In case you haven’t heard, municipal bankruptcy is now all the rage. When smaller municipal corporations (only corporations can declare bankruptcy) had little resistance as test cases for these outrageous claims of fraudulent bankruptcy and default, the larger municipalities gained the confidence that the financially illiterate cesspool of people as citizens don’t know there heads from a hole in the wall when it comes to the financial reporting apparatus of government.
The people were determined to be sufficiently ignorant of even the basic checking account balance of the general fund in their local governments and school districts, let alone the massive collective government investment scam robbing them of the entirety of their wealth, making it reasonable to assume that these municipal corporation’s financial position would likely never be challenged by that clueless mass of the indentured. And so the latest trend of conspiracy and fraud against those debt-slaves continues… this time in the not so great City of Detroit.
Read the rest at Clints Blog
July 20, 2013
Scott Horton 2013.07.19
First interview Alfred McCoy
Alfred W. McCoy, Professor of History and author of Torture and Impunity, discusses the US surveillance state’s origin in the 1898 occupation of the Philippines; the historical ebb and flow of the government’s domestic spying during war and peacetime; and how President Obama plans to extend US hegemony on the cheap through total information awareness. (Duration: 31:23 — 7.2MB)
32k Download
Second interview Alexa O’Brien
Alexa O’Brien, the unofficial transscriptionist of Bradley Manning’s trial, discusses the prosecution witness claiming Manning was “disloyal;” the judge’s refusal to dismiss the government’s aiding the enemy and computer fraud charges; and the mainstream media’s terrible-to-nonexistent coverage of Manning’s trial. (Duration: 31:12 — 7.1MB)
32k Download
No Agenda Global Radio
Alfred W. McCoy, Professor of History and author of Torture and Impunity, discusses the US surveillance state’s origin in the 1898 occupation of the Philippines; the historical ebb and flow of the government’s domestic spying during war and peacetime; and how President Obama plans to extend US hegemony on the cheap through total information awareness. (Duration: 31:23 — 7.2MB)
32k Download
Second interview Alexa O’Brien
Alexa O’Brien, the unofficial transscriptionist of Bradley Manning’s trial, discusses the prosecution witness claiming Manning was “disloyal;” the judge’s refusal to dismiss the government’s aiding the enemy and computer fraud charges; and the mainstream media’s terrible-to-nonexistent coverage of Manning’s trial. (Duration: 31:12 — 7.1MB)
32k Download
No Agenda Global Radio
Syria facing new 'kinetic' plots
The Syrian Army has gained full control over al-Rashedin District in the northern city of Aleppo following fresh advances in the strategic city.
Also watch this:
Also this:
'Britain violates own anti-terrorist law' :Michel Chossudovsky
Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky, Center for Research on Globalization from Montreal about Britain's recent announcement that the al-Nusra Front group in Syria as an al-Qaeda terrorist group.
Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.07.20
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
News and commentary. Fetch takes calls and is joined by Eye Citizen who mostly discusses the Zimmerman case.
32k CF Download
Listen on Shoutcast
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom
Oracle Archive
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.07.19
Listen Download Hour 1 - Peter Davenport - Ex-Astronaut Sees Cluster Of UFOs - Flurry Of UFO Reports From South Carolina
Listen Download Hour 2 - Harry Cooper - Hitler's Post-War Time In Argentina - Photos
Listen Download Hour 3 - Harry Cooper - Hitler's Post-War Time In Argentina - Photos
56k. Hour 3 @ 32k CF
Rense' site
I was a free spirit in the next stage of life
I walked in the cosmos, not imprisoned by a body of flesh, but free, in a pure body of light.
There were no questions, only answers, no weaknesses, only strengths, I was light, I was truth, I was a spiritual being, I was a God…
But then you had to FUCK and bring my ass down HERE. I didn’t ask to be born! I didn’t call and say: ‘Hey, please have me so I could work in a fuckin’ Winchell’s someday!’ – Sam Kinison
There were no questions, only answers, no weaknesses, only strengths, I was light, I was truth, I was a spiritual being, I was a God…
But then you had to FUCK and bring my ass down HERE. I didn’t ask to be born! I didn’t call and say: ‘Hey, please have me so I could work in a fuckin’ Winchell’s someday!’ – Sam Kinison
Is there God for test tube people?
How do religious morality and achievements of science coexist? Can we consider godly, for example, a scientific goal to achieve immortality by depriving an individual of the right to life after death? How is artificial fertilization, an analogue of Immaculate Conception, regarded from a religious point of view? Answers to these questions are sought not only by theologians.
Read more here
Read more here
‘Lucky Larry’ not so lucky
Real estate developer Larry Silverstein can’t seek $3.5 billion from
airlines whose planes were hijacked by terrorists and flown into the
World Trade Center’s twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001, a judge ruled.
