Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

March 21, 2025

RAGECAST 524: PHIL'S BIG DIGG ~ The Chinese people support the ‘Dandelions’ ~ The DOGE Song

One of the most irritating thing about "politics bros" is their child like inability to keep their eye on the ball. Claiming to be interested and focused on 'things that matter', they see the forest for the trees, bickering and arguing over policy, votes, platforms, slogans with only surface level differences instead of stepping back and recognizing the forest for what it is: a cesspool of crime, corruption, foreign influence and traitors.

Though, what is someone to expect from those who are good boys that follow the rules, wear their masks and subject their children to state mandated medicine time, instantly buckling under soft extortion?

Major change is required and it will not come from those who are content to participate in this rotten, rigged and anti-white system.

"Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent."

January 13, 2023

Washington Warmongers To Get Wacked By a Ton of BRICS - Gonzalo Lira, Brian Berletic, Douglas MacGregor, Alexander Mercouris, Mitchell Henderson + Kiss It Goodbye, The Kids Aren't Alright - Raging Dissident + Vaxx Ravages - Dr. Christine Northrup, 99Percent, Salty Cracker + Extinction Event - Eyes Is Watchin + David Icke on Elon Musk + A Destructive Illusion - Roy Potterqua



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Elon Musk Wants This Video Taken Down
David Icke - Anonymous Official

July 19, 2022

Putin is NOT a NWO Globalist, Zionist Sympathizer or Chabad Lubavitcher - Ex Top-Level Putin Advisor - Dubovikova, Kurten, Szamuely & Gonzalo Lira Roundtable


Let's Go Brandon...

Here’s “CONCLUSIVE PROOF” that Putin is not an NWO globalist or Zionist sympathizer or Chabad Lubavitcher.

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé provides firsthand testimony, from a now deceased but long-time top-level Putin advisor, which offers conclusive proof that “President Putin is what President Putin does”.  Where it concerns the extremely secret intrigues that saw Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Vladimir Putin ultimately appointed as “acting prime minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President Yeltsin” on 9 August 1999, it does not get any more authoritative than the testimony of Warsaw Pact Commander-in-chief and Marshal of the Soviet Union Wiktor Kulikow.  

Ardent Russian nationalist Kulikow played a decisive role in purging the Zionist traitors, who had infiltrated every level of government in the Kremlin and throughout Moscow, by way of a nation-saving conspiratorial plot executed by an ultra-secret coterie of Russian patriots known as “Razved” (which means “divorced”).  In fact, the highly privileged insider’s account posted below both parallels and fleshes out the skeleton of the narrative of Putin’s rise to power that SOTN published in 2014 under the title: Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role after the Pre-Planned Collapse of the Soviet Union.

* Suggested by Erik Blessing *

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* Suggested by RickB *