July 25, 2024

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2024.07.24

James Perloff on Myths of the Lincoln Assassination
 James Perloff returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his new book Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination.

James is an independent researcher, writer and author of several books including The Shadows of Power, Truth is a Lonely Warrior, and Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw: Solving Political, Cultural and Spiritual Riddles, Past and Present. His website is jamesperloff.net


Jumbo Patterson said...

Local cops refusing to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires, damning whistleblower report reveals


Panzerfaust said...

Lincoln staged the assassination to escape from his wife.

doubleplusgood said...

Roosevelt killed himself to get away from his communist wife, Eleanor.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Great stuff by Perloff, I'm going to have to listen a few times to this.

decree said...

Lincoln was a jew, his maternal line is jewish.
I mean look at his images without beard, he is superugly like a goblin, in short a jew.

Panzerfaust said...

I've heard that and also heard he had Marfan's Syndrome. I want to know why the gay Republicans are Log Cabin Republicans. Was Lincoln a homo?

Jumbo Patterson said...

Rumour has it that he was a Melungeon, who were a poor, mixed race, country folk from the Southeastern states, he could still have a jewish mother, though.

Jumbo Patterson said...

I've always had the feeling that the Knights of the Golden Circle were a precursor to the CIA. Anyone got anything on that?

Panzerfaust said...

JFK had the shooting staged to kill Jackie and faked being shot in the throat to draw her closer but he fumbled the derringer in his pocket and shot himself. Some loose change flew onto the trunk which, being Jewish, is what she went after.

Panzerfaust said...
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Jumbo Patterson said...

There are some that believe Lincoln's mother was impregnated by her jewish employer... where have we heard that before?


Jumbo Patterson said...

The Olympic Games flag bearers at the opening ceremony are to be a white man and white woman of French origin.

WTF is going on? I won't stand for it!