Silverstein, who leased the skyscrapers about two months before they were destroyed, already collected $4.1 billion from insurers and can’t collect twice under New York law, U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein ruled yesterday in a courtroom less than a mile and a half from the World Trade Center site.
Read more here
Silverstein, who leased the skyscrapers about two months before they were destroyed, already collected $4.1 billion from insurers and can’t collect twice under New York law, U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein ruled yesterday in a courtroom less than a mile and a half from the World Trade Center site.
Read more here
“Was 9/11 an Inside Job, or a Mossad Job?” by Laurent Guyénot
As the role of Israel and its
powerful lobby in the recent destabilization of the Middle-East becomes
clearer, the idea that a gang of Israeli likudniks, helped by their
moles in the U.S. administration, are responsible for the false flag
9/11 attacks, is gaining ground. Francesco Cossiga, President of Italy
between 1985 and 1992, said in 2007 to the newspaper Corriere della Sera, that it was well known in informed circles in America and Europe that the September 11th
attack “was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with
the help of the Zionist world in order to blame the Arab countries, and
to persuade the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and
Alan Sabrosky, a professor at the U.S. Army War College and the U.S.
Military Academy, published in July 2012 an article entitled
“Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake”, where he
explained his conviction that September 11th was “a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation” carried out with the complicity of the U.S. government, in order to lead the United States into a “war of civilizations” against the enemies of Israel — which is to say, against the Arab-Muslim world as a whole.
***Read article at My Catbird Seat***
Israel belongs to the Rothschilds
“Sayanim” and dual-citizens steal U.S. secrets for Israel
Fox News 9-11 Israel-Mossad Banned News Report
***Read article at My Catbird Seat***
Israel belongs to the Rothschilds
“Sayanim” and dual-citizens steal U.S. secrets for Israel
Fox News 9-11 Israel-Mossad Banned News Report
Bill Whittle examines the death of Trayvon Martin and trial of George Zimmerman. Is the acquittal of Zimmerman one of the great civil rights injustices of our time? Find out.
UK Government Unveils World's 'Most Generous' Tax Breaks for Fracking
The ladies really don't like fracking! |
The British government unveiled the world's "most generous" tax breaks for fracking on Friday, hoping it can "be a leader of the shale gas revolution." The new tax rate would chop the current rate in half, as "shale gas producers will pay just 30 per cent tax on their profits, compared to the 62 per cent that the oil and gas industry has traditionally paid," (
Fury over MPs' plan to sell Britain's blood stocks to U.S. private equity firm founded by Mitt Romney
Ministers have been accused of putting Britain’s blood stocks at risk by selling off the main supplier to an American private equity firm.
The Department of Health plans to sell the state-owned Plasma Resources UK to Bain Capital, the company co-founded by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in a £230million deal.
The Department of Health plans to sell the state-owned Plasma Resources UK to Bain Capital, the company co-founded by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in a £230million deal.
AMERICAN FREE PRESS Editors Roundtable 7/18/2013
AMERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper's editors and reporters discuss the Zimmerman/Martin story.
Canada's prime minister creates an "enemies list"
It has been revealed that Canada's Prime Minister Steven Harper has drawn up an "enemies list" identifying political opponents of the Conservative Party. Bureaucrats, judges and other members of the Canadian establishment are named on the list.
Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report 7/18/2013
Jonathan Azaziah delivers another powerful, classic program on the subversion of Egypt, using the commemoration of Hizbullah’s earth-shattering, historic victory during the July War of 2006, Iraq’s July 14th Revolution in 1958 and the martyrdom of 3 top Syrian generals on this day last year at the hands of Israel and its proxies.
Corbett: Israeli Strike on Syria an Act of War
For the first time since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict, sources have told RT that Israel used a Turkish military base to launch a recent attack against Syria. Turkey has firmly denied Israel used its military base to launch a raid against Syria.
Detroit will not see any improvements soon: Mike Gravel
Press TV has conducted an interview with Mike Gravel, former US Senator, about officials of Detroit city in Michigan saying they have decided to file for bankruptcy protection.
The Government Experimented On Unknowing Citizens - Proof In NEW Declassified Documents ~sub: ~credits video: UNETHICAL EXPERIMENTS GLOBAL: ~GMO Food, Mass Chemtrails with Barium, Aluminum, Strontium etc. Vaccines, MSG Neuro-Toxin, Fluoride poison, tsa radiation, Mass electro-smog EM Fields, mobile phones, more pesticides absorbed in plants, aspartame, extreme food-additives, led in lipstick, aluminum in deodorant, unwanted chemicals in soaps, unwanted hormones in meat, poisons in ground-water due to phracking, fine-particles coming from diesel engines highly toxic, plastic bottles & toys leaking poisonousness toxins, fukushima radiation poison, oil-spills etc. YES THERE IS A NWO DEPOPULATION AGENDA!
