Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts

February 25, 2025

RAGECAST 519: THE SHIRT ON YOUR BACK ~ Jeffrey Sachs EU Parliament Speech ~ Following The Psyence ~ Muammar Gaddafi at the 64th U.N General Assembly & More

Jeffrey Sachs, Jimmy Dore, Muammar Gaddafi, MediaGiant, Time Unveiled, SGT Report, Gonzalo Lira, Jeremy MacKenzie.
JeremyMacKenzie - Rumble

How are enjoying the new normal ?

Please stop calling it "Trudeau's Canada" and pretending like the other 337 assholes in that god forsaken dump don't have anything to do with how absolutely fucked this place is.

When Canada feels about all politicians the same way they do about Justin Trudeau, we might get somewhere.

November 05, 2024

The Chaos Before The Storm - Asha Logos ~ Democracy Delusion, Climate Heist, Spain Floods, CIA’s Reality Shaping - EyesIsWatchin ~ Diddy 'Blackmail Tapes' Featuring Kamala Harris and J. Lo - The People's Voice ~ Improving Genocide - Craig Nelsen ~ Rigged US Election ~ Planned Civil War for 2025? ~ The War on Farmers ~ RAGECAST 495 - ORANGE REVENGE? - JeremyMacKenzie

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.... 
The Chaos Before The Storm


October 23, 2023

Is Civil War in ISRAEL Coming Closer? + RageCast 387: WHO RULES YOU - Raging Dissident + The Slaughter Must Go On - Fishi Sumak On Board Operation Tantrum + Umbra Bellator on Amerikan Support of Evil

If Americunts only knew the truth about 9/11, obvious to many of us here, things would be very different, let alone the holohoax, the USS Liberty, the criminal system of “central banking”, the Book of Bullshit and the abject slavery of Christianity that was concocted by the Jew, and so on and so on…but the average Americunt is dangerously stupid and continues to support abject evil with rabid fervor. - Umbra Bellator

Pro-Palestinian Dave Chappell Rouses the Crowd in Boston Garden


January 13, 2023

Washington Warmongers To Get Wacked By a Ton of BRICS - Gonzalo Lira, Brian Berletic, Douglas MacGregor, Alexander Mercouris, Mitchell Henderson + Kiss It Goodbye, The Kids Aren't Alright - Raging Dissident + Vaxx Ravages - Dr. Christine Northrup, 99Percent, Salty Cracker + Extinction Event - Eyes Is Watchin + David Icke on Elon Musk + A Destructive Illusion - Roy Potterqua



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Elon Musk Wants This Video Taken Down
David Icke - Anonymous Official