James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.
Today: Latest political BS and guest: Kelley Watt (Sandy Hook)
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh".
"The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world
and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in
control, and how their control can be broken.
Germar Rudolf – Court Historians Demand Proof That Camps Not For Killing
Ray McGovern, former chief of the CIA’s Soviet analysts division, explains why he is far from impressed by CIA/Washington Post‘s latest claims about the Trump-Russia election interference/collusion story.
Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.
Today: Dr Duke & Dr Slattery EXPOSE ZIONIST CNN Lies to Pave Way to War on Syria, Russia and Ultimately European and All Mankind!
Ryan Dawson returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his latest
documentary "Trump's Zionist Ball & Chain: The Devils of Real
Estate." We discuss the influence of the Kushner family in the Trump
Administration and how a Zionist criminal cabal has used various
agencies like the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to enrich
itself and suborn the US government on behalf of a foreign power.
Ryan is a historian, documentary filmmaker and the host of the ANC Report.
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.