The word 'conspiracy' means when 2 or more prepare or organize to commit a crime or to do harm: possibilities are endless like lying about food-safety etc. do you think that description is "science fiction" or that IS part of our lives & human history that organized crime DOES exists, not only that it does not take much effort to see those who are willful ignorant & in denial being part of the problem. For evil to triumph is for good people doing nothing.
VIDEO: Was Journalist Michael Hastings Murdered? Police and Firefighters on the Scene Told not to Comment
The Political Blind Spot reports:
Mercedes Benz debunks the theory that the car of Wikileaking journalist Michael
Hastings “just blew up” upon impact. Journalists have consulted leading
University Physics professors in the Los Angeles area, who all agreed
that the placement of the engine defied expectations of a normal crash
Police and reporters on the scene confirm there were NO skid marks, both explaining the videos of the speeding car. (Gag order issued for Police and Firefighters responders to scene of Wikileaking Journalist assassination, The Political Blind Spot July 11, 2013)
The crime scene has made investigative journalists as well as former
military doubt Hastings’ car crash was an accident and claim that
Michael Hasting’s car could have been manipulated through remote
control. Adding to the murder suspicions is an email Hastings wrote to
his coworkers only a few hours before he died: ***Read article and see video at Global Research***
Courts Rule Vaccines Containing MMR and Thimerosal Caused Autism and Brain Damage
It is clear that the stance from mainstream science is that there is no
link between vaccines and autism. You can find more about that here.
But for many people this does not dispel all concern. Dr. Hooker, PhD,
PE says that the recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) study on vaccines and autism is “perhaps the most flawed and
disingenuous study” he has ever encountered.
Given the number of firsthand cases that make their rounds stating that children are immediately affected by certain vaccines, and parents are noticing something is ‘wrong’ suddenly with their child, it is easy to see why people are still concerned. In every vaccine and autism link article we have on CE, there are many comments from parents stating that they watched their child change within hours and days of getting certain vaccines. So is there truly reason to be concerned? Are we just paranoid? Or is there something we have not figured out completely yet?
***Read article at Acivist Post***
Given the number of firsthand cases that make their rounds stating that children are immediately affected by certain vaccines, and parents are noticing something is ‘wrong’ suddenly with their child, it is easy to see why people are still concerned. In every vaccine and autism link article we have on CE, there are many comments from parents stating that they watched their child change within hours and days of getting certain vaccines. So is there truly reason to be concerned? Are we just paranoid? Or is there something we have not figured out completely yet?
***Read article at Acivist Post***
CDC 'Disappears’ Page Linking Polio Vaccines To Cancer-Causing Viruses
The alternative media is justifiably abuzz with a story about the CDC
deleting a page on their website admitting that as many as 98 million
Americans received polio vaccine contaminated with the cancer-linked
monkey virus SV40, with the added twist that although they removed the
page sometime after July 11th, a cached version is still available to view online.
***Read article at Activist Post***
***Read article at Activist Post***
Elephant in the Room? No, the Whole Trumpeting Herd!
Step-by-step, we see looming in the Ibsenian revelation the
psychodynamics of fear, fear of dissent, on the conscious plane, fear of
disclosure, cowardice, but mostly, the participation in a lie, on the
unconscious plane, leading the individual, who is lacking the resources
of moral courage and the spirit of confrontation, to deliquescing into a
pool of lethargy, or more apt, passiveness. American political life
exalts compromise (the ideological dodge for enforcing the status quo),
which, in this discussion, refers to the attitude of going-along:
condoning war crimes—not even perceived as such—in the name of the
National- Security State, likewise the commission of assassination
authorized at the top levels of government, and of course the defense
budget, which dwarfs all social-welfare expenditures and leaves the
people to fend for themselves in a deteriorating state. The ruling
groups—political, economic, military, singly and conjoined—could not be
more pleased; for them, societal paralysis (on a continuum with
passiveness, but itself appearing more and more likely) is the new
end-game, an eschatological Nirvana devoutly to be wished by them so
that they can continue with their secrets, notably, enlarging the scope
and magnitude of abuse to the point that it becomes no longer
detectable, and rather, simply the new normality. Yet, a
selective Nirvana, for while the masses sleep the sleep of oblivion to
reality, ruling groups remain as busy as ever, their appetites whetted
by the subservience and lack of opposition facing them—a happy hunting
ground of exploitation.
***Read article at RINF***
***Read article at RINF***
Al Sharpton Confronted by Ex Gang Member, Re: George Zimmerman , Trayvon Martin Case
No Al, No Jesse, No NAACP, where are they in the black community, where blacks are murdering blacks.
Noam Chomsky is in Denial About 9/11
During a recent interview on Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky stated that he believes Osama bin Laden was probably behind the attacks of September 11, 2001
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