Showing posts with label Techno-Bolshevism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Techno-Bolshevism. Show all posts

September 16, 2024

The United Nincompoop Summit With The Devil Requires Constitutional Sheriffs - Umbra Bellator + U.N. SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS & NBTT

"Everyone will be expected to have a biometric digital ID that marks them not just as citizens of their individual country but as global citizens. Dissident opinions or unapproved expressions of reality will be dismissed as “misinformation,” “disinformation” or “malinformation” and memory-holed. 
Perpetrators of such unapproved information will be fact-checked and punished by the system, which will be operated and enforced by the most efficient of means — artificial intelligence. Punishments will include being locked out of one’s bank account, being unable to make certain purchases, unable to get on a plane or subway or drive on public roads. This is the future according to the world’s self-appointed overlords at the UN."

The Summit of the Future is a high-level United Nations summit scheduled for September 22 and 23 in New York City, with “action days” being held on September 20 and 21. The summit will culminate in the adoption of a “Pact for the Future.”

My gut tells me this Pact for the Future will be a pact with the devil.
- Leo Hohmann

 “They” may vow to submit to whomever they choose, and we can vow to ignore it other than right minded people vowing to fucking destroy anyone in the WHO that we happen to come across as a payback for their part on the vicious assault on humanity that was their convid-1984 war.
- Umbra Bellator
“If the question is still asked why National Socialism combats the Jewish element in Germany so fanatically, the answer can only be, because National Socialism wishes to establish a real community of the people. Since we are National Socialists, we cannot permit an alien race to impose itself upon our working people as their leaders.” – Uncle Adolf. Germany in the late 30s was a paradise compared to Weimar pseudo-Republic, international Jewry could not allow that. According to David Rockefeller competition is sin.
- NBTT on September 14, 2024 at 11:05 am

March 12, 2022

Adverse Reactions to Rothschild/Klaus Schwab/Ukraine/CIA/Biden/Freeland ~ Amazing Polly, EyesIsWatchin, JP Sears, Gonzalo Lira, Max Igan, John Kaminsky, Larry Romanoff

Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?
Or is it Dr. Yuval Noah Harari?
Awaken With JP
2.3M subscribers

"Humans are now hackable animals!" - Yuval Noah Harari


Published March 10, 2022

October 01, 2021

Media Blackout in Australia, J. Rappaport, S. Verstappen, Josef Goebbels, M.S. King, Mr.Tiger & The zewz

Welcome my son,
Welcome to The Death Industrial Matrix

Jews Control the Media
"Absolutely fantastic speech by Josef Goebbels"
George Clinton Rockwell on comparisons with Adolf Hitler
Germany Defended Europe Against Jewish Bolshevism.
Mr.Tiger & The Unmentionables
The Real Story Behind "The Bad War" by M.S. King 
Part 4 by Peter Hammond
 * Suggested by Albert *
 Dangerous Speech versus Free Speech &
Mobs of Ignoramuses
Jon Rappaport
Aussie Court Rules Mandatory Jabs Violate Free & Informed Consent
Kenan SonOfEnos
War with China
Jeff Rense & Stefan Verstappen
Judaism is Just a Front
Morris108 Rant
Welcome to The Machine 
Pink Floyd

June 11, 2021

Under The Radar Symbiotic NanoTech, Life in Space & Antarctica 👽 David Adair, Cliff High, Boyd Anderson & Truthstream Media

David Adair At Area 51
The Real Rocket Man
Is There Life In Space?
 David Adair, Expert on Artificial Intelligence,
Nano Technology & Advanced Symbiotic Technology
Wild Strain Woo - Explorers' Guide To Sci-Fi World
Cliff High
Under The Radar 537-555
The Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 
Boyd Anderson
* Suggested by inthemix16 *
The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica... Revealed
 Truthstream Media

May 13, 2021

Blood Boiler Cyber Pandemics, Amazing Polly & The Barstool Prophets

DarkSide And Cyber Pandemics
Hugo Talks Some More

A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics?
Cyber Polygon 2021 to stage supply chain attack simulation

This Isn't About A Virus (No Kidding)
Amazing Polly
The Kids of The Reset
A Blood Boiler

Mankind Man
The Barstool Prophets

May 11, 2021

The Looming Food Shortages - Ice Age Farmer


"About to get much worse."
Ice Age Farmer
No More Lockdowns...
 Andrew Lawrence alias Tedros Ademon
Jailhouse Interview with Pastor Artur Pawlowski
Rebel News
Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases

 channel image

March 08, 2021

May Your God Or Your Gods Go With You - Alan Watt


R.I.P. Alan Watt
It is with great sadness that I have to announce the death of Alan Watt of  - Neil Foster – March 6th 2021

Alan passed away on Thursday, March 4th


Alan's Last Blurb: Feb. 28, 2021
The Reptilian Deception
Alan Watt
Alan Watt Debunks Albert Einstein
Sovereign Independent – Masterplan Event 2011
Alan Watt
A Planned Society
Alan Watt With Jeff Rense
By Voltman 

October 17, 2020

COVID Gulags For Recalcitrant Canadians

Here is The Opposition in Queen's Park Toronto:
Randy Hillier
Trudeau Government’s Plan To Build
COVID ‘Quarantine/Isolation’ Camps”
Are You Stronger Than You Think?
How To Warm Up Before A Gig
Max Keiser Points to Iceland 
The Largest Theft in History
Foundational Knowledge
Oneness Versus the 1%
Bolshevik Lies Matter 
Vandana Shiva, Ph.D
Really Graceful

June 10, 2020

ANTIFA And The Full-Retard Techno Bolshevism

Your owners

They're part of "The Club" and you ain't in it! 

Fascist symbols in the House of Representatives 
 ANTIFA and The New Dumbed Down Techno Bolshevism
Techno Bolshevism as Wally The White Nut Walleye sees it