Showing posts with label Rothschilds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rothschilds. Show all posts

February 25, 2025

RAGECAST 519: THE SHIRT ON YOUR BACK ~ Jeffrey Sachs EU Parliament Speech ~ Following The Psyence ~ Muammar Gaddafi at the 64th U.N General Assembly & More

Jeffrey Sachs, Jimmy Dore, Muammar Gaddafi, MediaGiant, Time Unveiled, SGT Report, Gonzalo Lira, Jeremy MacKenzie.
JeremyMacKenzie - Rumble

How are enjoying the new normal ?

Please stop calling it "Trudeau's Canada" and pretending like the other 337 assholes in that god forsaken dump don't have anything to do with how absolutely fucked this place is.

When Canada feels about all politicians the same way they do about Justin Trudeau, we might get somewhere.

November 02, 2023

Spitting in the Face of God + Where Have All the Swingin' Dicks Gone? - Salamandren + Mystery Babylon FALLING - Son Of Enos + Golda Meir - Henry Makow + israel is the Rothschilds’ Personal Fiefdom - Yukon Jack & KoS on Christianity + Hitler's Own Banking System & More


The Russians went after a US backed military that was attacking Russians in Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea. The israelis and their global fan club of usual culprits are bombing and starving civilians like those inhumane barbarians in the second world war who, upon obeying the orders from sick, pathological liars, proceeded to firebomb dozens of cities in Europe and Japan including but not limited to Dresden, Tokyo, Hamburg, Berlin, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Cologne, Essen, Dortmund, Hanover, Nuremberg, Chemnitz, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Omuta, etc...

The Faces of Hypocrisy, Stupidity and Corruption
Stupor Power
Introducing the modern-day City Incinerators who want to take over the world by firebombing Maui, Paradise and Santa Rosa California, the forests of Canada, by blowing up the dams of Libya and Russia, by Tornado Bombing Acapulco, flooding New York City, Greece, Scotland, Italy, etc. with water and illegal immigrants.

The Rotschilds
Israel is the Rothschilds’ personal fiefdom – Israel is their personal family army, nuclear arsenal, and intelligence service, all in one.

February 16, 2023

THE "Solution To The Human Condition" + RageCast 305: LEAD, FOLLOW OR GTFO 😡 + James David Manning on Niggerism + ADOLF VS THE ROTHSCHILDS + Did Elvis Presley Fake His Death?

Meet The Bonobos

Acclaimed British actor and broadcaster Craig Conway’s astonishing interview with Jeremy Griffith about his breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition — which ends all the conflict and suffering in human life at its source, and provides the now urgently needed road map for the complete rehabilitation and transformation of our lives and world! This interview is the ultimate tool for quickly understanding, and for sharing, Griffith’s work. His book ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’ is freely available (no email required) at:

Heartburn Hotel
Elfish Freshley

January 05, 2023

Turkey, Syria coming together, US Isolated - The Duran + Russians To End This War - Douglas Macgregor + The COVID Era - Dr. Sam Bailey + Great Famine to Great Reset - MattEhret + Studies in Anti-Jewology - Salamandren + Alfred & Monika Schaefer


Christine Anderson

Brian Mitchell