million of those victims after they took control of Germany and Austria on 8 May 1945, or after WW2 was officially declared "over".

This article combines multiple sources (James Bacque, Thomas Goodrich, Konrad Adenauer, Willy Brandt, etc.).

Anyone who knows the Germans is fully aware that they may well be God's Chosen People, and that Jesus really must have meant the Germans, or else people very like the Germans, when in Matthew 5 He said "You are the Salt of the Earth ... and the Light of the World" ("Ihr seid das Salz der Erde ... und das Licht der Welt"). But the Talmudists (Zionists and Freemasons) wanted the Germans either wiped out, or else under their total control, and they had largely achieved those aims by 1945. Yet the biggest secret the Talmudists kept covered-up for over 70 years was their genocide of over 30 million Ethnic-German Civilians after "VE Day", on 8 May 1945. If their gullible audience had known THAT, it would have stopped falling for their hogwash official-"truth" narrative overnight.

Just a Dude
A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World War II.

Based on Thomas Goodrich's book, 'Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47'

Thomas Goodrich on Hellstorm and Summer, 1945

The Graham Hart Show 2015.11.17
Hellstorm/WWII etc.
Jim Fetzer, David Scorpio, Chris Weinert, Paul English, Tom Goodrich and Dave Gahary.

November 03, 2021

Cornwall Report Smears Graham Hart - The Fetch, Tim Kelly, ACH, Paul English, Mallificus, Philosopher's Stone & Barricade Garage

 "The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), an organization that seeks to stomp out any dissent to UK policies and politicians favorable to the Jewish “state” has a known history of Internet stalking and harassment (Alison Chabloz case) as part of its efforts to advance its Israel-first agenda.

Equally, Tim Dwelly, the failed Labour councilor for Penzance and now turned “independent”, too has a long history of “anti-Semite hunting” and who seeks to deny ANY politicians from holding public office if said politician does not openly support and be fully compliant with Jewish and Israel interests.  This support and compliance,  based on observing many statements via Dwelly’s twitter feed, includes the caveat that Israel and Jews and their interest must come first and foremost and above those of UK sovereign or personal interests."
- Dennis Fetcho

For the rest of the story:
Cornwall Report Smears Graham Hart
 ITEL Ad Banner 465 x 140
 channel image
"We Tolerate a lot of Oppression. 
But When we snap, we will FUKIN SNAP!"
Jewish Economics - We Make Money by Stealing It

Dissecting Cancel Culture
ACH, Mallificus Scott & Paul English
Where Are My Reparations?
Powers & Principalities: Episode 222
Tim Kelly

October 12, 2021

About My Long Break And Brizer

  So I took a long break from this site because in the long run it's depressing as hell. I just wanted to tell you guys that even though I will be busy in the coming weeks, I have no plans to leave again. I will update the shows every day.

  Most of you might have wondered what happened to brizer too. Well it turns out that he was busy and took a break too.

  However, he told me that he will be resuming his shows in two weeks or so.


April 17, 2021

March 18, 2021

The Brizer Show 2021.03.15

Brizer and Patricia Aiken's featured guests were: Steve & Ross from Spacebusters. The first half hour did not win any awards for sound quality but then Graham saved the show. Great musical improvs from Steve too.

Cornwall Stream