Those familiar with NATO's Cold War Gladio program can see clearly that
the attacks were staged to play into a strategy of tension used to
produce fear domestically and build up support for wars abroad.
The recent refugee crisis is being used for precisely this same purpose.
In fact, while a false debate is being managed by the Western media and
Western political figures to either unconditionally accept the refugees
or unconditionally reject them, the only singular narrative both sides
are being made to agree on is that instability across MENA is to blame
and more bombing is the answer.
Debates over increased, direct military intervention in Syria are now
almost entirely predicated not on supporting "freedom fighters,"
stopping "WMDs," or fighting "ISIS," but instead on how military
intervention can help solve the "refugee crisis."
The main narratives undulating media headlines dismiss both the West's
role in devastating the MENA region, as well as acknowledging the fact
that the "refugee crisis" is emanating primarily from within NATO's
borders, not from beyond them. The refugees are pawns, intentionally
moved across the game board to illicit a predictable reaction from their
hopelessly unskilled opponents - the public. While the social engineers
are engaged in a game of three-dimensional chess, the Western public
appears to be infantilely eating their checkers.
Considering this unfortunate reality, whatever justifications the West
is able to predicate upon the refugee crisis will have to be confronted
again by Syria and its allies alone - with the Western public hopelessly
defenseless against a conspiracy they have been made accomplices of.
***Read full article here***