Ethan Indigo Smith: Did coffee fuel the free thought revolution?
Ethan Indigo Smith's email arrived just as I was sitting down with a cup of stovetop espresso:
"It is hypothesized that caffeine and the café were essential in the
advent of free thinking and open communication of enlightened ideas,
ideas of liberty. The café provided just the right stimulant, in just
the right environment to enable discussion of questions. The café was a
gathering place for the community to come together and communicate. The
café may have been the first place where people openly proclaimed their
resentment of monopolization and special privileges of the royalty,
nobility and clergy."
Ethan Indigo Smith, author of several books including The Complete Patriot's Guide to Oligarchyis
the son of a farmer and nurse who was later adopted by artists. Ethan
was raised in Maine, Manhattan, and Mendocino, California. Ethan is a
proud dropout. Ethan has traveled the world and has been employed
briefly as Private Detective in the Boston Area. He has also been a
dishwasher, a valet, a snowboard instructor and always a poet. Ethan
Indigo Smith meditates, practices Wu tai chi chuan, The Five Tibetan
Rites and various yoga. Ethan snowboards and researches nuclear
experimentation. Ethan plays basketball and is a philosopher. Ethan is
an activist, mainly with the pen, always siding with individuals among
institutions, comfortable most anywhere. All
of Ethan's writing, no matter if philosophy or satire, is focused to
enhancing consciousness. He writes towards a peaceful world with a sharp
and unique perspective.
Charles continues his discussion of why he thinks the flat earth theory is retarded and its connection to the Bible, then gets into some more Hollywood murders, with a major focus on George Reeves.
Graham’s guest Dawn Ploe talks about the rise and fall of Muammar Al Gaddafi. How he took them from the poorest country in Africa and made them the richest, with a true democracy and wealth never seen before on that continent before his downfall in 2011. Towards the end of the show, she suggests with good reasoning that Gaddafi may still be alive
Charles argues why his astronomical observations disprove the flat earth and geocentricism and then talks about how the Bible is wrong about the nature of the Earth.
Grant F. Smith, author of Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby Moves America, discusses the Obama administration’s proposal to greatly increase US aid to Israel; and Grant’s federal lawsuit claiming that any such aid should be illegal since Israel is a nuclear-armed state that hasn’t signed the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.
Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell’s New York Times op-ed wherein he endorses Hillary Clinton for president and accuses Donald Trump of being an unwitting recruit of Vladimir Putin.
Eric Margolis, a journalist and author of American Raj, discusses the seemingly endless and pointless US war in Afghanistan,
exacerbated by the “bumbling, stumbling” Obama administration foreign
policy team of Susan Rice, Samantha Power and Hillary Clinton.
Kyle talks to Drew for over an hour about the engineered black plague, which recently showed its ugly head in Milwaukee, and other important topics such as Russian agents, then is joined by Scott Roberts to discuss some of the problems with Christianity in the White struggle as well as the idea of ZOG-manufactured false flags and hoaxes.
William is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk
consultant, author, and lecturer. He has authored many books including
the international best-selling A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil
Politics, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic
Manipulation, Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New
World Order, Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American
Century, and Myths, Lies and Oil Wars.
William is a graduate of Princeton University, and he earned a post graduate degree from Stockholm University. His website is
Andre Vltchek reports from Beirut...on just about everything
Andre Vltchek is a Chomsky collaborator...and I mean that in a good way. Though I have my differences with Noam the Gnome, as discussed in the latest False Flag Weekly News, I have nothing but the highest regard for the work of Andre Vltchek, globetrotting truth jihadi waging incessant infowar against the evil empire. In this show we discuss a range of subjects including the imperialist presidency of James Buchanan (prefiguring that of Hillary Clinton?), the Empire's pushback against Latin America, as exemplified by the CIA's "impeachment coup"against Dilma Roussef, and much more.
Ole Dammegård and Nick discuss the history of Operation Gladio and how Gladio has evolved, False Flags, Staged Events, Assassinations, Crisis Actors, trauma based mind control through the use of fear porn in the media.