December 31, 2015
December 30, 2015
The Realist Report with John Friend 12/30/2015
John Niems,
a singer, songwriter, musician, and truth-seeker. John
and John discussed his musical background, his views on the “Holocaust”
and 9/11, and the importance of supporting honest truth seekers (rather
than the Jewish mass media and “entertainment” industry!). Be sure to check out John’s great music!
Relevant links for this program:
How the “Holocaust” was faked
It’s finally time to break the spell!
6 Million (vid)
Why Are We There (vid)
Relevant links for this program:
*See many more WHOOLI posts here
Radio Wehrwolf - 12/29/2015
Dion interviews the man behind Youtube's History Reviewed Channel. They discuss
the problems of black rule, the history of South Africa and Rhodesia,
the jewish problem and more...
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
Turkey: A Criminal NATO State
It is now openly discussed even in mainstream media the fact that Turkey
has been intimately involved in fomenting and supporting the war on
Syria, with its ultimate goal of the overthrow of the Syrian government
and its replacement by a compliant proxy aligned with Turkish President
Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood. That this is no longer a ‘conspiracy
theory’ but a conspiracy fact not only vindicates my analysis over the
last four years, but it also brings to the fore the nefarious role of a
NATO member in stoking a brutal and bloody war for its own ends.
International organizations too expressed their outrage at this blatant violation of freedom of the press. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists (EFL), stated that, “We are appalled by this brazen assault on press freedom and Turkish democracy…One year after the exposure of corruption at the heart of government, the authorities appear to be exacting their revenge by targeting those who express opposing views…This latest act demonstrates that the authorities’ contempt for journalism has not diminished".
Let’s face it, Turkey is now a mafia state ruled by a criminal regime. It is also a NATO member state. Perhaps now the pernicious illusion of NATO as military alliance defending justice, human rights, and the rule of law can finally be put to rest. While the propagandists will continue the charade, Turkey has permanently exposed the US-NATO-GCC-Israel for the warmongers they are in Syria and around the world. Let’s just hope the world notices.
***Read full article here***
International organizations too expressed their outrage at this blatant violation of freedom of the press. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists (EFL), stated that, “We are appalled by this brazen assault on press freedom and Turkish democracy…One year after the exposure of corruption at the heart of government, the authorities appear to be exacting their revenge by targeting those who express opposing views…This latest act demonstrates that the authorities’ contempt for journalism has not diminished".
Let’s face it, Turkey is now a mafia state ruled by a criminal regime. It is also a NATO member state. Perhaps now the pernicious illusion of NATO as military alliance defending justice, human rights, and the rule of law can finally be put to rest. While the propagandists will continue the charade, Turkey has permanently exposed the US-NATO-GCC-Israel for the warmongers they are in Syria and around the world. Let’s just hope the world notices.
***Read full article here***
December 29, 2015
Michael A. Hoffman - The Occult Philosophy
Michael A. Hoffman's speech from 1987 giving unparalleled insight on the ruling elite's philosophy and how they control societies through media, symbolism and other methods of control.
The historical dance for power between the church, royalty and secret societies is discussed in depth as well. Hoffman is the author of many books including
'Judaism Discovered'.
Download Audio
The Life of Adam
Adam Lanza has been studied, labeled, categorized, mythologized. Like Gumby or Stretch Armstrong Adam has been contorted from super-human to super-killer.
Note: Thanks to Zeetip for posting the link.
Independent Media Solidarity
The Realist Report with John Friend 12/28/2015
John interviewed Henry Graves of News for the Blind. They discussed a number of topics, including Henry's background and awakening to the Jewish problem, his views on race,
the reality of White genocide, the false narrative relating to WWII
endlessly promoted by the mass media and educational establishment,
9/11, and related subjects.
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - 12/28/2015
Brandon discusses the Syrian situation and the way forward in 2016...
