The Summit of the Future is a high-level United Nations summit scheduled for September 22 and 23 in New York City, with “action days” being held on September 20 and 21. The summit will culminate in the adoption of a “Pact for the Future.”

Welcome to your digital prison, courtesy of Commie UN. That’s what happen when you put womyn, non-whites, sodomites and trannies in positions of power, they have such weak mind. Not that they are completely imbeciles (some are) whom advocate their own destruction, but they are incapable to rid their mind from the serpent spell, or Jew spell. The Bible forewarned us about it in the allegory of Adam & Eve. Women, and all their imitations, will be liberated only the day the serpent head is crushed.
What can we do? Apart from Russia winning the war – say what you want but Russia banned LGBT movement, banned META Corporation, promotes family values and is prone to nationalism – the only thing we can do is unplug from the system, like the Amish. As economic conditions get worse, especially for Whites that don’t have access to gubbernment free shit, a black market will naturally flourish. We have to make a living in this alternative market.
The Jewish ideal society is similar to the Weimar Republic where Jews dominated finance, education, commerce, media, politics, the judiciary. Their MO is to use Jewish power to undermine the national culture where they live and marginalize the local population. America, Europe and the British Commonwealth are living very similar situation nowadays, the only thing that is missing is a financial crisis followed by starvation.
“If the question is still asked why National Socialism combats the Jewish element in Germany so fanatically, the answer can only be, because National Socialism wishes to establish a real community of the people. Since we are National Socialists, we cannot permit an alien race to impose itself upon our working people as their leaders.” – Uncle Adolf. Germany in the late 30s was a paradise compared to Weimar pseudo-Republic, international Jewry could not allow that. According to David Rockefeller competition is sin.
Frank on September 14, 2024 at 1:15 pm
NBTT, that was excellent thank you. Reading sense like this is so refreshing, thank you. Now where is that other expert Nik Kollerstrom ?
Leaders from UN member states will attend the summit to reaffirm their “unwavering commitment” to the UN, its charter, its principles and its Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. They will vow to submit to all UN agencies including the World Health Organization and the International Court of Justice. All of this is designed to move us towards what the UN is calling a “reinvigorated multilateral system better positioned to impact people’s lives positively.”
We must ask ourselves: When has the UN “system” ever impacted our lives in a positive way?
Everyone will be expected to have a biometric digital ID that marks them not just as citizens of their individual country but as global citizens. Dissident opinions or unapproved expressions of reality will be dismissed as “misinformation,” “disinformation” or “malinformation” and memory-holed. Perpetrators of such unapproved information will be fact-checked and punished by the system, which will be operated and enforced by the most efficient of means — artificial intelligence. Punishments will include being locked out of one’s bank account, being unable to make certain purchases, unable to get on a plane or subway or drive on public roads. This is the future according to the world’s self-appointed overlords at the UN.
There are two chapters in the draft Pact of the Future document: a chapter on science, technology, innovation and digital cooperation, and a chapter on youth and future generations. The draft chapter on youth and future generations builds on the 1997 UNESCO Declaration on Responsibilities towards Future Generations.
Patrick Wood, editor-in-chief at Technocracy.News, says the Pact for the Future will be where nations swear fealty to the UN.
Fealty is defined as “the fidelity of a vassal or feudal tenant to his lord.”
Wood adds that, “These national leaders aren’t free agents but rather behave like they are members of a cult, given over to self-harm. The UN mixes the magic potion that is willingly consumed, converting them into global citizen/slaves. If the U.S. were to stop funding the UN, it would fold like a deck of cards.”
Trust me, nothing good will come out of this globalist conference in New York.
The only way around it will be through official declarations by state legislatures, county commissions, city councils and, most importantly our sheriffs, saying that any UN dictates will be considered null and void in their jurisdictions, regardless of whether such dictates are being enforced by the county, the state or the rogue entity in Washington that refers to itself as the federal government.
We need to elect more Constitutional Sheriffs. They will be our best defense against the unique form of globalist tyranny coming down from the United Nations and its subsidiary organizations (these subsidiaries include the U.S. federal government and any state or municipal government that is in compliance, officially or unofficially, with any UN goals, guidelines or dictates).
Do you have a Constitutional Sheriff in your county of residence? Do you know of a current candidate for sheriff who you know will stand up to the globalists that you’d like to support or give a shout out to? If so, please let us know in the comments below your county and the name of your sheriff or sheriff candidate.
Umbra Bellator on September 14, 2024 at 7:06 pm
“They will vow to submit to all UN agencies including the World Health Organization” … “They” may vow to submit to whomever they choose, and we can vow to ignore it other than right minded people vowing to fucking destroy anyone in the WHO that we happen to come across as a payback for their part on the vicious assault on humanity that was their convid-1984 war.
“Guterres, the unapolagetic Portugese socialist who runs the UN, says, ‘We can’t build a future for our grandchildren with a system built by our grandparents.’” … That is oddly true enough, as the suicidally stupid acceptance by our grandparents (great grandparents in my case) of giving over the system of credit and currency to demonic Jews has led only to slavery, slaughter, degradation and destruction. That putrid shit-stain Guterres didn’t mean it that way, of course, but that’s the reality.
You get the treatment you allow. If you’re not willing to put your ass on the line for what’s right and to take a stand against evil, then shut the fuck up and keep bending over and grabbing your ankles.
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