Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
WEDNESDAY 2021.06.30
Download Hour 1 - The Amazing Carnivora Story - Learn How It Has Made The Difference For Many People In Poor Health
Download Hour 2 - William Gheen - Senator John Cornyn claims his support for Amnesty is Fake News - Blasts ALIPAC
Download Hour 3 - Erica Khan - Is Iron A Secret Player In The Vax Horror? Why And How Are 40,800 In India Stricken With Nasal, Sinus And Brain BLACK MOLD?
64k CF
Rense's site
June 30, 2021
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2021.05.24 - 2021.06.30
June 27, 2021
Operation Scorpio #69 : June 26, 2021

Topics include:
Revolution.Radio Studio A
June 21, 2021
June 20, 2021
Operation Scorpio #68: June 19th 2021
Guest Hour 2: Dennis Fetcho
Hour 3: Shaun Surplus and Scott Malificus and callers
Topics include:
Revolution.Radio Studio A
June 14, 2021
June 13, 2021
Vaxxxidents, Quaccinated Outcasts, The SPARS Document, WhatsHerFace, Cliff High, Dr. Joseph Farrell, EUROPA
The Truth Seeker
* Suggested by Chains *
* Suggested by ruxpert *
Operation Scorpio #67: June 12th 2021
Hour 2 - Russ Winter -- Hour 3: Daryl Wayne and the Mechanic jump aboard along with callers.
Topics include:
Revolution.Radio Studio A
June 12, 2021
Red Pill Expo Interview: Artist Ben Garrison
Ben Garrison is the best working cartoonist alive today, imho
June 11, 2021
Under The Radar Symbiotic NanoTech, Life in Space & Antarctica 👽 David Adair, Cliff High, Boyd Anderson & Truthstream Media
Truthstream Media
June 09, 2021
The "Amazing" Trudope, Fauci The Con Man, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Carie Madej, Dan Dicks & Truthstream Media
Jennifer Zeng
Sam Vaknin
* Posted by Chains *
Charlatan, Fraudster, Profiteer Fauci Exposed
Stephen Lendman
June 08, 2021
Rosa Koire, Henna Maria, Agenda 21, Natural Law & The Madness of Germ Theory
Rosa Koire & Spiro Skouras
Henry Makow
U.N. Agenda 21/2030 Explained in 2 Minutes
Rosa Koire
The Corbett Report
Henna Maria
June 04, 2021
Operation Scorpio 2021.05.29
Giuseppe, Scorpio and Chris welcome multiple experts from the echo chamber. Giuseppe says: "Can you hear me now?" and then Gumby says: "I'm twisted under my bed and I can still hear you echoing". Well uh....... Let me try this then..... Now I'm at the top of the Sears tower with my 1.5 watts 3 channel TRC-219 Walkie Talkie from the 80s. Can you hear me now says Giuseppe? Yes replies Scorpio but I think that we've traveled in time. I think that we are now three winks over the 80s and it' still fucking echoing.
Revolution.Radio Studio A
Henna Maria, Free Speech Monika, Adolf Hitler, Dan Dicks, Jon Rappoport, Dollar Vigilante & Dark Winter
The Last American Vagabond
by Jon Rappoport
by Jon Rappoport
The Dollar Vigilante
Lasha Darkmoon, Yukon Jack, Umbra Bellator & Company
June 01, 2021
Covicide - Max Igan, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Seneff, Dr. Merritt, Dr. Northrup, Dr. Madej & Company
Freedom Fortresses & Castles Made of Sand - Cliff High & Vindication Woo!

by Steve Cook
Posted by Jaymie Icke
Truthstream Media