December 28, 2015
Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt 12/27/2015
Robert was joined by Jeff Wilkerson, Lark in Texas, and callers to discuss many important topics.
Incendiary Radio Archive RBN
The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 12/27/2015
No Agenda Episode 785 - "Hispandering" - 2015.12.27
TODAY; Shut Up Slave!; EuroLand; CDCG; Elections 2016; Caliphate!; TechnoSkeptics; EMP's; Ottomania; F-Russia; CYBER!; War on Weed; Out There; Agenda 2030; Ministry of Truth; NA-Tech News; War on Guns; Big Pharma; War on Weed,and all your usual listening while watching The "Alternative News Media" being picked apart utilising "Divide & Conquer" techniques Via Controlled "Sock-Puppets" Planted in our midst years ago for just this contingency Favourites.
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The Sunday Show |
December 27, 2015
Renegade Roundtable with Kyle Hunt and Robert Reyvolt 12-26-15
Kyle speaks with Robert Reyvolt from Incendiary Radio about a wide
variety of subjects: reviewing 2016, the Black Lives Matter movement,
the White reactionaries, the alternative right, gun grabbers, Donald
Trump, and much more. Note: the Simpsons clip referenced in the show was
actually from 2015, not 2000, though a Donald Trump presidency is
referenced back then. Apologies for not better fact-checking; Kyle needs
a bigger team. Show-page
Tony Rooke Interview 2015 : INCONTROVERTIBLE
British film-maker, 9/11 Truth activist, Tony Rooke joins the program to introduce his new film INCONTROVERTIBLE,
"the first and only feature-length documentary" to portray the "candid
views of Police Officers, Firefighters and Soldiers... about the
official explanation for the events of 9/11."
(In 2013 Tony Rooke hit the headlines as he was summonsed to court for not paying his TV license.
In his defense he appealed to the UK Terrorism Act 2000, arguing that
much of the BBC's coverage of 9/11 — and 7/7, the London Bombings — had
been so disingenuous as to serve as a cover-up for the real criminals in
each case, and that to have paid his license fee to the BBC would have
been to have committed a much more serious offense under the Act.)
Download in different formats at
Spingola Speaks 12/26/2015
Deanna continues her discussion of Jim Fetzer's book,
drills in Illinois,
Template for Fetzer's FEMA Manual (Click Exercise Plan (ExPlan) or
here (document),
Deanna's SH Research,
FAERS, new book, Wolfgang Halbig, the Hoax of a Lifetime,
Some notes from today's program.
News Page Deanna's site
Official chat room Spingola
News Page Deanna's site
Official chat room Spingola
December 26, 2015
The Realist Report with John Friend 12/26/2015
John interviewed Martin Hill of They discussed Martin's activism, 9/11 research, and, most importantly, his confrontation with Donald Trump in which he exposed the fact that Jews connected to the Mossad and the Israeli military were arrested on 9/11.
Texe Marrs Podcast 12/18/2015 - The Elite’s Ten Point Plan to Reshape America and Build a Global Bureaucratic “Utopia”
Texe Marrs exposes the elite’s Ten Year Plan to
reshape America, end the white people’s majority, and force the
population into a bureaucratic Utopia. Big-name leaders are involved in
this hideous secret plan. Discover where America is headed. We must stop
these people—or our country is lost!
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made
December 25, 2015
Tramp-O-Claus By Rob Manuel
An antidote to the sacchariny Xmas Music we've all been subjected to today. (Plus I think I've seen this guy on my High street Outside McDonalds Before!)
December 24, 2015
The Realist Report with John Friend 12/24/2015
John interviewed Don Advo, a California-based attorney and co-host of Stormfront Radio on the Rense Radio Network. They discussed a variety of subjects, including
the blatant war on White people and White nations, the systematic,
state-sponsored discrimination against Whites in the United States, the Jewish-inspired Communist conspiracy known as the Civil Rights movement, Donald Trump, and related matters.
