Showing posts with label Umbra Bellator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Umbra Bellator. Show all posts

March 23, 2025

I've Been Paying Attention Way too Long for This ~ The Houthis & Iran In the Crosshairs? ~ "You Go Down There!"

Iran In the Crosshairs?
Or is it another case of The Bluffing BLOTUS?
Yemen & The Houthis Don't Quit.
Truthstream Media, Alex Krainer, Dialogue Works, Mohammad Marandi, Yukon Jack,  Umbra Bellator, Danny Haiphong, SonOfEnos,

I've Been Paying Attention Way too Long for This

"Paying attention is the hardest thing I've ever done." - Melissa Dykes

September 16, 2024

The United Nincompoop Summit With The Devil Requires Constitutional Sheriffs - Umbra Bellator + U.N. SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS & NBTT

"Everyone will be expected to have a biometric digital ID that marks them not just as citizens of their individual country but as global citizens. Dissident opinions or unapproved expressions of reality will be dismissed as “misinformation,” “disinformation” or “malinformation” and memory-holed. 
Perpetrators of such unapproved information will be fact-checked and punished by the system, which will be operated and enforced by the most efficient of means — artificial intelligence. Punishments will include being locked out of one’s bank account, being unable to make certain purchases, unable to get on a plane or subway or drive on public roads. This is the future according to the world’s self-appointed overlords at the UN."

The Summit of the Future is a high-level United Nations summit scheduled for September 22 and 23 in New York City, with “action days” being held on September 20 and 21. The summit will culminate in the adoption of a “Pact for the Future.”

My gut tells me this Pact for the Future will be a pact with the devil.
- Leo Hohmann

 “They” may vow to submit to whomever they choose, and we can vow to ignore it other than right minded people vowing to fucking destroy anyone in the WHO that we happen to come across as a payback for their part on the vicious assault on humanity that was their convid-1984 war.
- Umbra Bellator
“If the question is still asked why National Socialism combats the Jewish element in Germany so fanatically, the answer can only be, because National Socialism wishes to establish a real community of the people. Since we are National Socialists, we cannot permit an alien race to impose itself upon our working people as their leaders.” – Uncle Adolf. Germany in the late 30s was a paradise compared to Weimar pseudo-Republic, international Jewry could not allow that. According to David Rockefeller competition is sin.
- NBTT on September 14, 2024 at 11:05 am

March 27, 2024

🐐RAGECAST 437: FREN(s) - General Jeremy MacKenzie + The Final Solution - Umbra Bellator


Canada has essentially become a factory of death with a nice trim of Indian and other ethnic colonies from coast to coast as people are completely discarded by the systems they pay for and depend on.

Meanwhile, very polite bears are stealing only what they absolutely need to survive and rumors are swirling that Phillip is masterminding some sort of bear thievery cartel.

Also, be on the watch for FREN (Far Right Extreme Noticing) and what you can do to stop it (get MAiD).

Mistakes Were Made
Comment by Umbra Bellator

November 24, 2023

If the Zionist Devils Hadn’t Killed JFK - Did The San Francisco Homeless Suddenly Find a Home? - What's happening in Spain? - Mike Stone, SonOfEnos, Tim Truth, Tucker Carlson, Metal Leo, Neil Oliver, Cybergnostic, Umbra Bellator, Santa Claws, Fork Faced and Grand Funk

Mike Stone
Tucker Carlson in Madrid

Stop Dying for Satanist (Masonic) Jewish Hegemony
Mike Stone
Umbra Bellator on the Military of the Jew-S-A
Better Stick To The Lies You Know
Santa Claws is Making a List - Be Very Afraid...


October 23, 2023

Is Civil War in ISRAEL Coming Closer? + RageCast 387: WHO RULES YOU - Raging Dissident + The Slaughter Must Go On - Fishi Sumak On Board Operation Tantrum + Umbra Bellator on Amerikan Support of Evil

If Americunts only knew the truth about 9/11, obvious to many of us here, things would be very different, let alone the holohoax, the USS Liberty, the criminal system of “central banking”, the Book of Bullshit and the abject slavery of Christianity that was concocted by the Jew, and so on and so on…but the average Americunt is dangerously stupid and continues to support abject evil with rabid fervor. - Umbra Bellator

Pro-Palestinian Dave Chappell Rouses the Crowd in Boston Garden