April 21, 2013
Die Drachenhöhle with David in Texas 2013.04.21
Astrology Show 5: As Above, So Below
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The Piper Report 2013.04.21
Michael Collins Piper points to anti-Muslim propaganda as an attack on white people.
Mike Piper Report.com
Die Drachenhöhle Special with David in Texas 2013.04.20
Join my Yahoo group to learn all you need to know about exposing Christianity: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Exposing_Christianity and go to this web site: http://see_the_truth.webs.com/
For OT issues, go here: http://domainofman.com & http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Religions/non-iranian/Judaism/Persian_Judaism/Persia_created_judaism.htm
How The Gentiles Were Deceived Into Hating Their Own Gods
Over 2 hours are archived.
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Spingola Special 2013.04.21
John Kaminski talks about current events; the Rebel
Deanna' site Spingola Specials
Deanna's News Page
Obama’s rush to judgment: Was the Boston bombing really a “terrorist” act?
President Obama has
repeatedly claimed that the Boston Marathon bombing was an “act of
terror” and that its alleged perpetrators are “terrorists.”
It may seem pointless to quibble with this description: after all what could be more “terroristic” than setting off bombs at a peaceful sporting event killing three persons, one a child, and injuring or horrifically maiming dozens more? ***Read article at DESERTPEACE***
It may seem pointless to quibble with this description: after all what could be more “terroristic” than setting off bombs at a peaceful sporting event killing three persons, one a child, and injuring or horrifically maiming dozens more? ***Read article at DESERTPEACE***
Israeli Doctors Are Treating Boston Bombing Suspect
Dr. Kevin (Ilan) Tabb, president and CEO of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston told the Israeli website Ynet that Tsarnaev is in stable condition but that because of wounds to his throat, he may never be able to speak again. ***Read article at YAHOO NEWS***
The Corbett Report: The Terrorists Have Been Identified
The specter of terror is once again being raised to haunt the collective consciousness of the American psyche. But as the terror meme rears its ugly head, we see an understanding of false flag terrorism creeping into the mainstream discourse. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the real terror paradigm and examine who really hates you for your freedoms. SHOW NOTES AND MP3
Anatomy of a False Flag
False flags are an American tradition. They go way back. The Boston bombings appear the latest.
***Read article at Activist Post***
***Read article at Activist Post***
The Ugly Truth Broadcast 4/20/13
Boston Marathon Bombing a ‘Bibi’ operation as a follow up to his threats made on the floor of the UN General Assembly in Sept.
Mark Glenn is joined by Dr. Hesham Tillawi of ‘Current Issues’.
Show-page Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures
Renegade Roundtable 2013.04.20
The Cake-WalkLugh, Sledge, Dana and Eric.
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