June 10, 2024

🐐RAGECAST 465: RUNAWAY TRAIN - Raging Dissident + The Cautionary Nigger & The Ku Klux Klan Without the Hoods and the Silly Names - Salamandren + Right Perspective Radio with Davis Lurmann

8:15pm EST


Studies in Anti-Jewology
End of Days 1587
Season Seven, Episode Forty-Nine

LookWhat ICanDo
Negroes In Negroland is a well documented video from white explorers describing the nigger and it's stagnant "progress".

Yes, we all came from Africa, a former continent that was in no way, shape or form, like the Africa of today, as the world's continents were not what they are now.  However, do I want to go "back to Africa"?  HELL NO. I and the planet have evolved; changed.

It must be cold weather, the snow and harsh conditions that forged much of our people.  Perhaps this is where the "black sun" comes from.  As the constant nigger sun in Africa, must make for crispy, lazy proto-humans.

Whites did not evolve from Negroes. The end.

Everything evolved from the earth. We were once monkeys. Then negro/ape hybrids. Then niggers. Then White.  Some Asian. Some camel jockeys etc . Accept it. Don't know why this bothers people. Put down your bible and think. Where do people come from if not from the earth itself? An asteroid?  lol

GeNT1Le, your arrogance is nauseating. We were never monkeys. You speak as though you have definitive truth.You do not. You are wrong.  Humans developed in different parts of the world. That's why there are races. I am not an Abrahamic death Cult member. No  human will ever know the origins of the human races.It is beyond their comprehension. Keep guessing.

Telesti, I like this. I agree this is equally compelling as the evolution fantasy. "No human will ever know..." that's the sort of statement that defines our humanity...our tradition of European scholarship.

Salamandren, it's an honor to be acknowledged by you.Thank you. Stay strong brother.
How to sell them there cars

Hanging Traitors - Gun or Rope
* Suggested by Albert *
Kittens trying to escape from a pillow case - Davis Lurmann



Grokkk said...

Posting all this stupid racist shit is a real disservice and a new low for Doltman. I can sympathize with the sentiments to some degree but functioning in the real world, this shit ain’t gonna do you any good, quite the opposite in fact. It’s going to screw your life up. Such dysfunctional nonsense. The younger generation doesn’t see the world through this filter like it or not

cjag said...

Freewheeling_Franklin -Posting all this stupid racist shit?????

Maybe you're in the wrong place?

In fact, looking back, I can see, 100%. this is the case.

from Ontario

Grokkk said...

Read my comment again more carefully. Don’t let alt media cult bullshit make you a dis functional loser in real life

Ed in Salt Lake said...

"Down goes Frazier!"

Grokkk said...

I never said I don’t believe there are conspiracies. The key is having the discernment to know what is plausible and what is bullshit. Not having a filter leads to believing in ridiculous nonsense, like flat earth for example.

Thinking that racism will enhance your life or make you better able to deal with the modern world in a more effective manner is delusional. Many of the narratives pushed by the alt media will either send you into despair (which are their intended purpose) or make you unable to be successful in life.

Your attempt at a psychological profile of me is a failure because you have very little if any information to make a logical conclusion. Now go back to watching flat earth videos and believing every goofy conspiracy you encounter

Grokkk said...

•there are conspiracies (unintentional double negative)

Jumbo Patterson said...

Jeremy, the native Londoners haven't lived in London for a long time, mate, and most weren't property owners in those days either, many were forced out by rising rents.

London was ruined many years ago... it's horrible now. It is either unaffordable or too dangerous... you can't win.

Any English that may be selling up more than likely came in from elsewhere to begin with, and are now retiring or just escaping.

There were a lot of wealthy Russian crooks who perhaps don't feel too welcome any more, the Pajits could be buying from them.

The home counties are being flooded with black overspill, as the London councils and housing associations are getting rid of their problem tenants and replacing them with private renters for higher rents, or maybe selling the properties outright.

So you see, the situation is not as black & white as you imagine it to be (more like black & brown, lol)

Jumbo Patterson said...

OK, I'll bite (probably going to regret this), say the earth is flat, what would make a downward force the default, in other words, please explain to me how the equivalent of 'gravity' works in your flat earth model.