March 06, 2025

The Fabric of our Society is based upon a MATRIX of Mendacity ~ An Alarming Decline in Male Fertility ~ New Film About Vaccine Injuries

Juxtaposition1, Gregg Braden, Jimmy Dore, Dr. Jacqueline R. Kasun, Steve Mosher

 The globalist puppets gather in London to work out how to keep the midget in power and the Ukraine Money Laundering operation going…
COINTELPRO Defined, etc...


An Alarming Decline in Male Fertility | Gregg Braden

Scientific studies, such as The Lancet's Global Study, the Pew Trusts Report on U.S. Fertility Trends, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Perspective, among many other official scientific studies, confirm that male fertility is in free fall and conception rates are plummeting. 
channel image
"We reside inside of SWISS Bank funded Hunger Game Districts" under 24-7 surveillance."
"It's all a game. It's a thought experiment. We're in the MATRIX." Erin Valenti's last words spoken October 7, 2019, at 10pm.


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