Merry Christmas
If you are reading this on Christmas eve, it tells me that you don't have a life which is something that I can relate to. I feel your pain. LOL
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 12/23/2015
Show Highlights: HERE
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
Download In More Formats At:
Blackbird9's Breakfast Club with Frederick C. Blackburn 12/23/2015
The Realist Report with John Friend 12/23/2015
December 23, 2015
Radio Wehrwolf - 12/23/2015
Dion discussed the historical pagan roots of Christmas. Which includes the Roman holidays of Saturnalia and Sol Invictus. Also many of the most popular Christmas customs.
Then he examined the various monsters of Christmas...
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
Ognir's TiU Radio podcast 12/23/2015
Ognir discusses many important things as he goes through his tweets from January 2015.
Ognir's The Information Underground
The Graham Hart Show 2015.12.22
Graham talks about the official offer and then plays three segments of a 1998 David Irving talk while interjecting his own views.
(Most music edited out to avoid DMCA notices)
Peoples' Internet Radio
64k Download
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Daft Parisians
Hollywood film productions are translated into French in both Québec and France and both come up with a different French title for the same movie. As you would expect it to be, the title of a movie that has been translated into French is French. This is the case in Montréal but surprisingly enough, it is not necessarily the case in Paris. In their infinite wisdom, the Parisians have come up with an English title for the latest Johnny Depp movie which is titled Black Mass.
Here is a list of a few Parisian titles for Hollywood productions in the last decade:
Here is a list of a few Parisian titles for Hollywood productions in the last decade:
- Black Mass - French Title: Strictly Criminal
- Some Kind Of Beautiful - French title: Teach Me Love
- No Strings Attached - French Title: Sex Friends
- The Hangover - French Title: Very Bad Trip
- Get Him to the Greek - French Title: American Trip
December 22, 2015
The Realist Report with John Friend 12/22/2015
John was joined by Sinead McCarthy. Sinead is a musician, singer, writer, mother, and host of Firestarter Radio on Renegade Broadcasting. They discussed a number of topics, including
her music, parodies, and pro-White activism, the Jewish agenda to
genocide the White race, Jewish supremacy in America, Donald Trump, the
Flat Earth hypothesis, and much more.
Nikolai Starikov - Why Putin doesn't recognize Donetsk and Lugansk republics
Geo-politics from a Russian perspective.
December 21, 2015
Soros Plays Both Ends in Syria Refugee Chaos
The cynicism of the Soros call for the
EU taxpayers to step up to the plate and accept millions of new
refugees, to fly them in without papers, and more, is clear when we look
at the same Soros-financed network of NGOs active in Syria trying to
create the propaganda background to get acceptance of yet another US “No
Fly Zone” over Syria as was done against Iraq after 1991 and against
Libya in 2012 to bomb those countries back to the stone age.
One of the key online advocates for a
US-UK “No Fly Zone” over Syria, something the Russian intervention since
September 30 has de facto blocked, is an organization known as Avaaz.
Avaaz was given initial financial support by Soros’ foundation in 2007
to promote key policies suitable to the US State Department. They cite
Soros’ Open Society foundation as their foundation partner. Avaaz played
a key role promoting the 2011 No Fly Zone in Libya that introduced a
regime of terror and chaos in that once prosperous and stable African
nation. Avaaz is now very actively promoting the same treatment for Syria.
Another Soros-financed NGO active
demonizing the Assad government as cause of all atrocities in Syria and
helping build public support for a war in Syria from the US and EU is
Amnesty International. Suzanne Nossel, until 2013 the Executive Director
of Amnesty International USA, came to the job from the US State
Department where she was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, not
exactly an unbiased agency in regard to Syria. As well, the
Soros-financed Human Rights Watch has played a major role in falsely
portraying ISIS and Al Qaeda civilian bombings and other atrocities as
the work of the Assad regime, building support for military action from
the US and EU. ***Read full article here***
Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt 12/20/2015
Robert is joined by Spiro and callers to discuss many important topics.
Incendiary Radio Archive RBN
Will South America Explode?
deceptive nature of the mainstream capitalist media in the United
States and Europe should be obvious. It declares Venezuela — a country
that forbids the death penalty and torture in its constitution — to be a
“brutal dictatorship.” Western media calls election results that are
confirmed by the Organization of American States, the Carter Center, and
the United Nations “fraudulent.” Unless of course, pro-US “opposition”
forces are victorious.
from exposing the hypocrisy of western media and leaders, the
Venezuelan election results put all of Latin America and the world in
greater danger. The forces that profit from war and destruction have
their tentacles all over the region, and soon they could escalate their
confrontation with the forces pushing for sovereignty and economic
current leader of the Venezuelan opposition is Henrique Capriles
Radonski. Despite being funded by western capitalists in his campaign
against the Venezuelan government, Capriles calls himself a “socialist.”
He claims his “socialism” is less “authoritarian” and “repressive” than
that of Chavez and Maduro.
has converted to Catholicism, but both his parents are Sephardic Jews
of Spanish origin. Venezuelan media has documented that Capriles is an
active supporter of the Israeli government, and that he coordinates his
political activities with well-funded thinktanks and political
organizations in the United States, western Europe, and Israel. Capriles
does not deny these allegations, but simply accuses those who bring
them up of antisemitism.
The Realist Report with John Friend 12/20/2015
John was joined by Pete Papaherakles of American Free Press – America’s last real newspaper – and The Barnes Review. They discussed the Jim Traficant Memorial Tribute organized by American Free Press, the legacy of the legendary American patriot Willis Carto, the importance of historical revisionism and objective journalism, and related matters.
Bashar al-Assad: The Democratically Elected President of Syria
“thug”; “dictator”; “murderer”; “savage”; “tyrant”; “oppressor”;
“despot”. These are just some of the words that many in the Western
world associate with the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, after four
years of incessant and hypnotic war propaganda. Democratically elected
leader of a sovereign country however, is not a narrative the
propagandists want to be circulated. The 2014 election in Syria is an
event that the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in the West desperately wants to be
memory-holed, as it runs in stark contrast to the narrative they are
still trying to inculcate in the minds of the public.
In June of last year, Assad won Syria’s Presidential election with 88.7 percent of the vote, in the country’s first multi-candidate election in almost five decades.
Lost in the incessant demonization of the latest bogeyman of the mainstream media however, are the crimes of Western leaders.Comparative
to the plethora of imperial butchers in the Western world, who still
manage to escape prosecution for their crimes, the Syrian President
really is an angel.
Blair and George Bush launched a war of aggression in Iraq that has
killed and maimed millions of innocent people, an invasion that was
denounced by the former United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, as
“illegal”. In 2011, a Malaysian tribunal which applied the Nuremberg Principles to the 2003 war found that both Bush and Blair were guilty of war crimes.
illegal war in Iraq is just one example of the abhorrent crimes of the
West and the flagrant hypocrisy of its leaders. Unfortunately, there is
no accountability for the criminal class in the Western world, only a conveyor belt of future Machiavellian leaders.
The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 12/20/2015
Kyle speaks to Seana Fenner of Odinia International about the Yule tradition and her recent revelations.
No Agenda Episode 783 - "Bernie and the Breach" - 2015.12.20
TODAY; PR; CryBullies; Shut Up Slave!; Elections 2016; Ministry of Truth; Caliphate!; War on Guns; CYBER!; NA-Tech News; Elite$; EuroLand; BTC; Migrants; Out There; War on Christmas, and all your usual listening whilst navigating Through The Crowds to find that One Last Present For Auntie Fanny Favourites. Have A Wonderful Christmas Folks!
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The Sunday Before Christmas Show. |
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